Saturday, November 12, 2011

Black Sabbath Reunites - Tour, Album & Retirement Money

What do you do if you were in a popular band 30 years ago and need to make some money for retirement? Well, if you are not named Ozzy Osbourne but are the other members of Black Sabbath you announce an album and reunion tour and cash in on people willing to pay $100 to see a bunch of guys in their 60's play songs from 40 years ago. Yeah, kind of like going to a Rolling Stones concert. Oh yeah, or an Aerosmith concert. Yesterday Black Sabbath announced they were going to release their first studio album in over thirty years. They also said they would be going on tour next year and that Sharon was tired of seeing Ozzy sitting around everyday so got the band back together. The tour will be sponsored by AARP and Ensure.


  1. i would totally go......

  2. Would a million times rather see them than Rolling Stones or Aerosmith.

  3. I grew up on Black Sabbath.. I would SO take my dad to this reunion!!! He brought me to a ton of shows when I was as young as two until I was in HS.. I could totally repay the favor with some Sabbath action. Thanks for the post!

  4. Why not? Everyone else is on tour and tons of folks would love to go see them. I'll bet they still rock hard (unlike the Stones and Aerosmith)

  5. I saw them on the reunion tour in 99 with panterA. Ozzy jumps alot lol

  6. Anonymous4:39 PM

    My husband is excited for this and will go if they play near us. In February I'm going to see Motorhead and Megadeath with him but I told him he's on his own for this one, I can't handle Ozzy's voice. But the people watching in the crowd could be fun...

  7. Don't hate, I'm goin'.

  8. My friend paid WAYYY more then $100 for Stones tickets.

  9. I'll tell my stupid younger brother who used to rattle the walls on summer mornings with Black Sabbath. Ugh.
