Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Brett Ratner Resigns As Academy Award Producer

How often do we even know who the producer of the Academy Awards is? Well, this year, it was fairly common knowledge that Brett Ratner was going to handle the duties which is also how Eddie Murphy came to be as the host of the show. After probably being told to resign, Brett Ratner resigned yesterday as the producer of the telecast because of slurs he made while appearing at the Tower Heist premiere last week and then following it up with discussions of his sex life on the Howard Stern Show. At the premiere he said that "rehearsal is for f*gs." And no, the last word is not figs or fugs, although Brett is fug, but I don't think you have to resign as Academy Award producer for that one. Brett sent out a really nice statement filled with all the appropriate words and comments but he doesn't mean it and if you got him alone or drunk tonight he would probably say the very same thing.


  1. Couldn't happen to a more pig-tastic person.

  2. Anyone read how he banged LiLo while filming the Herbie movie? How old was she? 12?

  3. she was 19 (he claims) but failed to mention he was about 37 at the time.

    I also think Eddie Murphy will back out since Brett quit.

    Look for Billy Crystal to step in if that happens.

  4. I hadn't heard Eddie Murphy was hosting.... Why him????? Were they looking for trouble hiring those pair?

  5. Good. This will open the door for Hugh Jackman and NPH to co-host.

    Despite this, I still think Ratner is gay.

  6. Enty always says fall on your sword immediately and all is forgiven. Ratner may not have many redeeming qualities, but at least he's smart enough to play the game well.

  7. Didn't the late, great Gil Cates produce the Oscars for years?

  8. He def confirmed my theories about Olivia Munn in that interview... but yeah, a pretty horrible person

  9. What he said was awful, and agree that he was probably pressured to resign.

    As to Eddie Murphy, I would be surprised if he stepped aside, as this is a huge opportunity for him, in terms of a) recognition and b) comeback. Although he may feel indebted to Ratner for getting him the gig, in the end, people always do what's best for them.

  10. I read some quote from him yesterday on another site from his Stern interview. He bragged about making her go to a Dr and get tested for STD's, when she came back "clean" he banged her for a couple of months. In 2006, when she was 19-20.

    Fuck him and the horse he rode in on, disgusting pig. I'm never paying to see anything he directs again. Between this and the Paterno thing I am feeling very stabby.

  11. Pigs are better breathing creatures than Brett Ratner is.....

  12. I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to this than the f*g comment-- like maybe the most recent blind item reveal?

  13. Wow, he's really making a name for himself lately!

  14. Look at his stubby fingers.. That's all I can think of when I see this picture. As for Lilo and he hooking up she was probably trying anything to keep her career going.

  15. wasn't he going to orchestrate a brad/jen reunion on stage as he's a good friend of Jens and thought she'd do it for him. (Girl needs some NEW friends, THIS guy, Joe FRancis, Terry Richardson, Chelsea Handler)....yikes

  16. Oooh! "Balding"! Now THERE's an epithet! And what shall we use for actresses? "Saggy"? "Crepe-y eyed"? "Liver-spotted"? We don't hafta use just weight against celebs; apparently we can use their age against them, too! What fun!

  17. Every time I see this guy I always think it's the guy from Private Practice.

  18. Yeah, ya'll are insulting pigs by comparing them to this loser. You are a fucking class act, Ratner. Fitting name.

  19. Eddie Murray has stepped down as Oscar host, just reported by ABC7-LA.

  20. I called it first! lol

  21. No wonder his productions are so "stellar." He doesn't believe in rehearsing.

  22. Canadachick, amen! What's that saying? "You're known by the company you keep?" Or, "when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas?" Although, as RQ said, I don't want to insult dogs by the comparison... Aniston's big speech about how Chelsea is her girl crush pretty much turned me off of her forever.

  23. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Academy Award President: "Ratner, take your tiny peen and go home!"
