Friday, November 18, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

After years of homophobia, this NFL athlete is deciding to change his ways. He has been inviting gay rights activists to his home for dinner so that he can educate himself on the issues. He is considering ‘coming out’ as a public supporter, but first wants to know how and where to direct his energy.


  1. Michael Vick is the only one I can think of, and I have no idea if he has ever said anything homophobic or not.

  2. I picture a bunch of Quentin Crisp characters sniffily disdaining the items at the luncheon table as the football player explains how he wants to overcome his prejudice. And it's a strange image.

  3. For what it is worth, I had a co-worker who swore that Ray Lewis was on the "down-low." I don't know if he has ever said anything homophobic though.

  4. OJ Simpson?

    tihi, I know, I know, he's rotting in prison.

  5. I admire wanting to change and better yourself but if it's someone like MV it really means nothing to me. There is nothing he can do to redeem himself and it would most likely be for PR reasons.

    The way I read the blind is someone who wants to change because it's the right thing, and not necessarily someone who is a criminal.

    I'm not a sports fan though so I don't have any ideas.

  6. I want to preface this by saying I totally condemn everything MV did with those dogs. It was despicable. Having said that, he's done his time, done everything the courts have asked and seems to be keeping his nose clean. Don't a lot of us believe in redemption? My husband (the atheist) and I had this argument - me being scornful of MV but him saying how can I believe in redemption if I don't give him a chance? I'm no fan of MV at all (go Steelers!) but I'm taking a wait and see on MV. He's paid his debt to the state - give him a chance to prove he's changed. And believe me, it took a lot of soul-seaching to come up with that opinion. If he hasn't change, I'll be the first person to admit I was wrong about him.

  7. Sorry SusanB, I don't know where you get the impression Michael Vick's done a lot of soul-searching. Numerous interviews in the last few months alone have confirmed the guy still doesn't understand why what he did is so wrong, and more than anything, he's upset he got CAUGHT. To make a living off the murder and torture of animals isn't something you "pay a debt" for - it is a sign of a deeper, sicker issue with the individual IMO.

  8. An NFLer who has acted homophobic? Well THAT narrows it down. The next Buzzfoto BI is going to start with "A person on a planet..."

  9. I'm with RQ on this one.

    From what I've seen, Michael V. has only complained, pointed fingers, and even blamed the severity of the punishment on being black.

    That man had killed many, many dogs. Had bashed their heads in. Had shot them in the head. Had bought them and trained them to viciously attack other dogs, so he can have his fun and bet on dogs shredding into other dogs.

    In front of witnesses.
    There is something definitely wrong with him. And quite honestly, the NFL should've suspended him indefinitely for his murderous ways. Because if I remember correctly, the NFL stands for commitment to excellence, and honor in sportsmanship. Nothing like repeatedly torturing and killing dogs scream honor, of course.

  10. @SusanB - Im with you on the MV issue. I'm in the Philly area so Eagles are my team. I don't support Vick, will never wear his name on my back and I can't even find words that describe how I feel about what he did to those poor dogs. But I've let the past be the past. I had to accept him as a player, and I do. He was an example of a celebrity that did NOT just get a slap on the wrist. He was punished, he paid for what he did. I still don't think it was right what he did, but I think alot of these athletes that suddenly come into all this money get so swept up into it. More, more more, i need more. And this was another way for him to continue to pad his pockets. All he saw were dollar signs and got greedy. But I also don't think the media/public should keep beating on him over and over for it. He did it, everyone knows he did it. He got caught. And no one will ever not associate his name with what he did. He paid for it and by reputation alone will continue to pay for it for the rest of his life since he's been branded by it. But let the man get on with his life. If he gets caught doing something again, than that's it. Ride him till he dies. But, everyone deserves that second chance to be a better person.

  11. Sorry RocketQueen:

    But, you can take a simple trip through Ky. You'll see sprawling ex-horse farms, converted to raising fighting dogs. They didn't take Vick's conviction to serious. I haven't seen much in Mr. Vick to say he hasn't learned his ways. Do you watch and follow Football more than moi? How about reading sites connected to the Darker flavor of America, do you read those sites too? I'd be surprised if you do both more than I do.

    But, this was about gay issues, not pet, non-pet issues. Who ever this blind is about, good for them. If they don't anyone to know how they're changing their OWN mind, good for them on that too.

  12. screw Michele Vick...and f- the NFL for letting that pendejo back

  13. @Unknown... I am WITH YOU!!! Well said!

  14. I recall reading an interview with Vick where he was very remorseful. Though I'm a huge football fan, I haven't followed tons of interviews with him. My impression was that he was trying to be a better person. I'm no fan and am horrified by what he did.

    Does anyone have links to recent articles about his feelings on the situation (where he blames others, plays the race card)?

  15. Bringing the issue back home, I don't think Mike Vick has ever expressed any sort of homophobia so, in the words of Ted Casablanca, it ain't Mike Vick!

  16. I think SusanB meant SHE had to do some soul searching to be able to defend MV.

    I don't know who the person in the BI is, but if they really are doing this to better themselves, then I say "yay".

  17. @i - your post is pretty hard to understand, but you seem to be saying that it's not such a big deal to fight dogs because it's a way of life in certain southern states? I'm sorry you feel that way. And no, I don't give a flying fuck about football, but I do care GREATLY about animal cruelty, so clearly we're not going to agree. What Vick did to those dogs has nothing to do with football.
    Feel free yourself to read a thing or two about the rehabilitation of those dogs or Vick's statements in the last few months on the subject. Dude is NOT remorseful.

    This quote from August was the one that most recently disgusted me:

    "For a while it was all, 'Scold Mike Vick, scold Mike Vick, just talk bad about him like he’s not a person,' " Vick told the magazine. "It was almost as if everyone wanted to hate me. But what have I done to anybody? It was something that happened, and it was people trying to make some money."

    Yeah, poor you, Vick. What did you ever do??

    Here are a few links to get you started:

  18. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Rocket Queen.. I agree. i will never forgive Vick. I sing the "everyone hide your beagles, Micheal Vicks an Eagle" whenever they football

  19. SusanB,

    From a recovering Christian (because, really, how different is it from alcoholism?), people NEVER change. He's still a puppy-killing asshole, he just knows that people are watching him now.

  20. @Maja - yes, that's what I meant. And sorry, I do think some people DO change. Did MV? I don't know - I don't read or watch NFL interviews. Doesn't mean he shouldn't be watched for doing it again, but I have to give him the benefit of the doubt.

  21. Some links on when Michael Vick got caught, how he plead innocent at first, then his good friend Jamie Foxx came forward stating that black men were raised around dogfights like it is no big thing, the whole blame MV is just being racist.

    Then we have **Watch out for those with a tender heart, quite detailed** the testimonial during the MV trial:

    the rescued dogs… And how they were treated on Vick’s “farm”


    Extent of MV dog fighting ring on several states

    How his friends defended MV, he was innocent, because he didn’t know any better !!!!

    Jamie Foxx in support of MV. Racism into question:

    What has become of the dogs :

    "It is not a black or white issue but an issue of animal cruelty," she writes. "Black, white, Hispanic, it doesn't matter. Breaking the law is breaking the law, and Vick shouldn't get any special treatment because he is a football player. People need to stop using race as an excuse." Juanita Abernathy

    Hope MV did get rehabilitated, but truly, to commit such awful acts of cruelty and have the gull of pleading innocent, you truly must be blind to the extent of your crimes.

  22. Someone who did what MV did is truly evil, they don't have a soul and therefor incapable of redemption in my eyes. I'm not a religious person but I think you have to be truly heartless to hurt animals for enjoyment, especially in the sick fashion he did. They are helpless, defenseless, sweet natured, and just innocent creatures. To take advantage of your power over them is vile.

  23. Enough MV talk...he doesn't deserve my time.

    Thoughts on the Blind: What about Tim Tebow? He's a super religious guy who is coming into a hot streak with the Broncos. I imagine he was super sheltered growing up and in college and now that he has hit the NFL, he's learning to become a more even-keeled role model.

  24. Hey, thanks for the links about MV. What a horrible person. I was trying to be open-minded but I am over that.

    Go Pack.

    No idea on the blind.

  25. i don't think there is a way to 'forgive" because vick doesn't really understand that dog fighting is wrong. that is what i find so disturbing. who knows what else he is capable of.

  26. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Serious Style, no way it's Tebow. He is an evangelical Christian, yes, but he has never said anything homophobic or even negative about others, at least not that anyone has reported. He has been quoted as saying that it is not for him to judge anyone because he does not know what is truly in their hearts, only God does.

  27. Isnt this Michael Irvin?

  28. I have zero sympathy for Michael Vick. Not now or ever.

    TO, would actually not be surprised. Re ow would blow my mind.

  29. That last sentence should say:
    Terrell Owens, would actually not be a surprise, but Tebow would blow my mind.
