Thursday, November 17, 2011

Casey Anthony Survives Assassination Attempt

The National Enquirer is reporting that Casey Anthony survived an assassination attempt. I say not really. What her bodyguards found was a note attached to the front door of the safe house which said, "I know where you are. I'm coming to put a bullet through your head." If a message like that had been e-mailed to her would it be considered an assassination attempt? No, just a death threat. She gets lots of those everyday. But still, her bodyguards took her out of the house during the middle of the night and moved her to a different safe house and used decoy vehicles like they were moving the President. How exactly is all of this being paid for? Is her attorney still footing the bill? Is he waiting to be paid back when she sells her story to someone? The movie that is being made is based on the prosecutors book so Casey won't get paid for that.


  1. Exactly my question - who is paying for these bodyguards. Better not be by us taxpayers.

  2. I think that Casey will kill herself in the end of the saga. The pressure is enormous. She cannot hide from "justice seekers".

  3. I just love the headline that says "Demi's face is melting!" Hilarious!

  4. That's quite a cover! Love the CA story. Hope she has many more moves in her future. Sooner or later someone will spot her and out her. I figure all the Fraudation money is paying for her safe houses, decoy vehicles and gorgeous wardrobe! Bahahahaahahahaha!!!!

  5. Sorry, but while I think Casey is probably guilty of murder, I'm not a big fan of folks trying to put bullets in her head. Those folks are just as nasty and murderous as Casey may be.

    If folks want to really stop future Caleys from being murdered by their mothers, they should do such things as call child services when they see abuse and neglect. In short, do something for real, not trying to mete out what only God is allowed to do.

  6. I too hope this is not taxpayer money paying for her security.

    I say, the trial's over, let her out on her own with no special treatment, to take care of herself.

  7. She is going to end up having to change her name and maybe moving to another country or something. She'll never kill herself, she thinks too much of herself to do that.

  8. Anonymous9:31 AM

    This makes me think of the Chris Rock bit about Tupac and Biggie Smalls "assassinated." If you've seen it, you're giggling now.

  9. I can't seem to find who is paying for the bodyguards & safe houses? Her parents? Defense team?

    This is what she will have to face for the next several years....hope it was worth it!

  10. I'm interested in the "What the Coach's Wife is Hiding" Penn State story. I, too, think Sandusky's wife had to know what was going on. Did anybody read the Grand Jury report? He had these boys sleep over at his house and then he raped them during the night. What did his wife think he was doing with these boys in their basement? Did she never once question why they were hanging around, sleeping over, tailgating, etc.? Give me a break. Sounds like Criminal Negligence to me.

  11. I would love to know who's paying for those bodyguards.

    But I agree with Sevenmack.

  12. Assassination attempt? She's not a world leader. It would just be murder. Sheesh. Oh yeah, National Enquirer, what should I expect?

  13. i'm much more interested in what is happening with demi moore's face. CRAZY

  14. so if you are famous it's an assassination attempt and if not its a death threat?
