Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Charice Pempengco's Father Killed

Glee star, Charice Pempengco has canceled concerts in Asia for the next few days so she can go back home to the Philippines to deal with the murder of her father. Although Charice has been estranged from her father for some time, she Tweeted, "I loved him and I will still love him. He's still my Dad after all."

Her father was stabbed with an ice pick after he came into contact with an angry drunk man at a grocery store. The murderer escaped but there is a $400 reward to capture him. Yeah, I know, $400 does not seem like very much at all. Charice is one of those Hollywood stories you love. Popular in Asia from YouTube and hard work, somehow one of her videos went viral and the next thing you know she is on Ellen and Oprah and wins a spot on Glee where she has been for the past couple of years.


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    What a terrible thing for anyone to have to deal with. She seems like such a sweetie. :-(

  2. Hard to loose a parent close or not...

  3. I will say a prayer for safe traveling for her and for some peace in this situation. Just sad. : (

  4. This poor girl. I have to admit that there's a misanthropic part of me which dreads going into stores because I worry about some crazy person's random psychotic break. I stay the hell away from people I don't know, and my eyes are always darting around in public. And I NEVER provoke strangers, particularly if they're drunk. Not to say that the murder victim started a fight, but drunks are generally violent, anyway. So, so, so sad.

    And I'll say it: 400 bucks is nothing. NOTHING. I've seen lost pet signs that promise bigger rewards.

    Hey, Ryan Murphy? I have an idea, and it would probably make you look like less of a self-serving douche. How about supporting a cast member and ponying up some of your own accumulated loot and contributing it to this reward fund? I'm sure you make 400 bucks per MINUTE, and it would be a nice gesture. Just a thought.

  5. $400 in the Philippines is not nothing. The average middle class monthly income is around $300, so picture a reward equivalent of $4-5k. Yes, it would be nice for Ryan Murphy to chip in, but don't criticize the award amount based on a us standard of living. I hope that she will be ok -- that is a horrible tragedy for her to face.

  6. $400 in the Philippines is not anything to sneeze at. I mean, when you're living in a shanty, $400 is a lot of money.

  7. @Seachica...agreed. $400 in Philippines goes a loooong way

  8. Charice has not been on Glee for the past couple of years. The show is only in its third season. She was on a few episodes in the second season. Talk about facts not in evidence.

    My sympathy to her, having an estranged father die under such circumstances will not be easy for her.

  9. Such a sad story and I will keep her and her family in my thoughts today.

    As to the comments about crazy people in stores - I totally agree. Some guy totally wigged out at a Starbucks this morning in my city and caused major destruction (shattered the glass case). He was caught and the news cameras were showing how crazy he was still acting in the back of the police car. Then I headed to my local Starbucks on my way to work and the lady in front of me was obviously still enjoying the affects of a very Happy Halloween (it was 7:00 a.m.) and acting strange. She got upset when the barista told her that in the future she can't give her $0.50 refills unless the original coffee was purchased at their store on the same day (actually it's supposed to be the same visit without leaving the store - but this store is great about the refills as long as it is the same day). She didn't refuse to give her the refill she just very politely explained that next time . . . The lady started going off on her saying that she had just been here earlier. The barista politely explained to her that she knew she hadn't purchased it there because as of that morning they had switched to the red holiday cups (and this cup had definitely seen better days), but that she would do the refill for her this time. Again very polite and trying to keep the situation calm. At that point the woman's boyfriend came over with their cart and demanded to know what the problem was (cart had several cases of beer only - at 7:00 a.m.) and got all indignant. I was just standing there praying that nothing would happen to any of us. The barista handled the situation beautifully (this Starbucks is in a Safeway) and the store manager was coming over to handle the situation with the guy while the "lady" was struggling to find the $0.50 to pay for the refill. She gave $0.30 and couldn't figure out how to get the rest of her change out of her purse. I finally gave the barista a quarter so that I could get my tea and leave.

    When I finally left and went out to the parking lot the couple were standing next to their truck and couldn't figure out how to get in it. Seriously! And yes the cops were heading into the parking lot at that point. = ) If I wasn't already late for work I would have stayed for the rest of the show.

  10. Ida Blankenship, I heart you.

    Yes, $400 in Thailand goes a long way, but Ryan Murphy could easily triple that reward without breaking a sweat. That's probably the amount of $$ he pays for a month of lunches.

  11. This girl's pipes are unreal. She actually gave me chills when she sang Gaga's "Telephone". Sorry, girl :(

  12. With all due respect, this chick was in like two episodes of Glee and you want Ryan Murphy to help her with a reward? Look, I'm a very liberal person--especially with social issues--but I find it HILARIOUS when people just shout out "Oh that rich person she kind of but not really knows should chip in! What a dick!" Good lord. And people wonder why liberals expect free handouts. Do you realize how silly that sounds? Ryan Murphy is a piece of shit, but what exactly does he have anything to do with a guest star's father's murder?

  13. @Jamee -- Um, not *all* liberals expect free handouts. Even if you claim to be a liberal yourself, that's a generalization.

    And I abhor Glee with a passion, so I wouldn't know if Charice has appeared in two episodes or twenty, but the producers have definitely made loot from these kids selling their bad karaoke versions of hit songs on iTunes. I know *that* much.

    If I were a boss and my employee were in this situation -- and I had vast amounts of wealth -- I'd definitely toss a few thousand dollars her way to contribute towards a reward. Ryan Murphy could at LEAST issue some sort of public statement expressing some sympathy for this girl and her tragic ordeal, but I won't hold my breath. To him, the Glee cast members are just cattle who happen to be able to carry a tune.

  14. LOL, I KNEW someone was going to complain about comments suggesting it would be nice if Ryan Murphy contributed reward money. Anything I was going to say, Ida has already said, so I'll just add, why does the word "liberal" come up? I find that very strange. Personally, I would like to see more people in the world give a shit about their fellow human beings. Be a little less selfish. Politics, being "liberal," etc., has nothing to do with it, imo.

  15. The word liberal does not always mean a political party. It's a general expession because that is a LIBERAL way of thinking.

    I would love to see people caring about human beings as well, but those kind of comments just make me laugh. It would be lovely if Ryan Murphy could help anybody, yes. I don't disagree with that and don't have an argument against it. I think everyone with money has a moral obligation to use a portion of that money for good, however they so choose.

  16. @Jamee -- *eyeroll*


  17. Sorry you disagree. Awesome attitude, though.

  18. @New Life and Attitude: Do you live in Sacremento? I just saw a news story that sounds like exactly what you described: http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2011/11/01/suspect-in-custody-after-smashing-up-sacramento-starbucks-store/

  19. $400 converts to 17,000 pesos, which isn't a small amount of money there, I don't think.

  20. Of all the many, many people involved with Charice's career, how did Ryan Murphy jump to the top of the list?

    Glee and Charice are barely related in the first place. She is not famous because of Glee. She's been on the show for maybe 10 minutes of screen time. Meanwhile she is a huge deal in the Philippines and other parts of the world. She is neither poor nor short of people who would be glad to help her if asked, many of whom are probably much closer to her personally and/or professionally than Ryan.

    Meanwhile, how presumptuous would it have been for some barely related acquaintance to jump in and say "hey I'm the rich Hollywood guy here, I don't care how its normally done in your country, but I'm going to butt in and decide the proper reward amount and pay it myself because you poor backwards people obviously can't do it right yourself."

    Now THAT would have been an offensive attitude, like this post.

  21. @Unknown -- Money is money. Personally, I don't think it matters where or from whom a donation towards something originates.

    And I still think those kids are being swindled when it comes to the profits accrued from their cover songs. But whatever. The show is terrible, but the murder of this girl's father is obviously a trillion times worse.

    Also, no one in this post called the Phillippines backwards. That's your own hyperbole talking.

  22. If Ryan Murphy did anything to support her, Lea Michelle would throw a shitstorm. Charice blew her right off the screen when she guest-starred. Lea isn't even in the same league as her.

    "...no one in this post called the Phillippines backwards."

    Actually, I think Miss Sue Ellen did exactly that. "Shantys?" WTF?

  23. Well, if anyone lives in a shanty, they can pretty much expect to see this kind of thing every day. That's why we encourage people, especially those living in third world countries, to pull themselves up by their own boot straps and find some way to support themselves instead of letting the government do it for them. Damn liberals.

    But $400? Man, even I can haul in that much per month. I would have to give up my smokes, but it could be done.

  24. While the Phillippines is considered an underdeveloped country, I'm prettyyy sure the Phillippines Charice lives in is wouldn't be considered that. If you can afford Botox, I'm guessing you don't live in a shanty.


  25. @Mooshki -- Oh, dear. I didn't even notice the use of the word "shantys." Yikes.

    There are many CDAN commenters I respect and take seriously, and there are others whose words I lightly skim. This is why.
