Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chelsea Handler Says Ashton & Demi Had Threesomes

Chelsea Handler was on Piers Morgan and got to talking about Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore and said that although she did not know them well, she was under the impression the couple had threesomes frequently and that Demi likes women and that at some point, threesomes became twosomes without Demi and that is cheating. Do you think it is the cheating or the fact that Demi has been humiliated in public twice in the past year and it makes her look like an idiot?That first humiliation was with a woman that Demi saw Ashton flirting with and getting a phone number from and she never seemed to care, so maybe it is the if you do this you better not get caught. I'm sure Demi was probably way more selective about the women she found and brought home and knew they would not say anything. That might change now, especially if the divorce gets messy.


  1. Perhaps Demi will take comfort in the fact that Ashton didn't throw her off a boat in the middle of the night and let her drown at least. It could have been worse.

  2. LOL@ The Black Cat.

    I don't know - why did she get so skinny? I thought it was the stress of the marriage breakup. Was that just part of the plan?

  3. Being cheated on IS humiliating in itself, whether the public finds out about it or not. Having it on the cover of every tabloid probably doesn't help. I can see them having an open relationship and Ashton getting sloppy and getting caught.

    I am really rooting for Demi in this. I want her to get healthy and gorgeous again, and then I hope she gets some awesome movie or TV work and obliterates Ashtons career with it!

  4. I don't care about either one of them but chiming in anyway....

    Open relationships rarely, if ever, work out. it sounds like a nice, 'grown-up' thing to do for open minded blah blah blah people.

    Polyamourous relationships can survive because the three or four people involved keep it to that and don't stray out of the ring (you know, that's the premise).

  5. Rooting for Demi too.
    Like joymama said, getting married and then bringing in other sexual partners rarely works. What was she thinking?

  6. Demi was a dummi to let Ashton the Kutchbag start this threesome crap in the 1st place. Her idea you say? HA!

  7. Is this necessary ? Everyone is going to put their spin on it...shoo

  8. If the 3some thing is correct, I agree with you all. As soon as she allowed it even once, she has no one to blame but herself for letting that idiot think it was acceptable. Yes he is absolutely to blame but even giving him an inkling that "it's okay" is NOT a good idea.

    Wasn't she a reveal last year? The one who caught him talking to a younger actress (re: his own age) and 'accidentally' spilled her wine all over the actresses dress?

    Pretty sure she was.

  9. Isn't it always convenient that the woman is bisexual and never the man and that it is always a woman who's brought in as the third person but never a man?
    Makes me wonder if it is true what I read on another site that women (in this case Demi) often do this to please the man so that they at least have a say in who their husband's having sex with besides them.
    And what became of the story that Demi allegedly cheated on Ashton with one of his best friends long before he cheated on her?

  10. Demi's bveen around a LONG time and she knows how the game is played. I find her just as skeevy as her doofus husband. As for the weight loss, I'm sure that was simply a cultivated tool for attention. Her whole act reeks of manipulation. I hope this does get messy and some secrets are spilled- good on Chelsea Handler for ratting them put!

  11. Maybe Chelsea Handler needs to keep her nose out of Ashton and Demi's business...

  12. Demi is no angel and Ashton is not the doofus he plays on TV. Do not be fooled by the image they have carefully projected. Its a shame their marriage ended, but dont fool yourself into thinking theres one person at fault here and the other is innocent.

  13. Exactly what Anotheramy said. These two are equally smarmy and skeevy, neither is innocent and I don't care about this story. I was only interested in the time it took for Enty's reveal to come true and prove him right, other than that they are boring.

  14. Someone on the AK/DM divorce post on here said this same thing about the threesomes.

  15. Weel, I think that her campaign is working if people are feeling sorry and rooting for her. All the counseling and crap that she put out about saving her marriage was cooked up to achieve this crap. She's been manipulating her press and public ID for a long long time. She's always been an egotistical and self-centered woman who has worked hard so everyone couldn't believe how old she was because she looks so beautiful. I wouldn't even put it past her to have chosen Ashton in the first place because he was so much younger so she could be the beautiful cougar. She should look after her kids who are a mess.

    I hope this situation forces her to come to grips with some truths and she grows up.

  16. so chelsea Handler is the source of Lainey and Ted Casablanca because they said the same stuff about Moore/Kutcher split (for once,they agree together)

  17. I don't know...calling your twitter account @mrskutcher shows a sign of a very recognizable type of female insecurity...after always being a very strong, independent individual even in her marriage to Bruce, it seems she identified herself as a part of that couple pretty heavily - perhaps too heavily - for all those years. Threesomes or not, seems like somewhere in that marriage the balance of power shifted and she was no longer the hot wise older woman in control, but the wife more and more desperate for attention from an arrogant, narcissistic husband. And he may not be a dufus but he's no genius either; he's got a hugely inflated sense of his own importance. I can't help it - I hope she rises while he reaps what he's sown. You go, Demi! You're free!

  18. My opinion - Demi had women she did NOT care about, if they hooked up with her husband, and then there were women she probably felt should be "off limits". I bet this last chick was an "off-limits" chick & combined with the public humiliation - she had enough.

    Open relationships only work if they are true, no technicalities, open relationships. Most couples in these types of relationships have different opinions of what is acceptable and it's never made clear or discussed. It can all be tied back to lack of communication, also.

  19. i disagree that its humiliating to have your spouse cheat. thats on the cheater, not the (unknowing) spouse at home.

    i want to hear if te J Jones baby deal is part of this.

  20. @Me - good point & even better question!

  21. I gotta agree, the "open" relationship thing usually is just a temporary arrangement. In my life, it was a stage between love and packing your bags. If people are going to have an open relationship, the wisest course is to maintain separate households. All the rules about who can do what and when they can do it, and what they can't do, and what they have to conceal and who they can't tell, etc., etc., those rules kill love faster than the betrayal, I think. Eventually, the players find themselves both in violation of the rules and it's impossible to get a free pass on anything.

    I am not a Demi Moore fan, but I like her enough to say: I hope she keeps her head high, focuses on the future and gets out of this mess with her dignity intact.

  22. @Barton Fink - I think that was very well put. I agree fully.

  23. I wonder too if it's not so much the public humilation but the January Jones baby. Wasn't it rumoured she was hoping to have a child with Ashton but had several miscarriages? Imagine how that would just break your heart. That would tear apart a marriage without repair more so than getting caught sleeping around. I would think anyway.
