Monday, November 14, 2011

Connor Cruise Wears Jesus On A Necklace - Rebelling Against Tom

Can you imagine the terror sweats that Tom Cruise must get at night when he thinks about all his ex-wives revealing his secrets. Well, Connor Cruise rebelling against Tom might not be the equivalent, but it must still keep him up. In Touch says that Connor has started to rebel against his very strict father and is feeling neglected and is really, just being a teenager. The thing is this teenager probably knows a whole lot of stuff that Tom probably does not want released. The picture above of Connor shows him wearing a necklace with Jesus on it which is a big Scientology no no. So, if Conor leaves the church then he can talk to his mom again? Will Tom never speak to him again? That family man image would go right down the toilet wouldn't it?


  1. every one signed confidentility agreements

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I've always wondered what would happen if Isabella and Connor went off the Xenu reservation, so to speak. We may find out yet.

  3. Children can't sign binding contracts.

  4. Thanks Enty, now I can't get that song outta my head!

  5. Why is it against Scientology to wear religious jewelry?

  6. Please, this child is whiter than Newt Gingrich. He's just trying to project a little cred, that's all. The hat, the ginormous watch, the stupid sideways peace sign/gang sign or whatever that is with the hand...he's just getting attention, for which he has obviously succeeded.

  7. I think Connor is great looking, and he looks a LOT like Tom Cruise did in the 1980s. Adopted, huh.

  8. He needs to toe the line if he wants to continue receiving his allowance and keep his name in Tom's will. The only way out is if Nicole secured their children financially with the divorce agreement.

    Tom may have his children on a minimal allowance, and Conner may jump ship anyway.

  9. @chopchop:

    In its application for tax-exempt status in the United States, the Church of Scientology International states:
    “ Although there is no policy or Scriptural mandate expressly requiring Scientologists to renounce other religious beliefs or membership in other churches, as a practical matter Scientologists are expected to and do become fully devoted to Scientology to the exclusion of other faiths. As Scientologists, they are required to look only to Scientology Scriptures for the answers to the fundamental questions of their existence and to seek enlightenment only from Scientology.

  10. I hope he goes off-reservation for his own good. I doubt Connor would spill the beans unless forced into it by the COS (ie, they threaten him and he goes public first).

    I do wonder what Penelope Cruz knows though. She dated Tom for 2 years right? I don't remember seeing an interview with her that ever brought that relationship up.

  11. If he is smart he is saving his allowance and plotting his escape...

  12. Anonymous10:18 AM

    GAWD he is a looker. How old is he again?

  13. I thought: "Thank God!" as I read this. If he rebels, it means he is not brain-washed to the end by years of audits. There is a hope he does not believe "Xenu the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in a DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs" :D

  14. @Nutty_flavor: Girl, I was just about to post the same exact thing. I have thought that Connor is his bio kid for a while now based on the physical resemblance.

  15. @.robert

    What happens if your parent signs something on behalf of you? Like a guarantor, or co-signer.

  16. I agree he kind of looks like Tom....same jaw. As for this, it could just be jewelry. No biggie.

  17. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I am so glad to hear this, and see this picture. There is hope for Suri.

  18. I bet he doesn't even realize its Jesus.

  19. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Does Tom have custody of his children with Nicole?

  20. @Sue Ellen Mishkey, then the parent can be held liable in some instances (say a cosigner on a car loan).

  21. @.robert

    What I was really wondering was what if Tommy Boy signed a confidentiality agreement on behalf of his kids? Is that possible?

  22. No, the kid can void it once he reaches adult age in the US and Canada.

  23. @shehla - I bet you're right. I hadn't thought of that. Still hoping it's a secret flip-off to COS though :)

  24. LOL! I'm loving that Tom is dealing with teenage years.

  25. Isn't Jesus still considered sort of a prophet in Scientology? I'm not sure, but I don't think being into Jesus goes against Scientology teachings. Their symbol even has the cross, doesn't it?

    Have to go read about it somewhere...

  26. boy's going street, lol. if wearing this is as bad as it gets; tommy got off pretty easy.

  27. RenoBlondee - It took me a minute to figure out what you were talking about! ha!

    That is a REALLY LARGE Jesus necklace.

  28. @Lelaina

    I got Jesus on my neck-a-lesussususs ;)

  29. I always got the feeling once Tom had his bio kid. Princess Suri, the adopted ones weren't that important other then sticking it to Nicole by keeping them from her.

    Maybe that is Connor's cry for help.

  30. I love it when non-biological children grow up to look like their adoptive parents.

    And I'd buy Conner's book, for sure.
