Thursday, November 10, 2011

Danielle Swayze Marries Neo-Nazi

The niece of Patrick Swayze and daughter of True Blood star, Don Swayze has married a neo-Nazi skinhead with ties to a group that wants to kill President Obama. According to The Enquirer, the two got married a couple of months ago after meeting online and then hooked up at a neo-Nazi rally. Aww, and I bet Jesse James performed their wedding ceremony. Danielle Swayze has not spoken to her father since he and her mother split and The Enquirer got to break the news to the guy that his daughter married a guy with the word Racist tattooed on his forehead. Wow. No going back on that one. Also sure to charm the father-in-law is the fact that Danielle's new husband is the founder of the Aryan Terror Brigade and has been convicted twice for committing violent crimes. There is no way that Danielle could let this wonderful guy go huh? I mean you just don't find quality men like this very often. Who the f**k gets racist tattooed on their forehead? Who gets anything tattooed on their forehead? This is the guy you want to spend the rest of your life with? Danielle should get a tattoo on her forehead that says, "I'm With Idiot," and then an arrow.


  1. I just googled Don Swayze and I still don't know who he is on True Blood. Who's Gus?

  2. Just. I mean. Wow. I have so many questions.
    How do you grow up to BE such a racist is one.
    How do you get "racist" tattooed on your forehead is another.
    But I have many more.

  3. What RocketQueen said.

  4. She looks like a real "winner" as well. Here is hoping these two racist losers do not ever reproduce. Just keep that "quality" DNA to yourselves.

  5. @Vicki - he played one of the werewolves, and looked a lot like a dirty Patrick Swayze. He was one of the main kidnappers of Bill in the beginning of I think Season 2... Or 3?

    Anyways, just wow. How messed up can you be to tattoo with pride "Racist" on your forehead? It reminds me of American History X with Ed Norton, and always makes me wonder of the kind of environment at home those kids grew up in.

    And for the record, on her forehead should be tattooed "I'm STUPID", NOT with Stupid, for marrying that type of man. I shudder at the thought of them having kids.

  6. I for one am grateful that he was willing to advertise that he's a racist. If only we could get the cheaters and child molesters to do the same.

  7. "Who the f**k gets racist tattooed on their forehead?"

    ...apparently "Dumbass Von Asshat" wouldn't fit and "#winning" was already taken.

  8. mmm no comment!

    @Jennifer: i prefer a cheater as boyfriend to a child molester

  9. @Jennifer and @Carla: Amen! really great and funny retorts.

    I vote with Jennifer for all cheaters and child molesters to be tattooed as such on the forehead. Forewarning at its best!

  10. When I see Don Swayze, I think "omg that guy looks like an inbred, white-trash Patrick Swayze! I wonder if they're related!" and then I forget to find out. Now I know.

    Aryan Terror Brigade? Sounds like posers to me. If you're so terrifying, you probably shouldn't have to say it. What a moron.

  11. I've got nothing, so I'l just co-sign RQ.

  12. Awww, what a lovely couple. The devil's horn and tail on the "R" is a nice touch.

  13. If you are white with brown eyes does that mean you probably have some black or spanish in you down the blood line somewhere?

  14. How long before he starts beating her, if he hasn't already started?

  15. Don is one of the Weres on TRUE BLOOD.

    @EmEyeKay you described "his look" bang on.

  16. Jason Steever (aka "Hatchet") is the name. HE should have "I'm With Stupid" tattooed underneath "Racist" on his forehead.
    Apparently she tried to keep the nuptials a secret (!) and when someone posted the info of Facebook threatened to "exterminate the rat"--so she's up to speed on the neo-Nazi thing already. Actually neo-Brownshirt, but whatever.

  17. Don Swayze and his daughter were my neighbors when we lived in the Valley. My family is Mexican, Danielle was my sister's best friend and the nicest, sweetest kid ever. She would always be at our house and play and eat with us. Don was always very kind and friendly with our family. We moved away about 15 years ago, but I am totally saddened that this is happening to her and her family.

  18. Man this guy's EYES....chilling.

  19. So...where does one find gainful employment with "Racist" tattooed on one's forehead? I mean, Jesse James can only hire but so many people for his enterprise...

  20. ITA, brendalove. He's exuding a Manson-crazy vibe.

    But I suuuuurrrrre would love to watch him get his azzz beat!

  21. You know, it's so interesting to think about people who knowingly and consciously decide to become Nazis. During Hitler's regime he made sure to begin teaching anti semitism early on in schools and teachers were required to support these statements with Nazi-produced history, english, hell even fairytale literature all lamebasting anyone not 'Aryan'. So in some ways for the very young to grow up indoctrinated with these ideologies, it can be at least explained why they would believe something so abhorrent as white power and disdain for non-white people.

    And yet when you actively choose to do this with no such all encompassing indoctrination, it just to me paints people like this man in a very different light- almost as bad as the very architects of the Nazi regime and Hitler himself.

    I dont believe in the death penalty but I consider people like this man to be one of the most dangerous breeds of humans we have in our society- and I so wish I COULD believe in the death penalty- cause he should be put down like a rabid dog.

  22. Her dad didn't know (allegedly) that she'd even gotten married.

    Reading the Enquirer article on his previous charges made me ill. Someone like this should NOT be allowed to walk free.

  23. What a lovely pair. I'm sure their kids will be well adjusted and productive members of society.

    I remember watching a documentary about neo-nazis in America a few years ago...there was one scene that I just can't scrub from my mind. A parent (I believe a member of Aryan nation) is talking to his two young children. They're doing the "Heil" - salutation to him. He asks them: "What are you?"
    Kids (in creepy unison): "A National Socialist"
    Dad: "Where does Hitler live?"
    Kids: "In my heart".


    But now I have to admit that I giggled at this winner's t-shirt. "Hasta La Vista, Anti-Fascista"? Really?

  24. look at his eyes. he looks demon possessed. scary.

  25. Anonymous12:56 PM

    OMG! No way. Like, totally. Encino is like so bitchen. Have no idea why I just wrote that. This Swayze chick is a freak. Racist dude...hahahhahha.

  26. Not posers - they made the Southern Poverty Law Center hate maps.

    There are many idiots like him, (& some women too), in Idaho & I suspect elsewhere who tattoo their ignorance for everyone to see. They live in small communities - towns - compounds & their only interaction with the 'outside world' is driving from 1 klan site to another for rallies & meetings. They travel in packs & scare the living shit out of everyone they encounter. I lived briefly in Idaho & was very happy to start over again in another state.

    Even scarier that this little turd is the combination neo-nazi / christian groups. I urge EVERYONE to check the SPLC hate map for your own state - it's like checking the web for pedophiles & finding out they live next door.

  27. Christ. I guess being childless CAN be a blessing. : /

  28. Why is he wearing a shirt with a Spanish phrase on it, then?

  29. Wow! I'm sure Don is thrilled. He seems like such a decent guy in interviews. Well at least her husband shows off his stupidity.

  30. I agree with Jasmine. I've cared for a patient with a HUGE swastika across his chest, but this shows a commitment to such an anti-social behavior that it can only come from something pathological. Sad. But at least his racism is clear to anyone who meets him. Some people's racism is less obvious, and in some ways, that insidiousness is just as dangerous.

  31. When my friend was a teenager, she dated a guy who didn't tell her he was a neo-Nazi. He told her he was bald just as a fashion statement. (She was a goth girl, so this made sense to her.) She found out about his affiliation when she noticed the guys in suits following them around, and he explained that it was the FBI. Obviously, she dumped him immediately. It's comforting to know the FBI keeps a close eye on these guys.

  32. Is it okay if the rest of us "Aryans" decide to terminate these psychopaths in the interest of keeping our race line free of mental disease?


  33. Well said Gladys :)

  34. @FawnNeun: Then we're just as bad as them.

  35. Hes actually a good ass dude dnt judge a book by its cover i bet half yas wouldnt even look at the guy yal would put your heads down and run like pussys
