Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Denise Richards And Richie Sambora Hooking Up Again

Denise Richards never really moves away from her comfort zone. It is kind of like the person who will never try new foods because they don't know what something else will taste like. Sure, they get heartburn from their regular foods, but they could get much worse if they tried something new. It is the only way I can explain why Denise Richards hangs out with Charlie Sheen in a non sharing custody kind of way and why she would continue to have midnight sex with Nikki Sixx or get back together with Richie Sambora. The pair were spotted over the weekend getting all touchy feely at dinner and then left the place arm in arm. What does she see in these guys? Obviously she likes the bad boy type. And of course that has really worked out well for her in the past. She likes guys who have been or continue to abuse drugs and alcohol. Again, this has worked out really well for her. She has a thing for guys who put their children in dangerous situations. Why do you think she dates these kind of guys? Is it because they are the opposite of her dad? Well, at least it gives me a reason to post one of my favorite photos of Denise back with Richie. Is she or isn't she snorting coke at the beach?


  1. That looks like some sort of lip stuff with a mirror on it. IMO

  2. Snorting coke at the beach doesn't sound like fun. Smoking pot at the beach, however, sounds very relaxing. I can't tell what that is.

  3. Snorting coke.. def.

  4. I think lots of women who like men like Charlie and Richie have very low self-esteem (no matter how vain they may appear). By dating lowlifes, they always get to be the better half of the relationship. Friends boost their egos by telling them "You can do better!" These relationships allow her to have many vices while still being "the good one". Or she could just be in love with all the drama these men create. Lots of women are drama junkies.

  5. It does kind of look like my tube of chapstick (which I use at the beach) but I wouldn't be surprised if it were coke.

  6. I am with EmEyeKay, only the most addicted coke head would do bumps in the middle of a sunny day at the beach, what's the purpose?!?! Now late at night, partying, yeah, I can see that, lol.

  7. Oh, and I think it's powder, too -- who applies lipstick at the beach, for one thing? Lip *balm*, sure, but that comes in a different kind of tube.

  8. It looks closer to her nose than her lips. Could be an inhaler to unclog her nostrils for coke at night ...

  9. ok... here's the leftover residue. Just sayin.

  10. def coke. I saved it and blew it up and you can totally tell

  11. At least she is not with her girls. I think she likes the DANGER of bad boys. I think she be bored silly with a man who treated her with class and respect.

  12. Looks more like a small weed pipe than a tooter, but I'd guess lip stuff.

  13. i think its sunblock.

  14. Where do you guys see this powder? In the first picture, she is putting sunscreen on her face - the tube is sitting right next to her leg. The second picture is of some kind of tube or container in her hands but it could literally be anything. Who the hell would do blow in the glaring sunshine on the beach??? I'm not sure even the most raging of cokeheads would.

  15. I thought this back when the photo first came out, and still think it now---that is simply a Chap-Stick or some other lip/nose/face sun protection stick. Looks identical to a Hawaiian Tropic lip balm tube to me, dark brown with gold writing.

    And I have seen my fair share of coke bullets and this ain't one, IMO.

  16. Y'all, I dunno. Check out the first pic. There's white shit smeared under her nostril, and she's pursing her lips *inward.* She's not puckering, and she appears to be covering her face. Also, if she's applying balm or chappie, her aim is a few centimenters too high. I know she's dumb, but she probably still knows where her mouth is located.

    It's sweet of you guys to give her the benefit of the doubt, though. ;-)

  17. Yea, I think it's coke too. There was also a photo (from the first time around) where she has a dollar bill wrapped around a glass she is holding with Richie standing on a hotel balcony, this was in Malibu. And...the rumors were that the "photographer" was paid to get the photos out there and ironically this was the same woman she calls the c word in her so called reality show. People thought the whole thing was staged by Denise, and of course it was. She just thinks everybody else is stupid.

    Also, they broke up on this Hawaii trip, I think because she is doing coke and it would most definitely (at the time) affect his custody hearing for his daughter.

    I was a big fan of Richie and Bon Jovi going way back to the 80's. All of Richie's shenanigans turned off alot of their fans including me.

    Stepping down now....

  18. Besides...who uses two hands to put on chapstick or lip balm???

  19. Those 2 pics from The Superficial make me say most def! No question.

  20. I've just never been able to "smear" cocaine on my face, that's all *L*.

  21. Timebob: you may have something the blinds fit Denise?

  22. I don't think the blinds fit. I think Coke mom was on a long running hit TV show. *cough* Will & Grace *cough*
    BTW I ran across this picture the other day. Youknow, in case there's any doubt. =)

  23. Nah. Denise can't be Cokemom. Mr. Cokemom desperately wanted his wife to get help and even threatened to leave her because of her habit, remember? Charlie is like the epitome of the addict/enabler.

    Cockmom (typo and it stays) is surely Debra Messing. Enty can't resist bombarding us with clues every time he mentions her.

  24. It sort of looks like concealer to me.

  25. It's a weed pipe...shes holding a lighter in her right hand and the pipe in her left. just by the way she's holding it...I can't even see how you would think it was coke. one does coke at the beach. Smoking a bowl...hellz yes.

  26. She's never been more than a booty call, why should she change now?

  27. Looks like sunblock to me. I've seen my share of coke bullets too, and this ain't one.

  28. @Tenisha -- She doesn't look like she's holding a bowl, though. It could be crack, though, I guess. *shrugs* But if she's smoking...where's the actual smoke?

    @Rocket Queen -- Sunblock!? Yeah, because Denise obviously likes to keep her skin daisy-fresh, pale, and pristine. ;-) I've seen pieces of fried chicken with better complexions. I don't think a high SPF is one of her concerns.

  29. The second picture looks like a tube of something...? I don't know enough about coke, but is it a drug you tend to do on the beach??

    I don't get Denise's choices in men either but to me anyone other than Charlie Sheen is usually always a step up.

  30. no idea which drug that is because i can't get past how nasty her bones in her chest look (not to mention the zits)
