Thursday, November 03, 2011

Dina Lohan Says Playboy Shoot Will Be Tasteful

How come every single person who ever does a pictorial with Playboy always says it will be tasteful? Getting naked for money is getting naked for money. Dina is out plugging her tell all book which turns out is not really a tell all book about anything we actually care about. Which would be when Lindsay started doing drugs and booze and whether Dina and Michael ever joined in. Instead the book is about Dina being abused or something like that so that will give her an excuse on why she f**ked up so badly raising Lindsay. Umm, how about just admitting you are greedy and all you care about is having Lindsay out there working so you don't have to.

You want to hear a classic Dina line. She was trying to explain in the interview that Lindsay has complete control of everything to do with the Playboy shoot and then you read what she says and realize Lindsay has zero control. "'She'll pick five covers, he'll [Hef]pick the one, but she has a say."

Yeah, she has a say, but it doesn't matter what she says because Hef still gets to pick. Reports had previously said that Lindsay went fully nude, but Dina is saying no, that Lindsay only went topless. I don't think Hef went for a $1M for topless. I also think the first set must have looked pretty bad if Lindsay is having to re-shoot the entire set before spending her 15 minutes in jail.


  1. I didn't even recognize her. The fake lips finally gave it away.

  2. I just read somewhere Hef hates the photo's

  3. Dina Lohan doesn't know the meaning of the word "tasteful."

  4. @Rose, I thought exactly the same thing. When I look at that picture I don't even recognize that person as being Lindsay Lohan. She looks so old and faded and worn out. I really don't think she'll be alive over another year or two. I don't even get annoyed by her crap anymore, just a sadness like when you see a stray dog.

  5. I'm reading this and thinking that she already took the photos and why did she need time before jail to do the shoot. I guess there isn't enough photo-shop in the world to fix that broken skank.

  6. I do think there is a difference between "tasteful naked" and full frontal spread eagle (which I don't THINK Lindsay would do, but who knows, really? *L*). However, Lindsay doesn't look "tasteful" with clothes ON, so I highly doubt naked pictures will be that mucg matter how much they try to recreate the "Marilyn behind the sheer scarf" - pictures.

  7. Playboy photographers are supposedly really good, so if the first set was rejected, the subject must be really, really bad. She's not up to Playboy standards! LMAO

  8. tasteful, lol. when i think of the word "tasteful" i get an image of a very proper dinning room, with servers and silver dishes. the next dish passed is this photo spread.

  9. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Well, when I think of "distasteful", I think of what Maja said...full frontal, spread eagle, Hustler-style stuff. So I guess almost anything is tasteful compared to that!

  10. "My Mommy says that my sexy, naked pictures in a men's magazine will be tasteful so it's OK." Words you will NEVER hear from MY daughter!

  11. She just doesn't have star quality or sex appeal anymore. Bad decision on Playboy's part to feature her.

  12. there is only so much photoshopping to be done on floppy tits and a saggy ass. She doesn't work out and isn't exactly in tip top shape. I am not saying she is fat just not playboy shape.

    She is nobody's fantasy anymore.

  13. The latest rumour is she's dating Hef. Jaysus Keerist...

  14. @ Jen - her "dating" Hef would actually mean the world makes sense once again.

    I don't think they're going to be able to photoshop her to where she appears to be lifelike, much less sexy.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I can't even imagine anyone buying this magazine because Lindsay is in it. There can't be much interest.

  17. Is it just me, or is there possible track mark on her arm? One arm looks like it has a really dark vein in it.

    I am not one to jump on the support-band wagon for her. But I cannot help but feel like someone else said, as if I'm watching a sad stray animal that I cannot help.

    Pushing your daughter to do movies is one thing, this is another. Especially if she does have to bare it "all." I wouldn't be surprised if she has to do more than one take, not just because of her body, if she's not into taking the photos in the first place.

  18. Anonymous12:30 PM


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. It actually saddens me to look at her face. She looks like a 40 year old who's had a lot of work. I feel squicky picturing her naked - I agree with Maja that she looks trashy with clothes ON.

  21. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Time for Dina to go to Celebrity Rehab...

  22. How hard is it to photoshop out the track marks, bruises and meth teeth?

  23. Ms Cool, what you're left with isn't pretty. Her mouth is closed in this pic, so no meth teeth and if you picture her left arm without bruises or tats she's still a mess. You can't photoshop years of addiction.

    If you notice most long time meth users look similar, even ones who don't use anymore. It just steals something from you that other drugs don't seem to. She doesn't have quite that look yet but she is getting there.

  24. What's wrong with her upper arm?? Is that a bruise, my computer, dry rot???

    Tasteful?? Bitch please! Why should she be tasteful now when she's been spread eagle getting out of cars for YEARS?

    I've seen long haul truckers get out of a vehicle more daintly.

  25. In the world of dirty pictures, I think that Playboy is as "tasteful" as any of them. Not my taste, but still the classiest out there. I wonder if her contract with Playboy has an exclusivity/non-compete clause. Because it would be a real loss for the world if died before doing "Bang Bus" or a-BOB-type site.

  26. I just read @ Celebitchy that the first set were so bad because she's covered in SCABS and bruises. Also a rumor she had crabs, at least the day of the shoot.

    You know they're bad, because Playboy employs the BEST photoshoppers.

  27. CRABS???? Like from the beach or the other kind? Ewwwwwww :(

  28. Nerts! My post didn't show .. damned craptastic Blogger!

    But .. what is missing was something akin to .. Lilo seems to be morphing into Rose McGowan .. not like the world needs two of those.

  29. See now, I thought the above pic was the best she's looked in awhile.

    And for a brief moment, when someone mentioned her dating Hef, I actually thought that might be a good idea. :) C'mon, Hef will have more rules/regulations than anyone else in Lindsey's camp!

  30. "Tasteful Nudes" - that cracks me up. People who want to see tasteful nudes go to museums. I'd savor a guess that a good number of people who buy Playboy need material to jerk off to.

  31. I think there is something to what Ms Cool said. The first shoot was with the meth teeth. I'll bet Hef said she had to get the teeth fixed before he would pay.

    And I agree that her dating Hef would be the best thing for her now. At least that would get her away from Dina, Michael and Ali!

  32. There is nothing left for her to do once the money from the photo shoot runs out. Posing for Playboy was the last Hail Mary Lindsey had. After this she has nothing.
