Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Do You Want A Naked Photo Of Michael Vick?

I think the woman who is attempting to sell full frontal photos of Michael Vick needs to realize a couple of things. Number one is that outside of Philadelphia, I still think most people just remember him for killing dogs and nothing else. Has he had a good year? Yes. Did the Eagles pay him a ton of money to play quarterback? Absolutely. Do I still think of him as a dog killer first? Everyday.

So, right there the woman has a limited market for the full frontal photos from the neck down of Vick. Second, most sites don't want naked pictures of male athletes. You could offer a site a photo of pretty much any female public figure and it would be snapped up, but unless Michael has something down there that is worth a couple of bucks, she is just not going to have much luck and would probably have more fun just starting a website, posting the photo and explaining how it came to be that the night before a game, Michael was staying up and texting her naked photos of himself. Oh, and why he was doing that if he is engaged to be married. To a tabloid, her story is worth more than the photos. Although, unless Vick has been cheating on his girlfriend with more than say, three or four women, then again, been there done that.


  1. Vick will always just be a low-life dog killer to me, too! I hope the Eagles never win another playoff game, EVER! When the Eagles played the Steelers earlier this year, all I could think was, "Wow, rapist vs. dog killer! Who do I root for?" I decided to root for a twin bolt of lightning striking both of them dead. Didn't happen, but it was nice to imagine.

  2. No, I don't want to see a naked picture of Vick. I wouldn't mind seeing him tossed naked into a cage with another dog fighting asshole and being forced to duke it out to the death while people stood by and watched though.

  3. I don't care how much money he makes or how great a football player he is, he's pond scum through and through.

  4. Anonymous8:31 AM

    You know what pisses me off? People defend him and say he got too much undeserved hate for what happened. HELLO? If he hadn't been caught, he wouldn't have stopped. It's not like he stopped dog fighting WILLINGLY. He killed injured dogs by slamming their bodies to the ground or drenching them in water before electrocuting them. There's something wrong with you as a human being if you can laugh while doing this (pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that he laughed while killing a dog) and not be disturbed. He's a sick f*** and always will be in my eyes. If you can do that to animals, probably not a far reach to think that you suck to other human beings as well. But the football industry doesnt care and all his fans don't care because he is a redeemed "human being".

  5. And if he's cheating while preparing to get married then there has been little change. Scum.

  6. I only want to see a picture of a naked Vick if he is being attacked by dogs, and one is hanging with teeth clamped around his penis.

    was that too mean and graphic? I don;t think so.

  7. I agree with everything everyone has already said, and I was going to say what you said, paris. Word for word.

  8. I wonder if Ray thinks that these are "just dogs" and that Michael Vick has "done his time"?

  9. Totally on board with RJ. Sad thing is my husband is a devout Eagles fan, and this whole Vick thing is the only real problem in our relationship. I am told repeatedly by fans that I should forgive and forget because afterall its all about winning the trophy. Makes me sick to my stomach to even consider.

  10. @soju addict-

    MARRY ME- I loved your post that much haha:)

  11. @ bits of moxy - I have the same issue with my BF. Sports really are the main thing we have arguments and hurt feelings about.

    I think he hasn't read what was actually being done to the dogs, and I don't want to take the fight to that level.

    I hate the Eagles anyway, the Cowboys are my team, even though they are dumbasses who regularly forget how to play. Pretty much any sports team is going to have at least one major jerk and thug on it at this point. Hoping my beloved Mavs continue to steer clear of that :)

  12. "Do You Want A Naked Photo Of Michael Vick?"

    no. i most certainly do not.

  13. "Do I still think of him as a dog killer first? Everyday."
    ^^ this

    Dammit - Jasmine you beat me to soju!

    My bf is a football maniac and even HE hates Vick and now roots against the Eagles any chance he gets. It's love.

  14. Well he didn't have a great game last night! Go Bears. :)

    And nope, no desire to see him naked.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I read the issue of ESPN magazine that was devoted to him, and the story of how he went bankrupt and lost all his money, houses etc when he went to prison. The article said that he was feeling sorry for himself, like, why did this happen to me, then finally came to the realization that the only person responsible for him being in jail was himself.

    A fine revelation, and let's hope it was real and actually turned him into a better person, but he's still a dog torturer to me.

  17. Anonymous11:48 AM

    @ Jasmine and RQ - Thank you! First marriage proposal I've received ;)

  18. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I love every single post so far. I HATE Michael Vick, Andy Reid, Eagles fans, and all of the people who defend him. He's a vicious, subhuman scumbag who would still be killing dogs if he hadn't have gotten caught. I've said it before and I'll say it again: he's not sorry for what he did, he's sorry he got CAUGHT.

  19. My husband was about to pick him for his Fantasty Football draft and said "Will you divorce me if I pick him?" I responded with "Yes, yes, I will."

    And I 2nd parissucksliterally's post (and others)...pit bull on his penis and the proceeds of the pics go to a pit bull rescue or ASPCA.

    Big shocker he treats the ladies like shit as well.

  20. Anonymous12:15 PM

    pit bull on his penis and the proceeds of the pics go to a pit bull rescue or ASPCA.

    Ummm. . .I understand vigilante justice. But this?

  21. Thank you to everyone who feels as strongly as I do about this monster.
    The full extent of the Spanish Inquisition would be too light a sentence for this piece of slime.

    Go Bears!! It was a happy night in Chicago yesterday.

  22. I don't want to see this scumbag clothed .. much less naked. I dislike him more than civil words can manage to describe .. and come to think of it four letter ones don't cover it either.

    It was all I could do not to give up on the NFL the second they let this douche come back and play. And yes .. I get the whole "he paid his debt to society" deal .. but let's put it this way .. what if he was a child murderer? I would put forth the animals he tortured and killed with his activities were just as vulnerable as small children. Pitbulls or no .. they wouldn't have been in that position without this sick ***k. To me .. a huge animal lover .. that makes him akin to a child murderer.

    Hate him .. can't wait 'til his time in the NFL is over.

  23. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Ya seen one dog killer's peen ya seen em' all. Vick...report to Celebrity Rehab!

  24. You know who else tortured & killed animals? Jeffery Dahmer.

    I agree with everyone else about this POS being pond scum. My DH hates him too.

    Go Pack!!

  25. I would like him tossed into the ring and hungry dogs to rip him a few new orifaces. Does that sound mean?? Sounds like Karma to me.

  26. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Chop chop, not just Dahmer. Studies have shown that nearly EVERY serial killer started off abusing and/or killing animals. Which is why children who do this need to be incarcerated and sujected to INTENSE therapy.

  27. I hate this man and I'm still flummoxed that he'd be allowed back in and drafted immediately, but money is all that matters to those assholes.

    Ugh, so much abuse in this world! I don't get it.

  28. Layna Day - I was at a community event where the local ASPCA had a booth. As their fundraiser, they had a full-size cardboard photo of Vick that you could throw darts at. Three darts, two bucks. All of my sisters handed over their cash, lined up, and aimed at his peen. Bam, bam, bam. They drew a huge crowd and his crotch was riddled by the time they were done. After the volunteers working the booth finished their laughing fits, they bought us lunch on their own dime for providing them with so much entertainment and drawing in so many other people who wanted to nail Vick's peen, too.

  29. Enty, come now! This is the perfect way to resurrect Full Frontal Fridays!

    Seriously, what does this guy do other than dog fighting? I really don't know. Plays a sport, right?

  30. @Layna Day
    Have you ever read about what those dogs actually went through? I'm being too hard on him (Like I'm being 100% serious anyway)?

    Ever read the article by one of the people that adopted one of Vick's dogs and the struggles they went through to rehabilitate him? Hmm...you're right.

    Pit bull biting his ass with proceeds to the ASPCA. Is that better? :) XOXO

  31. @Squeezebox - Now that's a cause i can get behind! :)
