Friday, November 11, 2011

Four For Friday - Quick Hits

#1 - This up and coming just about A list R&B singer either needs to head for rehab or get clean. She is out of control and spending almost $2500 a day on her drug habit.

#2 - This Twilight actress is telling friends she is pregnant and desperately trying to hide it for a few more weeks.

#3 - This former B+ list television actress from a very hit teen drama type show and now pretty much always unemployed but still pap worthy when spotted actress faced a $10,000 cleaning bill when she recently left her apartment in the middle of a lease. She could not afford to pay the lease and owed the cleaning bill because apparently she could not be bothered to ever take her dog outside and was very bad at cleaning the messes up.

#4 - This former tween television actress on the Mickey Mouse network has been in this space before because she is passed around like candy between hip hop artists. Now though she has been passed to a Saudi prince who had a crush on her during her Mouse days and pays her a fortune to be with him.


  1. 1. Rihanna is rumored to be a major cokehead

  2. 4.Adrienne Bailon and if she were smart she would get knocked up and secure that Saudi money coming in for at least 18 years lol

  3. #2 That nikki girl that just got married?

  4. #3 - Mischa Barton?

  5. #1 - Nicki Minaj - there's a story over on Dlisted that she went ape shit on her salon girl for no apparent reason. Not to mention her maid firing incident from a couple of weeks back

    #2 - Nicki Reed

    #3 - Mischa Barton

    #4 - Adrienne Baillon? (I dont know how to spell her name)

  6. @Carrie, I agree with all of your answers.

  7. #4 is adrienne. that didn't even need to be a blind.

  8. 1. Nikki Minaj - she's had 2 publicized freak-outs lately.
    2. Blah blah blah
    3. Mischa Barton
    4. Adrienne Bailon

  9. I think you nailed it Carrie!

  10. Rihanna is definitely A-list so it must be Nicki & Adrienne is just a sad story now.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Great guess guys, yeah I am digging Nicki Minaj for #1, I always forget about her because Enty considers her an R&B singer and I consider her a rapper if anything

  13. Cosigning w/ Carrie.

  14. Totally agree with Carrie, especially for number #1. Rihanna is not up and coming; she's def A-list.

  15. I think Carrie nailed it too. I can never get these blinds unless it's a total slam dunk. I just come here to read the answers.

  16. I'm with you Sherry, I'm a bad guesser too.

    Carrie, you get the MVP award today (and all stars to everyone who made partial guesses with the same names).

    Happy Friday CDANners. :)

  17. I was wondering if #3 would be someone from The Hills/Laguna Beach gang.

  18. Isn't Nikki a rapper, not an R&B singer?

    And while I can very easily seeing #4 as Bailon, she was a singer with 3lw and even her role on Cheetah Girls was a lot of singing.

  19. 1-Nicki M
    2-Nikki Reed
    3-Jennifer Love Hewitt
    4-don't know but very sad.

  20. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I think Carrie got them all.

  21. FWIW-I follow Adrene Bailon on Twitter and she tweets a lot and is always so positive and sounds so joyful and full of life. If this is her, she is either a great tweeter faker or she really is enjoying her life.

  22. #3 sounds like Mischa Barton. She ran out on a lease in NYC (but it wasn't recently) and was sued by the landlord. I wouldn't be surprised if she walked off on the cleaning bill. Didn't see also get sued for not paying for her private nurse as well?

  23. #4 Lisa Whelchel. We've all heard the stories ...

  24. Aha! But Kristin Stewart is in the photos today instead of Nikki Reed,she would be much more gossip-worthy if pregnant. The crazies over at Ted's are liable to implode on themselves.

  25. I know Enty sometimes mixes together singers & rappers, but I don't know how you could ever call Nicki R&B?

  26. Oh, and why would Nikki Reed be desperate to hide a pregnancy? Now that she's married, it'd be nothing but good publicity for Twilight.

  27. @Licia06-Hi Sister!!! :)

  28. I don't get the whole "passed around" thing. She's either being an opportunistic tramp who knows exactly what she's doing or she's being "passed around" like property, in which case there tends to be severe abuse and psychological issues. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to equate that term with forced prostitution.

  29. Anonymous3:43 PM

    where the hell has IdaB been??

  30. Agree with all of Carrie's guesses!

  31. 1 is totally Rihanna who has major substance abuse issues. She was just hospitalized not too long ago for "exhaustion" people. And Nikki M is not a singer, R&B or otherwise.

    4 is Adrienne B and good for her for finally having a billionaire paying her for it. No point in giving it away to a bunch of worthless assholes.

  32. @ lilivonschtupp - Lisa Welchel is all born again and has given her life over to Jesus. Kind of like Kirk Cameron.

  33. Mango - I think she was kidding about Lisa Whelchel, since she's been a born-again Christian forever. (I chuckled anyway!)

    I agree with all of Carrie's guesses except for Nikki Reed for the reason stated above - she's married, so who cares? I'm leaning toward Ashley Greene. I considered KStew, but I think there would already be all sorts of rumors all over the place if it were her.

  34. @Mango Yeah, I was kidding. Unless there actually are "stories". In that case, I'm intrigued. But I don't think there's any dirt on her besides her questionable parenting techniques, which she freely shares.

  35. Rihanna is definetly headed for trouble, which is a shame because she is pretty and talented. Not sure why her handlers aren't reining her in???

    the rest of the blind items are kind of lame..but Adrienne should try to do what MontanaMarriott said..get herself knocked up with the Saudi prince and get herself mega $$$$ off it.

  36. No way #3 is JLH. She has done so many movies and TV shows that she HAS to have a bank account as big and impressive as her breasts.
