Friday, November 25, 2011

Four For Friday

#1 - While his B list television actress wife on a long running hit network medical drama was at home with their child, her husband was at the Roxy this week hitting on women and getting as many phone numbers as he could.

#2 - What Twilight actor had a bunch of the movie posters cut up so they only have his picture remaining. He then uses them as the base for when people snort coke at his house. He says that he loves people snorting coke off his body.

#3 - This A+ list R&B singer helped with a food drive for the homeless this week and then afterwards spent several hours smoking crack with them. Hey, at least he paid for all of it.

#4 - This comic actor who has been a supporting actor in hit television shows and movies is becoming a bigger and bigger star is about to have a serious breakthrough as a lead actor and move from the C list to B+ or even higher. I wonder what will happen when people take a close look at his collection of Japanese porn. He says it is all anime, which is true, but the subjects are all girls who look 12.


  1. 1 - Patrick Dempsey? But he has children, not child

    2 - Kellan Klutz

    3 - Kanye helping out?

    4 - No idea.

  2. ENT, where are you getting all this Twilight stuff? It makes it way too easy to tease the numbskulls over at Ted's!

  3. I hope # 4 isn't Joel McHale! I love that guy.

  4. 1 - definitely Ellen Pompeo - aren't there constantly rumours about her husband?

    2 - that Jackson guy even in any of the Twilight posters? Kellen is too obsessed with his body, Lautner too closely watched by his father and Pattinson seems too afraid of getting naked with anyone.

    3 - is R. Kelly still A+ list? Though I'm thinking it might be someone older...

    4- Was Jonah Hill ever on TV? I'm too lazy to look it up.

  5. #4 Jason Segel? About to hit big time with Muppets movie?

  6. Here's my guesses:

    1. Ellen Pompeo and Chris Ivery
    2. Kellan Putz
    3. ?
    4. Joel McHale (noooo hope not)

  7. #4 Craig Robinson

  8. 1. Pompeo

    2. Kellan Lutz

    3. ?

    4. Jason Segel.

    McHale is the star of Community, not a supporting player. He was the name before it was recognized as an ensemble.

  9. 1. Ellen Pompeo and her loser "music producer" husband.

  10. 4. Jason Segel has already had the lead in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, though...Augh, I really have no guess for this one.

  11. 1 - My first thought was Ellen too. Sahme, she seems nice, stays private.

  12. 3. Usher, there have been rumors about him slipping into serious drug use for a while now

  13. Joel Mchale thankfully doesn't fit. He's the lead in Community and it's not a hit and he's the host of The Soup. Neither would count as supporting. I would say he is already a B/B-. He's also married which it doesn't mention.

  14. #2 is likely one of the wolf pack - didn't one of them have some issues with drug use? Chaske Spencer, the one who played Sam is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict - hope it isn't him...

  15. It sounds like Enty is insinuating that the person in #4 is into child pornography. I would like to point out that, with their big eyes, all the girls in anime and manga look 12 years old.

  16. thank you iheartjacksparrow for saying what I was going to. Girls in hentai come in two flavors: flat girls who look 12, or girls with ginormous breasts.

    Way to try to make it sound like child porn.

  17. Ellen Pompeo's husband is a dog. I remember a girl coming out a couple years ago and talking about their affair.

  18. I don't know if Akon is considered A list singer but he was just in Los Angeles doing a food drive for the homeless with his mother that he funded.

  19. 1 - def ellen

    2 - i agree its one of the wolves that think they are hot shit because they are in twilight at all. seems any of the others would be qualified as twilight "stars" not just actors. for new moon they had several posters featuring just the wolf boys.

    3. no guess

    4. not sure but i don't think its jason segal. as someone pointed out he's already been the lead sarah marshall, so a second lead can't be a "breakthrough" role. he already had his breakthrough role. i also think HIMYM has already put him on the map. plus he's not just an actor. he wrote both sarah marshall and the muppets. i think this is someone smaller than segal. and not just in height :-P

  20. I would say that Jason Segal's fan base is pretty nichey. Muppets will expose him to whole new audience. I still think he's a possibility for this one.

  21. hasnt Lainey suggested that Rob Pattinson has a coke problem?

  22. What about Jason Sudeikis for #4? That's the first guy that came to mind.

  23. And a lot of Japanese anime porn is violent and sometimes looks like rape. So it's kind of sickening all the way around.

  24. #1 asshole
    #2 egomanic
    #3 addict
    #4 pedophile

  25. @Lori:Lainey just did a blind riddle this week about Fincher and Mara Rooney after to read a weird Vogue interview

  26. #4 - Jason Sudeikis?

  27. #3: T.I. - I think of him more as a rapper, but I read a story about him donating a lot of food to the homeless in Atlanta for Thanksgiving, and we all know he likes the pipe.

  28. usher wasn't there. Going to re-read the blogs now and see who attended that would qualify as A+ list R&B singer.

  29. Yes, Bubbles, Akon did have an event. Certainly would categorize him as more rapper than R&B. There was another event in Atlanta, but mostly rappers. Ludakris, Common. There were female R&B singers, but certainly not A+ list. Who qualifies now days? Usher (not him), Trey Songz, Neyo maybe? who else?

  30. As you can see, I want to figure this out lol. Would Chris Brown qualify as A+? His popularity soared (for worse, not better) after the "incident." Bobby Brown I would say is A list, nor is El Debarge or Kem, though they all have reoccuring drug issues.

  31. Akon is definitely a singer who is featured on rappers projects; but he's not a rapper. I can't get that horrible machine altered voice out of my mind. Go see his videos on youtube, he definietely doesn't rap but with that voice of his, I wish he did.

  32. I first thought Jason Segal for 4, but he must be at least B now. I don't have a problem with anime girls or anime porn. They ARE cartoons after all. No toon was hurt in filming. Cartoon violence (like Tom and Jerry or Family Guy) is very present, but being a cartoon, the impact is much lessened. From what I've seen though Misspoppypants is also right imo. But I would never call someone who watches anime porn a pedophile, that has a much more chilling definition.

  33. #4 I immediately thought of Patton Oswalt. Stand-up comedian, self-professed comic book nerd, and has been a supporting actor in several successful films and tv shows. Breakthrough role could possibly be Young Adult coming out this December.

  34. bubbles, you're right; in hindsight, he is a singer and not a rapper. I guess I never categorize people who sing hip hop as actual singers. Certainly not R&B. Like Drake, for instance, I see him and Akon as hip hop artists. I see Usher, R Kelly, Trey Songz (vaguely) as R&B. Hopefully this blogger is reading this and knows the difference. lol

  35. *Yawn*
    Not Usher. No footage of him helping out anywhere, and considering his A list status, there would've been some sort of coverage.

  36. EmEyeKay..I think you're the only one that got them all right! Too funny.

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