Friday, November 11, 2011

Howard Stern Coming To Network Television

It looks like it is not taking producers of America's Got Talent long to find a replacement for Piers Morgan. The Wall St. Journal of all publications is reporting that Howard Stern is thisclose to signing a deal to be a judge on the show for $15M a season. That is a ton of money to work just a few hours a week. I guess he does have a commute to make which will add to his burden, but for $15M a season, I think I could suck it up and fly coast to coast once or twice a week for a few months.

The big question is whether America is ready for Howard Stern to be in their faces every week. I actually think this is a perfect job for him. He sees and speaks to so many people with dubious talent that he can probably recognize good talent when he sees it. I do wonder though if he is going to try and bring his radio show personality to the television show or if he is going to tone it way down which will please the benign masses, but will disappoint his fans who gave him his popularity which got him the gig.


  1. I wonder, if he becomes a judge on AGT if Sharon will leave? Hope not...the two of them together could be ratings gold!

  2. This guarantee's then another season...

  3. He sucks, perfect fit.

  4. Uhm, I don't see Howard toning it down for anyone, he will be out by the second episode, after making a lewd comment about some contestant's "juggs" lol

  5. I love Howard. His show has been toned down quite a bit since he got married. I've never watched America's got talent, we'll have to see.

  6. I used to listen to him in the 90's on regular radio, until I got too sick of his verbal abuse to his staff. He would rail against one or the other of them (everyone except for Robin) ad nauseum. He'd just slay the guys-and I found it repulsive. Wife seems OK though.

  7. This should be quite interesting.....He and Sharon will kill each other. Howie will just run for cover.

  8. Nick Cannon hosts this, right? How long before he tells a Mariah joke?

    This could be goooooooood.

  9. Sharon's been on his show and they get a long quite well. I don't know how that will carry over with them actually working together. Howie's been on his show, too, and that's always pretty good. I think Howard would be perfect in a job like this. I think he can be honest in his opinions and say things to get those sound bytes in a Simon Cowell kind of way. I don't think he'd be out of control with vulgarities. He's actually a very smart man and gets what a network will allow. If he was on, I'd actually start watching it again.

  10. Ny husband is in love with Howard, no joke. The only thing that bothers me about his show is Robin's laughter, and also it can get loud. Once I started hearing tidbits I was surprised at how intelligent, sweet and sensitive he really is. Beth is great for him. I wouldn't watch AGT but I can assure you if Howard is on, devoted Howard fans will tune in.

  11. Howard is gold. Gold!

  12. I liked Piers on the show. Detest Howard Stern and the circus he created. Will not watch if he's a judge.

  13. I think he will be a great addition. He's so straightforward. As Jennifer H said, he will be able to produce those Simon Cowell gems -- and I have no doubt he will do it using appropriate language.

  14. This could not be more PERFECT! Howard and Sharon get along really well, and Howard and Howie get along great too. American Have Spoken. LOL I can't wait!!!!

  15. Well hell.. he might as well do something.. he is only on air 3 days a week now *eye roll*

    But seriously, I am a closet Howard fan.. I blame my husband. He would come home and tell me about the daily show. It works for me, I don't have to claim I am a fan, but still get to enjoy his antics LOL

  16. The icing on the cake is Piers arrogance at what a success his show on CNN was going to be and how he was declaring himself King of All Media. Sorry Piers, not so much. lol

  17. There is no shame in claiming to be a fan JoElla.

  18. I know ChasingHeave, I actually was more sad about canceling HowardTV than my husband!

  19. I never used to be a Stern fan, but he has toned it down a lot. I'd almost watch this show if he were on it. It will be entertaining, that's for sure.

  20. Anonymous4:24 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I don't think Howard is capable of censoring himself. He will probably be a good little boy at first and then will give the guy who has to push the beeeep button a huge run for his money. He will be fired after one season.

  22. @chasingheaven - I like your new profile picture. :)

    Wasn't Howard also considered for one of the AI judges? For $15m a season, I think he's probably capable of censoring himself.

  23. Anonymous9:40 PM

    He will get paid 15 million. He doesn't need money. He is an artist and will want to not censor himself.

  24. Howard knows how to behave on television. Also, although he can be brutal in his assessments, he's not cruel. I think he'd be good as a judge, but I can't believe he'd do it considering the time commitment it takes. Beth would love it, though. That girl is practically a shut-in with Howard for a husband. He hates going anywhere.

  25. and, being a regular listener of Howard's radio show, he gets along really well with both Sharon and Howie. They'd be a good panel.
