Monday, November 07, 2011

Jack The Cat Dies

It has been about two weeks since Jack The Cat was found at JFK Airport. He had been missing for two months before he was found. Apparently when he was found he was in much worse shape than was first reported. He had some really bad wounds and because of his lack of food while missing, his body was unable to recover. Doctors were hopeful on Friday that Jack would recover, but he took a turn for the worse and died last night. At least his owner got to see him before he died. RIP Jack.


  1. Poor little guy...

  2. I didn't need to see that photo.

  3. Awwww poor kitty, I hope he was glad to see his owner too, and am glad she got see him too.

    RIP Jack

  4. The cat looks so much like our old cat Benny, who passed away last year from cancer, that it's just crushing for me to see. The photo is too sad. That poor cat. At least he got to be in the loving arms of his owner before he passed away. RIP Jack.

  5. Poor kittles! Hopefully he understood the love his family felt for him at the end. At least there was closure for all.

  6. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Poor kitty. And all because the airline didn't keep up with him. :-(

  7. Waaay more tragic than Lindsay Lohan. Poor little guy.

  8. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Awwww... that picture is so pathetic. Poor baby. Rest in Peace.

  9. I truly hate you for posting that picture. Unnecessary.

  10. So sad. RIP Jack. I hope he was comforted in the fact that his family was with him at the end.

  11. REALLY??? It's a f*cking CAT people!

  12. @Ray - your point is?

  13. His poor family. I hope he wasn't in too much pain when he died.

    They should sue the shit out of the that airline.

  14. @Ms Cool: It's an animal...PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Isn't there MORE important things going on in this world then the death of an animal we should be focusing on?

  15. Yeah, cause our usual fare of Kardashians & Lohan is so much more important. Did you click on the wrong site by mistake?

  16. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Poor Kitty. It's more sad than anything that happens to people. WTF happened to him? I hope JFK gets the shit sued out of them.

  17. Poor guy. This breaks my heart.

  18. The greatness of a nation and it's progress can be judged by the way it treats animals.-Mahatma Ghandhi
    @Ray compassion for a blameless creature who endured horror due to simple negligence by those who had authority over him is normal to most people.
    That poor cat would never run someone over drunk, repeatedly beat kids, or destroy the savings of millions and get away with it .

  19. Ray,

    If you have so many other more weighty matters on your mind, don't let us keep you here.

    PS I sure hope you don't have any, nor ever have any pets

  20. Anonymous11:42 AM

    *High fives Mookshi*

    And I'm not even that much of an animal lover. But what happened here is sad.

  21. You all can get off the cross...all I'm saying is it's an animal and with all that's going on in the world to waste...sorry Enty...a blind on this is beyond me. I like this sight because of all the gossip and it's fun to read...Enty keeps it light. Oh...and Voice...I love animals but don't have any because I don't have time to properly care for one. So don't worry about me.

  22. @ bluebonnetmom: hugs and smooches! ;-)

  23. i'm more interested by Jack The cat 's story than Lilo and Kardashian together
    RIP the cat

  24. Then don't bother commenting, Ray. Just skip the post. Some of us give a shit.
    RIP lil guy.

  25. You're a troll, Ray.

  26. No...I'll comment to what I see fit but thanks anyways.

  27. this gives my cold dead heart the sads :-(

  28. I love cats, so this is pretty sad.

  29. How am I a Troll Heidi? I'm voicing my opinion.

  30. @Ray - yes, it's a cat. But it meant something to that family. To some people, pets are family. In a world where all we hear about is how horrible everything is (and yeah, it's pretty bad) and the spotlight is usually on those who deserve it the least, this WAS a positive story...that someone who lost their cat due to an irresponsible airline was finally reunited after months of waiting.

    Yes, all living thing die & it's a cat. The cat didn't contribute great things to society and it's not our pet. But he meant something to his owners. And at a time where there are very few things to be happy about, this is a sad ending to something that recently looked like it was a happy ending. I don't know about you, but I enjoy a happy ending once in awhile. I wish it happened on a grander scale, but I'll take the little moments, too.

    I take plenty of time out of my day to fret about much bigger things in life & the world in general. Having recently gone through major spine surgery #5 in 6 years, I need a little pick me up now & then. It's why I come to this site. To read about the ridiculous & see the comments of intelligent people, and to occasionally be presented with a story that has a heart.

    It's your right to think it's ridiculous, and that any of us who give a darn are ridiculous. But for those of us who choose to have empathy for the story, we have the right to do so. There is no need for the negativity. If you think it's ridiculous, then ignore it. It doesn't affect you...right?

  31. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I find the death of Jack the Cat much sadder than missing baby from where ever missing baby is from. I skip those. I'm not a child person and I could care less. I'm the person cringing and muttering shut that thing the hell up and take it home at walmart when a child has a meltdown... I like the Lohan stories because I think its funny what a living train wreck she is and am always waiting to hear the OD story. I wonder how many times she has OD'ed and it has been covered up. I love animals, especially cats, and am a animal activist and ASPCA member, so i found this hearbreaking.

  32. we really ARE going to have to celebrate Jack the Cat Day....every year! Poor baby!!

  33. @Ray -- I've never met you, but I can say that Jack's life truly means more to me than yours. Just for the record.

  34. @Carrie L: You are right...I respect your answer. I hope everything goes well with your surgery!

  35. And still Poor Kittles...And good luck Carrie. We care about you. (Or at least some of us.)

  36. This is the saddest thing I've read in a long time. I was so glad they found him, and it breaks my heart to hear about this. I really, really wish you hadn't posted the photo - it really changed the mood of my day. The airport needs to pay for this.

    And to all the jerks who think "it's just an animal", I hope you don't have pets. I don't trust people who don't open their hearts and minds to others. If you cannot find absolute love in an animal, there must be a problem with you...just saying, @Ray.

  37. @Ray, you're a heartless asswipe.

    I lost my cat to a terrible bladder infection a few weeks ago. He was only 6. To say my family is devastated is a serious underestimation of how crushed we are.

    I didn't expect to bury his ashes in my backyard. I thought he'd be with us at least another decade.

    He was part of our family. He will always be loved and missed.

    Peabrains like you will never get that.

  38. Sorry about your kitty, Lioness 70 :(
    I read a good quote the other day, "Women who say that diamonds are a girl's best friend have obviously never loved an animal." So true.

  39. Quite a number of years ago, my cat was also lost by an airline. Fortunately, they just screwed up and sent her on the wrong plane. At that time in my life, my cat (Marieke) meant everything to me as I had just graduated from college and moved to a new city where I knew no one.

    I feel for Jack the Cat's owner -- she went through a nightmare when he went missing, and just when she thought a miracle had brought him home, he died from the airline's negligence.

    Some people will never understand one's love for a dear pet, but I do. RIP Jack and my thoughts and prayers go to his owner.

  40. That is really crushing. Imagine the owner finding out their cat has been found, how estactically happy they must have been and then this. I'm glad they were both reunited before the end though :(

  41. Ray:
    Enty already did a previous POST (not a blind) on this story & I'm sure he figured all of the animal lovers would have wanted to hear an update. To most of us, our pets are more than "just a cat" or "just a dog" so we can SYMPATHIZE with Jack's mom. So you don't care about animals. Skip the post, then! Or either don't get so defensive for someone calling you out for being insensitive.

    RIP, Jack the Cat. You deserved better!

  42. :( I had to go hug my kitty after reading the sad news earlier.

    Lioness70, I'm sorry for your loss.
