Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jackson Family Complains About Sentence

The Jackson family acts as if they never knew what the maximum sentence Dr. Murray would face if convicted of involuntary manslaughter. He got four years which is the maximum, but the Jackson family think he should have got more. Jermaine says that Dr. Murray should have been charged with second degree murder. Really? It is not like he was forcing Michael Jackson to take all these drugs. I think he was negligent and did not do a good job monitoring his patient but at the same time his patient was going to get these drugs no matter what anyone did. Second degree murder is too harsh. Four years seems about right, although it will probably be two years and he will probably spend it at his house so really not punishment at all.


  1. Let this be over and done with. Enough with the Jacksons, fame whores the lot of them, let the kids grow up and have as normal life as can be.

    Hope this puts the MJ drama to rest.

  2. Jermaine needs the money so will keep this alive as long as possible. He should realize that Michael's death kept him (and Joe) financially sound.

    Katherine better watch her back....she'd old and a staged death would not look out of the ordinary.

  3. Rita said it! I may get slammed here, but MJ was just as culpable in his own death. Yes the doc should lose his license and serve some time, as Enty says, but let's not pretend he is the only reason MJ is dead.

  4. I agree with msgirl and Rita.

    Truly violent offenders have received weaker sentences.

  5. Jackson Family Milks the Publicity. No Film At Eleven. This is Not News. Personally, I was surprised he got 4 years. Overkill due to celebrity, IMAO. This was not second degree murder. Jermaine does not know what he's talking about. He's just milking the outrage.

  6. They've already said he's getting 2 years. As long as his license gets pulled forever, I think the sentence is fair.

  7. Agree with all the above - especially if he loses his MD license in all 4 states he's licensed in. MJ is also liable for his own death - he was an addict and if it hadn't been Dr. Murray it would have been some other unethical MD.

  8. And was is an appropriate sentence for exploitation and enabling? They are nearly as culpable as the good doctor.

  9. I agree, his sentence is fair. The Jacksons are in denial. If anything I think MJ was more responsible for his death than this used to be Doctor.

  10. Disagree. Another example of white collar crime getting a slap on the wrist. Doctors hurt people every day and walk away like nothing ever happened. These white collar criminals/corporate psychopaths are wreaking havoc in our society and wasting valuable resources. They need to be kept off the streets so they are at least slowed down. They will never take responsibility. They will never have guilt, regret, remorse.

    The whole Jackson family is just smoke. Murray is the fire.

  11. i am so tired of all of this.

  12. Jermaine just realized he and his family are about to go off the radar now that Murray is sentenced. Next step will probably be for him to try and hook up with a random Kardashian.

  13. LOL, no Weezy, noooooooo

  14. The Jackson's will say anything the press wants for attention. If they said they were happy with the sentence, no one would be writing about it. Deep down, I bet they know MJ was largely at fault

  15. Michael was a junkie. He had been on everyone's Dead Pool list for years. It was only a matter of time before he OD'ed. The Jackson Family should be happy that Michael didn't die alone like your average drug addict. At least this way the family can make Michael look like a victim and martyr and keep that image alive in the minds of the public. If not for Dr. Murray the estate would probably be bankrupt.

  16. Addicts have to take just as much responsibility if they are going to take more drugs than prescribed.

  17. Jackson was an addict. Period, Year of abusing this and other drugs contributed to his death. Dr. Murray was arrested. He was tried, found guilty and this is the sentence. The family needs to be thankful that his ass is even seeing the inside of a cell.
    As for the rest of the family. Time to suck it up and either try to revive your own career or shut up and take whatever allowance you have left from MJ. Let him rest in peace and let his kids grow up in peace too.

  18. I think it was a fair sentence, and more than what I expected for him, but he should have to spend at least part of that time in a real jail. If he were nearly anywhere else but California, he would have to spend at least some of that sentence behind bars.

  19. The Jackson family needs to shutup and go away. They are every bit as culpable as Murray in Michael's death. They have aided abetted and hidden his addictions for decades.

    Murray should have gotten a slap on the wrist and the judge should have saved his venom for the Jackson Family.

  20. OK. He was a shitty ass doctor who broke the commandment of DO NO HARM. I agree to him losing his ability to practice FOREVER.

    MJ was guilty too. Who the hell takes Diprivan to sleep. That's like taking morphine for a headache.

    The Jacksons are as bad as the Kartrashians. Famewhores all.

  21. Yeah, the only reason The Jacksons are mad Michael is dead is they can't ride the gravy train anymore. The sentence was plenty fair.
