Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Jessica Simpson Confirms Pregnancy

Well, it looks like Jessica Simpson did not get the price she was looking for from the tabloids to announce her pregnancy. So, instead of going cheap or going with OK! Magazine she decided to confirm it herself on what else, Twitter. At least she was cute about it and posed in her mummy Halloween costume while calling herself a "mummy" in the mommy sense of the word too.

"It's true – I'm going to be a mummy!"


  1. I actually love the way she confirmed this. She's just telling the world what EVERYONE already knows, and she didn't seek out a ton of cash to do so. Good on ya, Jess!

    I think she deserves props for avoiding a splashy magazine cover or gushy interview on a morning news show as her means of confirmation, and I have to say that she is a BEAUTIFUL pregnant woman, even with the Dee Snyder hair and Taylor Momsen eyeliner.

    I hope she told her nosy, miserly, tit-obsessed father where to stick it, and I honestly wish her happiness.

    I won't shit on Jessica Simpson. I know it's popular to do so, but she's created quite an empire for herself, and obviously works her ass off. I think she's grateful for her fame, and gracious towards her fans. She really has been unfairly criticized for her appearance over the years, and she seems more self-deprecating than bitter over her bad press. Yeah, she's not a genius, but she seems sweet, and I'll bet she'll be a loving and doting mom (with or without that dude by her side).

  2. Ida, you've totally convinced me. Excellent point.

    And she does look really good.

  3. I think 99% of those stories beforehand were total bullshit now. Her empire is making like a billion dollars, she had no reason to walk around obviously pregnant with everyone whispering behind her back just to hold out for money. She just wanted to announce it when she felt like it.

  4. Yes, agreed...I just hope she dumps the bum.

  5. I think she went this route cuz she really had no other options open to her. That said I would much rather hear about this then about KK! I totally have a soft spot for Jessica, she seems like such a sweetheart! I totally agree though Ida, she needs to get Joe out of her life!
    I commend her for being able to build a successful fashion empire and a way for her to maintain a level of success that doesn't equate to her parading around pantsless (I'm looking at you Christina...). And I have to say I have an unhealthy obsesssion with Jessica Simpson shoes. THEY'RE AMAZING!!!

  6. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I never understood the shade thrown Jessica's way. She seems like a decent person, which is impressive considering what a tool her dad is. She took her talent--she's a pretty good singer--and parlayed it into a fashion empire.

    She may have been something of a brat during her marriage to Nick Lachey, but I contend that they may have worked through it if Daddy Dearest wasn't always hanging around. They did seem to care about each other, but I don't know everything that went down with them.

    I think Jessica's alright. Certainly better than a lot of these celebs. And she doesn't seem to take herself too seriously.

  7. @layna totally agree! She was also like 20, if they had sometime to themselves to grow as a couple and as indiviuals I do think they would have lasted.

  8. I wish her the best with or without the Baby Daddy. I am not a fan, but if Eric is good to her and does not humiliate her, I could be. I would like to see her happy.

  9. love the mummy thing. glad she didn't take the magazine money. kinda tacky.

  10. She seems like a nice kid, I hope she's happy. Perhaps she held off announcing because she thought of this mummy costume idea a few months ago and wanted to do it that way.

  11. I've always liked her. You never hear reports of her treating people badly, or asking an assistant to tell the waiter she wants a diet coke *side eye to Xtina*

    Girl is going to have a hard time losing the baby weight and I hope the paps leave her the fuck alone. We don't all have the genes, metabolism (or coke?) that Selma Blair does.

  12. Aww, I liked this confirmation too.

    @SusanB, that's what I was thinking too.

  13. I thought it was really cute way to state the obvious. She's never presented herself as a contender for the brain trust, which has always made me her respect her. She doesn't pretend to be anything more than she is, and that's pretty radical by Hollywood standards.

  14. she's a pretty good singer???

    ok, the first time i heard her sing, i thought it was a joke. she's a TERRIBLE singer. she's not good at anything that i can think of.

    another person famous for absolutely no good reason, and that's really getting old.

  15. Ida, Papa Joe was TRYING to get money, which is why she wouldn't confirm. NO ONE would pay, because NO ONE cares about Chestica anymore.

    This type of announcement was not by choice.

  16. I disagree, she didn't HAVE to announce her pregnancy at all if she didn't want to.

  17. @Parissucks -- I dunno. I think her waddling around in public with her belly hanging out a day or so after the news hit that Pimpa Joe was perusing various news outlets was pretty telling. She could have just stayed away from the limelight and waited for a payout; it seemed like she was tossing her dad a silent Eff You by no longer hiding that bump. And she COULD have still booked a People cover to announce this shit. Hell, look at what they paid Kim K. for her stupid wedding "exclusive"? I just don't get the same famewhore vibes from Jess. And some stupid rag like OK or In Touch would have TOTALLY paid her to confirm what we already knew anyway. They've got money to burn, and there *are* idiots who still buy those magazines in the checkout line (even though all the same info is free on the 'net. But whatever).

    @nancer -- Sweet as she seems, I totally agree that the girl can't sing. I think her voice has power...but sometimes that isn't necessarily a good thing. She sounds like a distressed cat straining over a litter box.

  18. Right about now, we should all be worshipping Jessica. How many of us were hoping that Brad and Angelina would marry on Kim's wedding day... that didn't happen, but at least someone is willing to take some of her thunder the day she announces the divorce.

  19. Ida, I disagree. Chestica could not get a People cover. Possibly a Life$Style, but she is over. No one gives a shit what she does. Papa tried to get money. No one was biting.

  20. @parissucks -- Well, I disagree. Again. ;-) If people give a shit about Kim, they still give a shit about Jessica. Hell, those degenerate TEEN MOMS get press on magazine covers, and I personally can't name any of them.

    Hell, ASSLEE still appears in tabloids from time to time. And WTF has she done over the past few years, aside from keeping her hair greasy, wearing that STUPID hat 24/7, and throwing that hilarious McDonald's tantrum?

    I think people have a soft spot for Jessica. She's been famous for a pretty long time, if you think about it, and she's been involved in some weird and very publicized relationships. Not to mention that she's had a tumultuous career that now seems on the upswing. I think she could still sell a cover or two. People would want to read about her while sitting in a waiting room.

  21. Ida, we will have to butt heads on this one. I still think they tried to sell the announcement and failed.

    As far as people liking Kim and Teen Moms, I am BAFFLED. I CAN'T understand why.


  22. Ida - I couldn't agree with you more. I kinda like the kid myself. Don't get me wrong, I won't be buying her Christmas album, but she seems a decent person in general.

  23. i'm actually really happy for her. she is probably elated and will make a fantastic mom. it's nice to see someone get what they've been wanting for so long!

  24. I think she was trying to keep it quiet before the wedding in a few weeks.

    Her belly had other ideas.

    At that point it is up to her to announce it or not. She got much more coverage but not announcing it then announcing it months ago.

  25. I like Jessica too, but her loser bf/baby daddy...not so much. If she's happy then I'm happy for her, but I think it's sad that she is settling for such a useless hanger-on. I still can't get over the fact that she pays him a salary. I'd so rather see her with a more evenly matched partner.

  26. I think this was a cute way of announcing it. I find her quite likeable too - I don't think she is as dumb as she was portrayed on her reality show. She always kind of struck me as sort of...normal, I guess.

  27. She's always struck me as kind of nice, and she certainly is taking care of herself with her little retail empire. And I love the photo. I wish her the best.
