Thursday, November 03, 2011

Jimmy Fallon As Justin Bieber

Jimmy Fallon channels Justin Bieber. "It's Not My Baby." Well, there was "Baby," so why not the sequel.


  1. I don't even like this kid, but I am praying for his sake it is not his. He is way too darn young to be a parent. And so is the young lady claiming the baby is his. Just sad. Use Birth Control EVERY TIME. : (

  2. I love Jimmy Fallon, and he is fantastic in his impersonations.

  3. Anonymous1:30 PM

    the boober's got some splanin to do Lucy....

  4. I'll bet $5 it's not his.

  5. Amazing from start to finish! I will continue to profess my love for Jimmy Fallon and his amazing crew of late night writers. They are churning out some of the best TV right now.

  6. The best part about this video is how seriously The Roots take this Bieber song. Hilarious!

  7. Jimmy does a REALLY good Bieber, despite the fact that there is a 20 year age gap. ;)

    I also love how much the Roots are involved in so many of his skits. They are awesome.
