Monday, November 14, 2011

A Jonas Brothers Reunion

At his birthday party over the weekend, Kevin Jonas spoke to Kneepads about a possible Jonas Brothers reunion now that all the brothers will be living on the East Coast. I think the time is wrong for them to reunite. The only way these boy band reunion things work is if you wait a few years and have people miss you and are willing to spend $100 a ticket to see you again. Then, the second part is to hopefully hook up with another group or singer trying to do the same thing. Five years or maybe even ten years from now I can totally see a Jonas Brothers Miley Cyrus reunion show. That would work. All they would get now are a bunch of half empty places and no record sales.


  1. I honestly thought that was a man in drag next to Kevin! (on his right!)

  2. Haha Laura, I thought it was that Vienna girl from the Bachelor with a dyejob!

  3. she certainly isn't a feminine looking woman is she? lol

  4. I think Bieber took the Jonas' Brothers place....

  5. Anonymous10:35 AM

    The wife has a horsey look.

  6. Who are these people who will miss the Jonas Brothers?

  7. That picture is disturbing in so many ways...*L*

  8. lol @laura that is his wife...hmmm maybe you're on to something there lol

    I feel bad for the Jonas Brothers there were destined for tween greatness and got sand bagged by Justin Bieber.

  9. You have to wait until your fans can afford to pay $100 for a ticket. Right now, they are all struggling through college and would rather spend that $100 on a keg for next weekend's party.

    Of all the JoBro's, I like that this one seems to walk the talk with the whole purity thing. He got married way too young, but he seems to be trying to make it work.

  10. Yeah, way too soon for a reunion.

    Like when bands with a handful of hits come out with a "Greatest Hits" album. TOO SOON!

  11. True facts, Enty...

    I feel bad for them...the Bieber thing didn't have to be a factor - but they had extremely poor management (their father).

    I got into them for my small child's benefit, for good Disney family fun, but I ended up totally sucked in...they had potential, really weren't plastic performers - they performed like a real old school band with total rock n roll conviction (even if the music was simple, goof, sanitized cheesy). It was perfect for our family.

    Sad...I wouldn't pay to go see them right now, either.

    And I question if they can even come back very strongly in 5-10 years. They didn't have a very dramatic exit that left people wanting more, it was much more of a whimper. People want blaze of glory, nasty falling outs, tell alls, coming outs, the whole bit. THEN, you'd have a story, and be in business. That's the part they need to work on. :)
