Thursday, November 03, 2011

Judge Adams Still Blames His Daughter For Everything **Graphic Video**

Over the past two days there has been a video sweeping the world. It shows a judge in Texas beating his disabled daughter with a belt. The video was secretly captured by the daughter 7 years ago when she was 16, but just decided to release this week because she wants her father to get help. In the video, you can see the daughter getting beat with a belt about 20 times. Even her mother joins in and at one point tells her to bend over and take it like she should. Remember this is a 16 year old who has cerebral palsy. Since the time of the video, the mom has left the dad, and says she too was abused but that is no excuse for participating in the beating of your daughter. The daughter was being beaten because she was downloading music on her computer.

As for the dad, he is a judge. A family law judge to be exact. He is famous for his rulings in Texas where he has decided that whatever kids say in court about their parents is never true because all they do is fantasize and make up stuff. Yep, even when there are third party witnesses, the judge never believes anything a child says.

The judge for his part says he already apologized and won't do so again. He said it looked worse than it was and that he did not want to discuss it further and that his life has been made very difficult by his daughter then and now. Way to go a-hole. Blame the daughter. The sad part is she says she now kind of regrets posting the video but really wanted him to get help.

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  1. I can't watch the video because I'm too incensed. Please tell me this "judge" has been arrested and hung by his testicles in the town square.

  2. Oh, and just based on his quote, it's obvious the "judge" suffers from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). One of the hallmarks of NPD is that the person is incapable of changing. This poor girl. I think she should find a way to file a civil case against him and bankrupt the motherfucker.

  3. Don't forget the mother! I hope they both rot in hell, where people take turns beating them with belts.

  4. This is just one of many many many many many situations in which children are abused by their parents. There is quite literally nothing we can do about these situations. That part kills me most. I want to rise up and help every child, elder, and animal that is being abused. It cuts me to my core to even think about it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Saw this yesterday on Gawker. Didn't think it'd be a big deal, so I clicked "play". I began to cry - it's horrible! I shut it off. All day yesterday I kept thinking about that poor girl and her fuckwad of a father. I didn't know that he was a family law judge - that's so scary.

    I highly recommend NOT watching the video. It will make your heart hurt.

  7. Not surprised, my neighbor is a family court judge.
    He's a lousy dad but said to be a great judge...go figure.

  8. Come on @MaxyRave, appropriate discipline like removing computer privileges for a time, fine. Striking another human being being with a belt is never fine. It just isn't.

    I tried to find the contact information for Richard Bianchi, in the county's courthouse, but I think their site might have crashed for the moment. Anyway, here's the website:

  9. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Seriously, the daughter is going back and forth. Abuse, physically and emotionally, is wrong. But she knew she did something her parents did not condone at the time. Granted the punishment was brutal but why didnt she listen to them in the first place? I listened to my parents and can count the number of times, on one hand, I was reprimanded by them my entire 18 years of growing up in their home. My siblings on the other hand, wanted to be Billy Bad Asses, and my parents had to discipline them or be responsible for creating morons who refuse to follow rules as adults. How popular is that now? Sometimes you really have to step back and allow people to raise their kids.

  10. Beating your children is not "raising" them. It's assault.

  11. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I can't even watch this video.
    @EmEyeKay: yup!

  12. oh please, whatever,i've gotten worse and i deserved it! teens are disgraceful these days.

  13. Jesus. I hope that guy loses his job. And who hits someone with CP anyway?

  14. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Any abuse is wrong wrong wrong.

  15. Anonymous8:17 AM

    BK in QC - this guy is beating the living sh*t out of his 16 year old daughter. there is nothing she could possibly have done to deserve that kind of punishment. if it was so illegal - CALL THE POLICE. that is not discipline - its mania. she was likely welted and bruised badly. he was hitting full force and i don't think there is any question that this is a situation where what he was doing is WRONG. he did not spank her once on her butt with an open hand - he viciously beat her all over her body with an object. not to mention the tirade of f*cks he was screaming at her, pushing her, standing over her and intimidating her and restraining her from getting up which is just as bad. this is the definition of abuse - especially since it was not an isolated incident. it was something that happened so often she caught it on video.

    not to mention this guy was totally getting off on it - which is why he couldn't stop himself and kept going and going and yelling and hitting. His wife had to stop it once and for all. He had no control.

    This is my opinion but i think its totally inappropriate for a for a grown man to insist on spanking a 16 year old girl's butt like that. I think its pretty sexually intimidating as well.

    If your kid is 16 and still acting a fool and you think they have no ability to reason with a punishment that is less than 7 minute beating with a belt, you have failed as a parent long before that day. 16 year olds are beyond spankings. He's lucky she just posted a video on the internet b/c a child that really was a criminal mastermind with no morals would have just killed him in his sleep.

  16. There is no reason to ever beat your child. Ever. I know it is not illegal in this country but it is where I grew up, and I am thankful for it.

    That said - shouldn't this be illegal? Why isnt he charged with anything?

  17. The statute of Limitations for child abuse is 5 years in Texas and this tape was 7 years ago so no charge.

  18. I will admit to spanking my children when it was something really, really bad. Maybe five times a piece total for two children when they were growing up. But that was a open handed swat on the rear through clothes to get their attention. Not 17 lashes with a belt on a bare butt! And the woman is disabled? Mommy does not get a pass with the I was abused as well bullshit. What a sorry SOB this Judge is and I am ashamed he is here in Texas. : (

  19. When I saw this yesterday I was shock with what was going on. Every time his belt hit her body I would jump. It was just too horrible. Even though I don't have children I have nieces & nephews and I have never hit the kids. Instead I would take their toys and shut off the TV as punishment. I have never felt in order to punish your child you have to belt them or spank them.

  20. Yeah. All the research say that there is a direct correlation between corpral punishment in childhood an aggressive behavior later.

  21. I don't need to watch the video to know that the father is vile. The fact that he can influence families as a judge is completely scary, he must be stopped before he causes further trauma.

  22. You know what my mom would do instead of hitting me? Make me sit in a chair completely still for 5 minutes. If I moved a muscle time started over. One time I sat there for 6 hours.

    I am fully busting that one out on my (future) kids.

  23. It's not just the physical abuse; it's what he says to her during the beating & also what her mom says. I saw it on the Today show this AM and wanted to be sick. I never imagined it would be that bad. This guy, in no way, should be making judgments about families/children in the court of law.

  24. We could never treat a criminal on the street this way, yet there are lunatics like her father who will label it discipline. Disgusting. I mistakenly saw this on the news before I went to sleep last night. I was crushed by what I witnessed. The mother is a horrible monster just like the father.

  25. The whole thing is revolting. The only thing I have to add is at one point the mother takes the belt and yells at the girl to "bend over and take it like a woman." Take it like a woman? Is she serious? That a woman should be expected to take that, let alone a 16 year old.

    I heard this morning that he's been suspended and the police have opened an investigation. I hope that's just the start of it.

  26. EXACTLY what Linnea said!!!!

    We need to think of the ramifications of children who are physically punished.

    Overwhelming evidence DOES show that when you teach a child through physical punishment right and wrong he/she IS much more prone to aggression and untold other things.

    People from older generations who smirk or roll their eyes at what they believe is our over reaction because they 'got it worse' are ridiculous and ignorant. Just because people survived beatings doesnt make it acceptable nor should the next generation go through something just because you did, gosh.

    The father sounds sadistic and should be punished himself. And yet will he receive the kind of punishment he taught his daughter to accept? HELL NO. Because it is inhumane.

  27. even for that shmuck

  28. He should be horse-whipped naked.

  29. Children should be disciplined but that doesn't mean a beating. What's the difference between abuse and discipline? If you are exacting punishment and you are so out of control you're screaming and cussing that's abuse. Punishment is never done whilst angry.

  30. I saw it last night on the Dr. Drew show. I have to admit when I first heard about it I didn't think too much. I was raised in a very disciplined house and would occasionally get a spanking and I honestly deserved each one I got. BUT it was always used as a last resort and it was a few swats. When I saw the video (and Dr. Drew would only show a little bit at a time) I was horrified and actually found myself jumping each time he hit her. It was brutal. It was not punishment it was just a brutal beating. And I'm sorry but the mom is no better.

  31. OMG. OMFG. Why? As New Life and Attitude said, this is just a brutal beating. I hope these people are hanging their heads in shame today. OMG.

  32. People like him feel no shame. He will always think it was his daughter's fault.

  33. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Watching this...brought back painful memories. My parents are from TX too, and beatings like this were a regular occurrence in my house. All my dad had to do was reach up and touch his belt buckle, and my brothers and I were quaking. He'd take us in the bathroom and say "Let's dance". My mom let it happen too, and even partook herself quite a bit. I can't imagine hitting my son like that. My mom later told me she left my dad because I told her to (I was 12 and have no recollection to this day of that conversation). She said it was because of the bruises and beatings. Please - it was because she had a boyfriend. Who puts that kind of responsibility on a 12 year old?

    When this mother was whining at the end of the interview with Lauer about how she was been abused since the divorce, it made me want to muzzle her. She is trying to deflect responsibility from herself. Disgusting, all of them. And the daughter still loves them both. Some parents don't deserve their children.

  34. My cousin has cerebal palsy. I hope these assholes go to jail and shanked.

  35. I had to leave my computer for awhile.

    I want this man's head on a platter before me. Who do I need to call? Who do I need to write?

  36. A little quality prison time is in order. Hopefully there aren't any other children in the home & his current girlfriend runs like hell to escape while he's in jail. It's obvious he made no attempt to minimize bruises - so you know there were teachers & church members who saw the signs of abuse & did nothing. Pox on all their houses!

    This guy reminds me SOO much of Joel Steinberg of NY. That's still the most horrific child abuse case I've ever heard of, but this guy rings that same 'pure evil' alarm.

    It would definitely be a good idea to review all his judicial rulings in light of his behavior & hate of 'unruly' children. Those lawsuits should be rolling in already.

  37. Actually, I'm still trying to deal with the "bend over and take it like a woman" line. It's ... baffling in the extreme.

  38. I heard some of the audio last night and just hearing that and looking at the stills made me ill. And this predator is a judge 20 min from where I grew up.

    Beating the shit out of a disabled child should get you a straight to hell pass. As a judge, he is notorious for not believing children's testimonies, even when corroborated by other witnesses. So he probably sent kids back to live with horrific abuse.

    I seriously hope there's a mysterious fire at his house. This is the kind of thing that makes me hate people.

  39. Jesus Christ. These people are monsters. I'd like to spend some time along with these fucks and a belt of my own, and I am NOT a violent person.
    How can you even feel that your parents love you when they treat you like that??

  40. I watched the whole video. How come these vile creatures get to have children. That is abuse. No excuse, no justification. Horrific images. Hope she has a great life.

  41. I can't watch this.
    I'm not against a maybe-not-so-well considered swat on the butt under pressure, but this is just abuse.

    Since the statute of limitations has run out, I hope his daughter presses a civil suit and takes him to court for every single penny he owns. I hope he becomes completely bankrupt, discredited, living under an underpass, waking up in a pool of his own sweat and vomit at 2 am, rolled and beaten by some 'rotten teenagers'. Preferably some that were emotionally destroyed by going through his court.

    Yeah - that'd be karmic...

  42. Dulcinea -- "let's dance" is what prisoners say when they're going to rape a newbie.

    Barton Fink -- The mother's "Bend over (etc.)" is probably what Judge Adams told his wife when he wanted to have sex.

  43. turning off the lights? lay on the bed? his ragged breathing?. He was getting off on hurting her. He is a sadist of the worst kind.

    If the mother wasn't there I have no doubt he would of raped her.


  44. Anonymous1:39 PM

    @Weezy - I know my dad never went to fact, for years he and my mom were considered that "fine, upstanding Christian couple" with kids who obeyed and were well behaved. Everyone thought we were the perfect family. I bet that is what everyone thought about this judge's family too.

  45. I was spanked as a kid, but nothing like this. This is inexcusable. That judge enjoyed what he was doing, both the physical assault and the screaming intimidation. What an asshole.

  46. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I hope this prompts other abused children to hide cameras. The comments on youtube about this video are almost more disturbing than the video itself. I too think the fuckwad father was getting off on it. Anyone who defends this type of abuse is seriously fucked up beyond all recognition. The daughter forgave her mother but that is probably some type of Sockholm reaction. The Mother should admit she was a total shit head. It's exhausting how perpetrators blame the victim.

  47. That video could have been filmed in my bedroom. It was like I was reliving it. It was awful then, it's awful now. After 20 years, it still makes me furious. She definitely did the right thing by uploading the video. I hope that sick bastard gets jailtime.

  48. I live in Austin and they interviewed a local lawyer who said that they can't go after him for child abuse but they could go after him for abuse of a disabled person. Not sure if they will but I hope they go after him.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. It's just sick and it's so sad that there are people out there who think it's okay to assault people as punishment. It's barbaric, it's low and it is NOT okay.

  51. I'm glad she videotaped this, wish she had exposed him a long time ago. It's really scary what goes on behind closed doors sometimes.

  52. I got spankings a handful of times growing up. I'm quite certain I deserved it and it was never past elementary school age. I love watching SuperNanny b/c she always has alternative methods for discipline beyond spanking.

    The fact that this girl has CP and is 16 years old makes this completely inexcusable.

    @Tempestuous Grape - I completely agree.

  53. People - he's a judge in FAMILY COURT!! What a piece of crap!

    And this is not discipline - this is a man who's mad and he's taking it out on a minor. And he appears to be enjoying it.

    Karma, baby. Karma.

  54. I just hope he doesn't "retire" and reap hundered of thousands in benefits and pension. Like that douche Peterson did from the Police Dept before arrested.

    I hope he is thrown off the bench, disbarred and loses any rights to pensions or gov't benefits.


  55. It reminded me of my own childhood, save for the fact, there wasn't another parent to break my heart even further. I was the oldest, so, I was the voice of reason saving the younger ones. Which means, I got licks instead.

    This man shouldn't be judging over fruit contests, let alone humans.

  56. Like Jaiden, this brought back memories from 20 years ago. I have a 16 year old daughter and a 12 year old son, who I have never laid a hand on. I can't imagine doing that to my children even though it was done to me. That scumbag will never cop to it, because in his mind he has done no wrong. I hope him and my father get together and rot in hell.

  57. I won't watch it. I'm at my threshold with people right now. My god, it's 2011. When will the human race stop the f*ckery?

  58. Also - I commend those of you who could watch it. Something like this needs witnesses and people to speak out against it.

  59. i can't watch as it hits too close to home. this abuse changes a person, how they view themselves and what they think they "had coming". one of my daughters, just this week, commented that while its true her father threw her across the room, it was a really small room and it was just the one time. (she was 8 and he's 6'4".) so i suppose the cycle has started at my house. i have her in therapy but she sees her dad as per court order on alternate weekends.

  60. I read a great article about this over at Slate but I was too lazy to sign up for comments there. Anyway, the Slate article described the video as featuring a man with a thick Texas accent - and I'm like, because Texas accents are uniquely scary or something? If the judge were from Wisconsin or Oregon, would we mention the accent? Jersey? Okay maybe Jersey.

    But the "thick Texas accent" thing bugged me. My daddy had a very thick East Texas accent and he never dreamed of beating me. Texas is not uniquely conducive to child abuse. I like the fact that our judges are elected [I don't know about other states]. This guy, obviously, is toast.

  61. "Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

    Oh, and just based on his quote, it's obvious the "judge" suffers from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). One of the hallmarks of NPD is that the person is incapable of changing."

    I completely agree! This is one of those people who need to be locked up so the rest of us can be safe.

  62. You know, I'm not a shrink or anything but I bet you that guy would come across sweet as pie to anyone but his family members. My dad was perceived that way and my mother wanted to throw up every time someone came up to her and told her how lucky she was to have him as a husband. He would have done anything for acquaintances but he would beat me and my mother regularly. No idea why, he wasn't a drinker or anything, he would just get really mad over stuff and then explode. Stress I guess. He never used a strap, just his hands. My mother never stopped him beating me because she knew he would start beating her instead.
    It was pretty common behaviour when I was growing up to beat your kids and wife but not so much these days, that's why we find the video so upsetting I suppose.

    And Me, your daughter probably rationalizes herself being thrown across a "small" room because what kid wants to remember their Daddy or Mommy as someone who would hurt them like that and obviously doesn't love them. We aren't supposed to hate our parents no matter what so it's a real Jedi Mindfuck when something like that happens to you at a young age.
