Monday, November 21, 2011

Justin Bieber Takes Paternity Test

On Friday, Justin Bieber found the time to take a DNA test which he hopes will put the whole baby mama thing to rest. I think everyone is pretty much convinced by this point that he did not father Mariah Yeater's baby, but the thing that will always make me think is what the secret evidence is that Mariah Yeater claimed would help prove her story. What is it that she has? Can you imagine if it was video? It would be child porn so we would never see it, but that is about the only thing I can think of which would prove her claim other than a positive DNA test. A ticket stub or something like that is not going to do it.


  1. I think her previous lawyers wouldn't have given up if she had "proof". She's a scammer and ought to suffer a little bit for her creepy ways.

  2. I read somewhere else that her previous lawyers dropped her when they found out that her "evidence" was a bottle of his perfume...

  3. I believe she had secks with the baby girl Justin. I don't believe Justin is the father of the baby. I want to, but I don't.

  4. Sorry, I don't think she has ever been within 100 yards of the Biebs. There are plenty of pathological liars out there, she's probably just another one of them.

  5. He looks like a woman in a tux. He has such feminine features ... I'm fascinated by that. And Selena looks like she's trying too hard to "claim" him. You know, the girl that's always hanging on the boyfriend, won't let go, can't even sit across from each other at a restaurant ... it's actually because she's insecure about the relationship.

  6. @Cathy - The bottle of perfume thing was actually in one of the tongue in cheek passages Enty writes. You can see it here:

  7. I think Selena's just insecure, period.

  8. Even if it is his baby she'll take the hish money so we'll never know for sure.

  9. @Bnl - it's a monday, so there's a good chance that I'm confused, but I think I read it on TMZ as well.

  10. I was going to say he doesn't look half-douche in that picture. That Smith boy in the background, well...

  11. When I was 18 I fell head over heels for a boy (he was 20)... you could not pull us apart. We did everything together and were always touching, sitting thisclose to each other, etc., and of course had sex constantly. When I see photos of J&S I think of that boyfriend. I hope they really are in love and it's not insecurity.

    He really does look like a woman, especially with the hair slicked back. Dlisted compared him to Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria.

  12. @Cathy - I wasn't slamming you for it, cuz I remembered reading it too, I was just linking to where it was. TMZ didn't report that. All the other news outlets just said the lawyers dropped the case when Bieber's lawyers threatened to sue, but then it turned out not to be true. They just switched some lawyers around. If that was the credible evidence and TMZ reported it, it would have been reported everywhere. That was just an Enty-ism.

  13. I got fired from a job once for doing something really stupid that was completely my fault. After I was fired, all my coworkers emailed me begging to know what happened. To save face, since I knew they would never know the difference, I told them all I was fired for b.s. and that if anyone ever knew the truth, a whole bunch of people would go down in the process. That itself was a huge pile of b.s., but they bought it and I never had to own up to why I really lost my job. I'm guessing Yeater has done something similar. If she claims that she has real evidence, she can go to her grave still maintaining that she was telling the truth rather than ever owning up to lying.

  14. He actually looks the most like a boy in this picture that I can remember.

  15. They're teenagers. When are teenagers NOT insecure? You grow out of it.

  16. biebs looks like sam ronson in that tux...

  17. I'm with Feisty - he looks like a little boy—he's scrawny, has no facial hair, and I don't think he's hit puberty yet.

  18. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The Biebs looks so fey and prepubescent that I find it extremely hard to believe that he can even produce viable swimmers yet.

  19. i think she has a mental illness and the "proof" is only in her mind. they did a study a few years ago about fans that thought they actually had a relationship w/ celebrities. about 1% fell into the borderline-pathological area, w/ uncontrollable behaviors and fantasies about celebs. scary, huh?
