Thursday, November 03, 2011

Kim Kardashian To Make Money On Charity Gift

So, what to do about all those wedding presents that Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries received just 72 short days ago? Well, according to etiquette experts the gifts should be returned. Fat chance of that. Kim's mom has already said that Kim will make a donation of the gifts to charity. Lets think about that for a second shall we. How much do you think the gifts Kim and Kris received are worth? I don't know either, but for fun lets say they were worth $100K. Now, Kim is going to take those $100K worth of gifts and donate them to a charity. Who do you think is going to deduct that $100K gift from her taxes? You got it. Kim is going to make money off the gifts people gave her for her own wedding. She needs to return them. She won't, but she should.


  1. Oh this is getting so sweet. Love every minute of this disaster. Kim K is going down as the biggest fame whore in the USA.
    BTW, In Canada we have Gay Marriages. In the USA, they have Kim K. I'm so happy to be Canadian.

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Canada has produced its share of awfulness (Bieber, Celine Dion, others I can't think of right now) and gay marriage is legal in some states.

  3. The thing I love most is how the KarTrashians are totally caught offguard by this backlash. I love watching them scramble like little ants, trying to repair the damage to their brand. They didn't think anyone in America would notice that the K's have been playing the public all this time and we'd all be interested and sympathetic towards Kim and her failed marriage, boo hoo. Kris has probably has those crisis management PR types meeting with her around-the-clock since the backlash began a couple days ago.

  4. ^^I left out a word... they THOUGHT we'd all be interested and sympathetic towards Kim, etc.

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I think it's really sweet of Kim to donate her wedding gifts to charity. I'm sure the people in the homeless shelter have a burning need for the kind of knickknacks she was gifted.

    And by the way, isn't the ex-groom entitled to half the wedding gifts? I thought wedding gifts were to the couple, not just to the greedy whore of a bride.

    These people make me want to throw up, but I am really enjoying all this mess they're in right now.

  6. She is getting SO much negative press she can't handle it. And I LOVE it. FUCK her and her fat ass.

    I actually listened to her speak today. THAT VOICE! OMG, I wanted to punch her even more.

  7. What charity wants a bunch of tacky-ass china and crystal?

  8. I totally agree with Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors. I think she thought the world would rally to her side and be sympathetic. I bet if she had had any idea of the backlash she wouldn't have left him.

    I was wondering- Since the wedding was televised, is the whole thing also a giant tax deduction?

  9. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Am I supposed to believe they only got $200,000 in wedding gifts? And for the money she has, $200,000 seems kind of stingy, non? I normally boycott her posts but this is too good. It's blowing up in their faces and I love it.

  10. and Anita Mark...don't forget, Canada has also produced someone like Diane. I'll take American and Kim Kardashian anyday over being Canadian.

  11. I agree with Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors. Methinks they underestimated the American public and its sympathies on this one.

    I am actually feeling a bit sorry for Kris H. Thinking he had NO idea what he was in for with the Kartrashians.

  12. I am glad that I am not the only one noticing that she is making a donation to charity of $200K that she will get to write off on her taxes and gets to keep the gifts. Half of the damn gifts are Kris', but that Greedy Fame Whore Bitch will screw him out of them as well. I love the fact they seem to be scrambling over the backlash. This is the beginning of the end! Thank You!!!! : )

  13. God, I really hope you are all right and that this will backlash on her and the family. I hope nobody is buying her "boohoo" story about marrying for love and nothing else.

  14. Ooooh and did you read that letter she sent out? In one paragraph she says she of course married for love and nothing else, in the other she says she should have followed her gut and backed out before it was too late but that she felt forced... so which one was it, Kim?

  15. she lies every time she opens her mouth, except when she is sucking a dick.

  16. What would be fucking fantastic right now is if Kris H grew enough balls to speak out against Kim & her family. C'mon, Kris H: I'm SURE you could get a People cover out of it!

  17. She felt force, yeah right. I didn't see anyone twisting her arm.

  18. Thank you for pointing this out, Enty. When they said she was donating $200K to charity instead of giving the gifts back, the 1st thing I thought of was that she was getting a tax deduction and still keeping the stuff.

  19. What about the ring? I've read Kris H wants it back, but mama Kris is trying to blow it off as none of anybody's business.

  20. @ linnea - glad I'm not the only one who noticed that in one breath she says she married for love & in the next talks about how she didn't want to disappoint & that's the only reason she went through with it. Yeah...disappoint all the sponsors & people that had paid her in advance for all her tacky wedding stuff. Otherwise who else was she disappointing, considering the that no one in the family seemed to like Kris other than her mom, who saw him as a way to make even more money...that is, until they realized he wasn't going to be so willing to play their games.

    I love how miserable Kim looks, and considering she looked just fine in her Halloween costume on Sunday night, I would guess that her inability to smile or fulfill engagements in Australia is because she & her mom thought this would all fall in their favor. They started putting out articles to bash Kris even before the wedding, and they continued to do so after. To me, the most telling photo was the one of Kim & her family, without her groom, that was splattered everywhere. Even with Khloe, they distributed photos of her & Lamar with the Kardashian clan. To me, the family photo with only the bride said it all; her new "husband" was not a part of that family. Heck, even on the magazine covers it was just Kim.

    The divorce was great timing because she could have her mom Kris go out & sell her new book & also provide non-answers to reporters about the divorce. That's right, momma will take care of it all. Except she made it worse. I can't stand this family, but I'm excited at the idea that this was the nail in their coffin. Bye bye! Go join Paris & Lindsay in the corner labeled "Famewhores who are no longer relevant."

  21. Geez, Diane, you've made the exact same comment about Canada and gay marriage multiple times now. Way to rub it in.

  22. If the Kardashians truly want to make a charitable donation to the world, they would dig a deep hole in the ground and stay in it FOREVER.

    First of all, the fact that the word "etiquette" and Kim Kardashian are in the same post has me giggling uncontrollably.

    Second, I love LOVE LOVE that these delusional self-absorbed ass holes actually think that the public is going to sympathize with them. Seriously?!? And now they're shocked that people are FINALLY washing their hands of them. I hope the Kardashians tacky cheap clothing line gets banished to the clearance bin and that they hightail it on the Paris Hilton Highway of Damnation.

  23. Don't they have to report the wedding gifts as income? How 'bout all the advertiser and E! "donations" and payments for the wedding? Kim, the IRS is watching you. Be prepared for an audit!

  24. The cherry on top of this whole divorce is requesting to keep all jewelry she received. I immediately thought to the only genuine moment in the wedding show (yes, sorry, I saw the re-run) which was when her face lit up over the diamond bracelet Kris gifted her before she walked down the aisle. OF COURSE she has to make a point to request she keep that too. OMG.

  25. I think we should also heap a fair share of our Kardashian contempt onto Ryan eff-ing Seacrest who has foisted this trainwreck on us from the beginning!! And remember people, if everyone quits watching that garbage they will go away. Seacrest will drop them like the hot turds they are once they stop getting ratings and making money. He'll drop them even faster if some of their stink rubs off on him as the producer of their shows and wedding farce.

  26. I too think they are scrambling to spin this better. I cannot believe that they actually thought people would feel sympathy for poor Kim over her 72 day marriage. Just shows how out of touch they really are. When you see Kim looking miserable it's because she knows the public is starting to hate her and not because of her "broken heart".

  27. BTW, can you leave messages on her website? Is there a website..Cuz I know most of us here ain't visited it. We should all tell them how "sympathetic" we are. Figgy, you're good at that. Help us.

  28. On Sunday my hubby and I were at the grocery store and he noticed all the magazine covers with her complaining about her marriage. I told him they were setting it up so she could get a divorce and people would sympathize. He had already figured it out. I'm glad the media is finally confronting the obvious.

  29. Syko said it already, but I keep asking why SHE's the one doing something with the gifts, why are they hers? I think that sums everything up perfectly.

    She should return the gifts, absolutely, it's tacky not to. Those dollar signs in her eyes are clouding her vision. It will be a wonderful thing if America does indeed decide they don't like her after all, and we aren't subjected to her family any more.

    Her publicists are probably working overtime right now.

  30. Anonymous10:51 AM

    @Crila, I'm actually Canadian but I get so annoyed with smug Canadians who think they're better than Americans. Let's face facts, both countries have produced great things and both have definitely produced some awful things.

  31. Anonymous10:52 AM

    About the ring, isn't it worth $2,000,000? I highly doubt he bought it.

  32. "greedy whore of a bride", lol. i like that one :)

    i saw the disso papers on (i think) TMZ. the date was not typed in. it ws written in. that means they weren't sure when she would sign the papers. and the date kim wrote does NOT look like 10/31 to me, it looks like 10/2. LOSER

  33. I just read that Kim got the ring at "a fraction" of the value... so Kris (ex hubby, not mom) certainly could have purchased it. I really like him too.. stood up to her etc... No wonder she's getting a divorce, can't handle a "MAN" putting her in her place... and WHY is she skipping the annulment and going FOR a divorce.. Sounds stupid to me..

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  35. @anita_mark: Yeah I am sure he didn't have the money to buy that ring but remember they cannot say that now because there was a question about it before and they all claimed he did. That is why Pimp Mama Kris doesn't want to mention who will get it. Busted at another lie. Hope that also comes out. Marry for love? More like for ratings.

  36. Aren't wedding presents customarily addressed to the bride? Even if they're sent to the couple, aren't they shipped to the bride's address? She'll argue that anything that arrived or they received notice of before the wedding belongs to her.

  37. This is from yesterday, but oh my god, I die. Good for many laughs:

  38. My bet is because if the backlash she "gives it another try" for 6 months or so. It is all about image so, save the image. It is not like she will ever be alone uth him.
    Disgusting. She is the argument for marriage for all not just money grubbing .....

  39. Please stop using the word "gifted" instead of "gave." It's a stupid Hollywood affectation.

  40. if this speeds up the demise of all E! Kardashian shows. I am happy as a pig in poo.

    You know Ryan isn't going to stand by them if the money ship is sinking.

    Paris Hilton must be in heaven over this.

  41. Diane - I'm happy to be a Canadian too, but damn, take it easy, wouldya? You just sound ridiculous now LOL How about both you AND crilia16 stop with the immature bashing?

  42. I'm not sure how I feel about the custom of returning the wedding gifts. If I went to a wedding and the couple got divorced in 2 months I wouldn't want my gift back. What would one do with a used china place setting? You can't return it, can you??? I wouldn't even want the money back. I think it's a clever idea that Kim is donating the gifts, but I definitely don't think she only got 200,000!!!!!! If I was her guest I would just want to forget the whole experience, too awkward to get a check in the mail.

  43. Please let me know which Goodwill she is donating the gifts to. I'd be happy to pick up a $1000 piece of china for $2.

  44. @Blueberry Of course you can return it. Most stores have a 90 day return policy :p

  45. LOL, mistresskd!

    The more I look at that photo, the more it freaks me out. KimK looks more and more like a blow-up doll every day.

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  47. What jen said. We get it, Diane.
    And crila - good for you. With that attitude, I'm not sure we'd want you anyway.

  48. @mistresskd You can return gifts even if they have been used??? That would be a huge profit loss for the store to have to take back an entire gift registry of used stuff, no?

  49. mistresskd said...
    @Blueberry Of course you can return it. Most stores have a 90 day return policy :p


  50. i worked at Dillards (years ago) the policy on wedding items was liberal, because people have up to a year to give a gift, so you had up to a year from your wedding to return it. as long as you registered for it at the store; it could come back for "store credit".

  51. Lunabelle -- it hadn't occurred to me that she'd try getting back with him until I read your posting right after reading that right now she's racing back from Oz -- and gave up a $150K appearance fee to do it. I think the correct description is "save the *brand*."

  52. Basil said...

    What about the ring? I've read Kris H wants it back, but mama Kris is trying to blow it off as none of anybody's business.
    Kim bought the ring herself. There are pap shots of her wearing it in 2009.

  53. Anyone hear about Kris Jenner's "Indian giver" comment about Kim giving back the ring? I'm not one to obsess about political correctness, but that's a pretty ignorant, outdated term. I hope she gets a lot of flak for using it. Not only is that a shitty term to use, but her insistence that Kim is entitled to keep the ring and all the gifts also further exposes what greedy, disgusting, no-class people they all are. God I hope their fans turn on them over all this.

  54. I heard that in California if you go through with the vows, the engagement ring is yours to keep. I don't know if that's true or not. I don't believe Kim will return a damn thing and the only reason why she's "donating to charity" is because her materialistic disgusting self will ultimately come out ahead, for example, receive $1 million in gifts, donate $10,000 to charity.

  55. She was married such a short time, she may not have even had time to open some of the gifts! I know I sure as hell didn't have everything unpacked several months after my wedding (no time, no room, no need for them). I just do not buy that the gifts can't be returned.

  56. the editors on that new show must be racking up the overtime making him look bad

  57. the editors on that new show must be racking up the overtime making him look bad

  58. god WHY are people giving this attention?

  59. ^^ just heard the "Indian giver" comment. that mom is the most irritating of the bunch. i remember bruce jenner a a normal, kind man. how did he end up w/ this crowd?

  60. This bitch is Satan.

  61. I just heard the mother whine about not liking an "Indian giver" and pouting that "a gift is a gift" when asked about returning the ring.

    At best they'll bring in an appraiser who will value the gifts at their now "used" value; KK will then donate in cash a fraction of the original cost, get the tax write-off and then have a house packed with stuff she picked out herself and didn't spend a penny on. I looked at some of her registries; she had things like $2,000 ash trays on them w/lots of requests "fulfilled".

    If they could get the addresses of people who received invitations, they could assign a few assistants to take the address lists and return the gifts. You know they've still got the lists because that third daughter is next in line to get married.

    This is the first, and i hope the last, time that i've ever posted about this family. I usually restrain myself, but this time....
