Thursday, November 24, 2011

Kim Kardashian Tries To Look Like She Cares

If you are a celebrity and want to impress me charity wise then you should take a look at my kindness items and try and duplicate some of those. Don't just go down to the Los Angeles Mission for a few hours once a year with a camera crew and pretend you actually care about the homeless. You don't. You want publicity. Kim Kardashian served up food to the homeless for the first time. She has never done it before and if she is having a good year next Thanksgiving you can bet she will not be back. It is such a publicity ploy that it makes me sick. She is using homeless people for publicity. At least Jennifer Love Hewitt does it every year and Blake Underwood. But, the difference with those two is that they also do other things during the year. Lots of things. Kim does not. She does nothing. Nada. Zilch. Oh, and the other thing I hated was she Tweeted all her followers telling them she did it. Please, oh please pat me on my back.


  1. Fuck off Kim. You never did this before, why start now ... oh wait, its a PR stunt (again), just like your wedding. 14:59 ...

  2. Saw this last night in the Daily (UK gossip site) and knew it would be all over the place today. What a phoney. So she handed out food the day before Thanksgiving and she's such a good person? Yea right. Anyone that believes this is a fool.

  3. I can say one thing I am thankful for this year. I am grateful not to be related to the K-trashian Klan.

  4. Kim you are a shameless whore (but maybe that's the type of whore to be).

  5. See how happy she looks while doing it? She seems to really be feeling the joy of giving! (Probably stewing about how much she hates Kris Humphries right about now..!)

  6. Haven't the homeless suffered enough? Plus, who ever is getting that plate has had her skanky weave in their mashed potatoes. Call me when she and her toxic dump of a family fall off the face of the earth and drag Seacrest with them.

  7. All part of the damage control campaign.


  8. Hey where's our favorite Kim K picture?! I thought that would be the only photo used with posts from here on out.

  9. my blood boils at these "photo op" charities. The lA Mission should bill these fame whores $25,000 for the day to help feed people. They only there to help themselves and should be charged accordingly.

  10. It is so transparent and just as disgusting. Doesn't she know how everyone sees right thru her.

  11. Rose, unfortunately not everyone does. Some idiots will be fooled by this pathetic attempt to redeem her "image".

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. She looks like she's absolutely miserable here. I'll bet she detested every second. Lindsay probably enjoys her morgue duty more than Kim enjoyed being there.
    Kim went home and cried in the shower afterwards, and not because she was moved about what she experienced, she cried because everybody detests her and she had to reduce herself to this shameless display. We make jokes about Jennifer Love but she does this every year, along with Alyssa Milano and Harrison Ford and others and they take great joy and happiness in it. You can't fake that. I knew this was going to happen. I just knew Kim would do this. Next week she'll be playing Santa at the children's hospital with a bagful of gifts. Which wouldn't be a bad thing if she did that because she genuinely cared and wanted to - but this is Kim K. we're talking about - she'll have the paps with her to photograph every fake moment.

  14. No 'good deed' goes unPublished in Hollywood. I am fascinated as to why she thinks being in the press AT ALL is a good idea. Everyone wants her gone. The next time I want to see KK's name is maybe 20 years from now in a Where Are They Now article in People.

  15. She does look miserable. I wonder if she reads the site, also, because I don't see any tweets from her about doing this.

    I REALLY hate this fraud of a human.

  16. did you read the comments about this on the kneepads website? every comment is a hater. made me smile :)

  17. "Blake underwood"? Is that a real person I'm unfamiliar with or is it Blair Underwood? Big chocolates difference if it's the latter.

  18. I found her tweet about it. Lovely.

    "They're goal is to feed 120,000 people by the end of the yr!"

  19. I find this shameless when celebs are shown doing something "good". As a Buddhist the philosophy I believe is you should do something good but not tell anyone. In telling everyone the reward was to make yourself look good and get praise and not to actually give. 14:30 and counting...
