Thursday, November 03, 2011

Kim Richards' Friends Stage An Intervention

I am not sure whether Kim Richards belongs on Real Housewives. When she shows up it is tough to understand her and all I end up doing is waiting to see if she will be quiet, slurring Kim or loud and slurring Kim. At this point I just feel sorry for her and think trying to be on a national television show is just way too much pressure for her. One show I would love to see her on is Intervention. Of course that would actually require her allowing cameras to see her drink and do whatever else it is she does. Meth like Brandi says? Star Magazine says Kim's friends tried to stage an intervention after Kim took a nasty fall last month while holding a wine glass and drinking. The problem is Kim does not think she has a drinking problem or is an alcoholic. Then why did she go to rehab? Did she not have meetings where they said, "Hi, I'm Kim. I used to be a child star and am an alcoholic." Everyone in the world knows she has a problem. Oh, and she should also keep her oldest daughter away from Paris. Did you see her on Paris' show? She is a piece of work and not in a good way. Being with Paris is just going to make her worse.


  1. I always loved Kim Richards when she was young on Escape to Witch Mt and Different Strokes. She was so pretty. It sad to see this is what she's become.

  2. I don't think alcohol is her only problem. She really is hard to watch sometimes.

  3. Maybe this is just because for whatever reason Bravo has decided to make Kyle the bitch of the season, but I kind of feel like maybe Kyle isn't enabling Kim because she loves her and doesn't want to embarrass her... Maybe Kyle is allowing Kim to self-destruct on camera because it makes her look better and definitely gets her more publicity. I'm not trying to over-think this at all, but it's just a feeling I have. I don't think Bravo or Kyle have any incentive to help Kim when there's ratings to be had.

  4. She hasn't hit bottom---yet

  5. It's so awkward seeing Kim Richards on Real Housewives. She was a lunatic last season, but this year she's like at a whole new level of lunacy. Not to mention she's very Mean Girlish. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

  6. She looks so uncomfortable to be on the show, but I'm sure the money is hard to turn down. She has all those kids...I wish she would get help. But she needs to come to that realization, and like pilly said, she hasn't hit rock bottom yet.

  7. KLM- NO ONE needs to 'make' or distort Kyle Richards into anything that she isnt. The woman is catty, jealous, and obnoxious. Editing cant magically turn someone into a cunt- they either are or arent. sheesh.

    But yeah, Kim is nuts. Like I've said before- she screams victim to me. She looks like she's been hurt/f--ked over many times in life and when I use the word 'victim' I mean she copes with life, and doesnt live it. Her new 'boyfriend' was gasp-worthy, and looks shady as shit.
    No, she shouldnt be on RHOBH, but then again she continues to live around Hollywood, maintain a thin frame complete with bleached blonde hair, and Im sure probably craves the spotlight again as many old child actors do.
    So it's sorta ironic. If she was strong/healthy enough to NOT do RH, she would probably be strong/healthy enough to get better and work on her alcohol/drug abuse problem.

  8. KLM said "Maybe Kyle is allowing Kim to self-destruct on camera because it makes her look better and definitely gets her more publicity"

    I could DEFINITELY believe this is happening.

  9. Yes! The photo with Michael K's favorite faux pearl choker & matching cuff!

  10. Kim's a mess, but aren't they all in their own little way? I sure as hell wouldn't watch it if they were "normal".

  11. I don't have any sympathy for that woman anymore. I felt so bad for her in the first season. It was really painful to watch. In this season, though, she really shows that she's her sister's sister and I always thought that Kyle was an asshole. I hope they both get ripped to shreds on the reunion show. Does anyone think that Taylor will be there? I think it will be interesting to watch when they all turn on Lisa and Adrienne says that she's a pot stirrer. I get the feeling that when Taylor flips out in the preview and screams 'You don't know what she has done to me' that she means Lisa. That arrogant snob needs to be put in her place. *rubs hands

  12. i don't get all the hate for kyle. but i've always felt this show isn't a good thing for kim. she's definitely on something and makes an ass of herself on every episode. she's incoherent. and she's definitely the 'which of these things is not like the others.' her house is very modest and her clothes look cheap to me.

    i think kyle got her the gig because kim needs the money---badly.

  13. Jasmine, Kyle is catty and obnoxious and a total bitch, but I adore her. I would be a little happier if she reached a place of love and radiated serenity and acceptance upon everyone, but I'll take her the way she is now. She's pretty, she's classy (visually), and she rocks the style like no one else can.

    Of course, I might just be grasping for straws on this show. I also love Camille, for instance. At this point, I think I will cling to these women if they just brush their hair and don't have trout lips and ghastly visible veins popping out everywhere.

  14. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Assistant: "Kim's Dr. Drew on line 1".
    Kim Richards: "Oh tell him I will be on Celebrity Rehab only if they don't use cameras".

  15. Did anyone notice that when they showed Kim';s new BF he was wearing a wedding ring? And she had a ring on her wedding finger (a sapphire or something). Not sure if it means anything but I have never come into contact with a man that wears a weeding ring and isn't actually married.

  16. I like Kim, I truly do...but the girl needs help. I find her the most "endearing" is when she is doing the sit down commentary, to me that it the only time she seems real and straight forward and likeable. She comes off as highly anxious and who knows what she is using to soothe herself?

    Who cares if her house or clothes look cheap, why should that matter?
    On the other side we have seen insane amounts of money spent on items now that is just obnoxious and obscene imo.

  17. She's about my age, and I grew up fantasizing about her. The last time was, I think, in about 1979, when she did some movie where she was "punkish" character. Has she done anything of note in the last 32 years? Shoot, even Brandon Cruz was with the Dead Kennedys for a few years.

  18. No, she definitely doesn't belong on RHWOBH. They are making her look way worse than last season.

    I meant to ask in the last post about this show, what is up with her moving so much? She couldn't come to Pandora's e-party b/c she was moving? Didn't she also move last season? Or is that a BS line?

  19. lol Barton Fink- agreed :))

    Somtimes I see Taylor and just gasp- the chick has like 3 cheek bone protrusions happening. yikes

  20. I loved Kim years ago and even went to see a movie she did with Eric Stolz and Robert Downey Jr. She just seems so vulnerable and beat these days, and it's sad to watch.

    I did not know Brandon Cruz was in the Dead Kennedys. And I thought I was a big fan - but more for the Jello Biafra Dead Kennedys.

  21. On the positive side, Kim is personable and extremely bright (the eidetic memory thing). On the negative side, she is incapable of "tolerating her feelings," that skill that some drug addicts have to learn in rehab. It was hard for me to learn that I might be feeling nervous or miserable or unhappy or hurt or bitter, but I just needed to "be" with that feeling instead of changing it. As soon as I learned I don't have to "kill" the bad feelings, I was able to be angry or embarrassed or experience guilt or whatever without thinking the feeling would overwhelm me. I think that Kim is finally old enough that she could settle down a little. Lots of personality disorders remit in mid-life or late in life. Kim has made vast improvements from the first season, when she could barely show up to events. Now, she shows up, ... sometimes.

    On the subject of awful plastic surgery, Brandi's face is the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. I think the mistake most women make is that they look in the mirror to see what they look like. Much better to be photographed from the side and from a variety of angles, then look at that photo. Ms Glanville would not have had tennis balls implanted in her cheeks if she knew how bad they look.
