Thursday, November 24, 2011

Linda Hogan Took Hulk Hogan To The Cleaners In Divorce

Linda Hogan and Hulk Hogan finally reached a financial settlement in their divorce. It took four years but they did it. Linda is getting 70% of the cash, 40% of the businesses and a property worth $3M. I think the reason she did so well is that she has a ton of dirt on Hulk that would keep him from maybe making as much money in the future to recoup the losses he is taking in this deal. Hulk is now living in a rental home and probably keeps wishing his daughter would visit more. And bring her stripper pole. Daddy needs a lap dance. No money for a tip though, because mom took it all.


  1. Linda looks pretty good there - her daughter is definitely her spitting image.

  2. this was a big screw up for one of their divorce attorneys. The terms were kept confidential but a new motion was filed and the settlement was attached. That is how it became public knowledge.

    While I agree with Enty Linda had dirt on him. I also think he also just wanted out of the marriage and sometimes you just have to pay your way out to be free.

    When divorces are dragged out for years the only one who wins are the divorce lawyers and their billable hours. Which is why they don' want parties talking to each other and settle things amicable.

  3. Cudos to her and her attorney.

    But it's really scary to think of dirt that beats what's already out there.

  4. So true Merlin. I can't even imagine how bad it is that she got 70% of their cash. Actually, I can and I hope I am very wrong.

  5. well she did write a book and claimed he had gay sex with other wrestlers, beat her and was an all around scum bag.

    I can't imagine what else she could say about him at this point.

  6. No where near enough information to make any comment. What if they had $1MM in cash but a business worth $10MM? Retirement accounts? Tax basis for the assets? Mortgage on house? I'm sure that she has some stories that would hurt Hulk's image and I'm sure she's getting a decent proportion of the family assets but Florida is not a community property state and I doubt that she got more than her share (40-50%).

  7. But if she wrote that in the book it wouldn't be need to be confidential. There has to be more.

  8. That explains why when Hulk visited town 3 months ago for a wrestling event, all his credit cards bounced after he tried to pay for his hotel.

    True story.

  9. Based on my Crayola box of 64, he is mahogany and she is bittersweet.

  10. Anonymous2:50 PM

    LOL @Cheryl!

    If you want to find some REAL scummy dirt, forget actors, musicians, politicians and royalty. Start digging into wrestling. If 5% of the rumors are true, it's enough to curl your hair, or straighten it if you're naturally curly.

  11. Layna, tell me where to dig!

  12. @Cheryl - that's the funniest thing I've read in a while! Almost peed myself!

  13. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Hulk is a big fat bisexual. He has done shit-tons of coke. He want's to bang Brooke. End of dirt.

  14. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Secrets aside, he has a chance of future income being Hulk Hogan. What future income can she expect?

  15. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Cheryl, that was classic and hysterical! I love how you think!

    Florida is not a community property state, but does aim at equitable distribution and makes a distinction between marital and non-marital property. Unless she has some really good dirt and he gave her everything she asked, he probably got an equivalent settlement.

    It just galls me that these trashy people have so much money.

  16. I hope they just go away. They are another reason not not to do reality television.

  17. This is almost inspirational for someone going through a divorce.
    My husband thinks that he can everything because my kidneys failed at the beginning of this year. Including the kids. He stole them from me. We have conciliation on Monday, after having had mediation last Monday, where the mediator ended up being his basketball coach from when he was a kid.
    Dude should have recused himself. Turns out he didn't even write in some of the agreement in, that benefitted my husband. Mostly oops, circled he gets primary custody, and even though I don't want alcohol around the kids (ex was recovering, I had thought, then I found liquor. Hence Yayyy divorce =\) anyway, the fact that no alcohol was to be consumed around the children, by either party....that was omitted.

    Sorry for the vent. I'm freaked out, honestly.
