Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Michael Lohan And Kate Major Are Married

Does Lindsay Lohan have a step mother and not even know it. Someone else she can call mom? Someone else who understands what it's like to need to get drunk and get arrested? Someone who understands that her dad is an a-hole? A flight attendant from the flight Kate Major was on when she was arrested, sent me an e-mail stating that when Kate was being hauled off by police, she kept saying she needed to get to Florida because she was going to see her husband get what he deserved. Husband? Court? Michael Lohan? I had heard this little ditty once before, but thought it was just a publicity stunt by Michael to get him an extra interview or a few hundred bucks more from his tabloid money chain. Coming from Kate Major's own mouth though? I would not put it past Michael to be married even if it is just for tax purposes or to hide some money somewhere. It does not mean he does not stop seeing other women, but it would also explain why the couple keep coming back to each other. I think they did announce an engagement once but maybe when they had no million dollar offers for photos they kept the wedding quiet.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    They are both really gross to look at.

  2. They deserve each other.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....*gasp*...hold on a sec....okay....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  4. *on the brendalove bus* My exact first thought!

  5. I don't want to picture these two ogres fucking. That's all I know.

  6. Oh please. As if Michael Lohan would get married without telling the whole world and publicly inviting his estranged daughter.

  7. I don't know Enty, if you watched Dr. Drew yesterday, after the Courtney Stodden segment, surely you must have seen the one with Kate Major, which followed. Now this was taped before she was arrested.

    They brought out a woman who said she had been seeing Michael, which was news to Kate, and you could see how upset Kate was. But at no point did she ever mention that she & Michael were married. Don't you think this would have come out at some point if there was a grain of truth to it?

  8. hmm. he has a ft. lauderdale addy and she's in tampa or something, no? if they are married, and did so in fl, then there's public record of it...florida, while fan-freaking-fabulous in certain areas, is way lame on privacy legislation. you can access public records easily.

  9. Has it lasted longer than 72 days? If so, it's the real deal.

  10. Is he too old to wear his baseball hat backwards?

  11. ITA, Mama Mia - I laughed at that because I clicked to comment just to remove their faces from my thoughts.

  12. Longtime lurker here. A quick public records search in Florida turned up no results for marriage licenses... https://www.myfloridacounty.com/ori/index.do?x=78&y=33

  13. Regarding Courtney Stodden segment. Can you believe her boobs are real. I still say they are fake, they are too big compared to her picture from before.

  14. I am not up to speed on my TMZ this week. I didn't even know about the arrest. I want to know how she was able to afford first class plane tickets?

  15. When did she get arrested? Hadn't heard anything about that yet.

    OK people bear with me for a second. I just took a better look at the picture and here is my question: What the hell kind of an event are they at where she is wearing a sparkly sequined black dress (or top) and he's wearing a tight tank top and baseball hat backwards?

  16. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I know...what's up with the backwards BBall cap and the hip peace sign? What an oaf. Dr. Drew should put them both on Celebrity Rehab, Lindsay can visit, then get Dr. Murray, Kim K, Nancy Grace, Dina L, Casey Anthony and Mariah Yeater. And a couple coked out porn stars. I'd watch. Whose with me? Anyone? Anyone? Oh, another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody.

  17. Thank you, Michael and Kate, for bringing your crap act to Florida.

    As if we don't get enough bad press.

  18. Does she have a job? Maybe they are married for the medical insurance. Would Lindsay qualify for their insurance under the new health insurance law?

  19. Courtney Stodden wears cleavage makeup. That is why they look all wonky. She does a pretty bad job at it.

  20. TS, they could have gotten married anywhere though, not just Florida.
