Thursday, November 17, 2011

Michael Lohan Judge Has No Idea Who Lindsay Lohan Is

I love when people name drop and the other person has no idea who the person is that has just been dropped. That happened yesterday when Kate Major dropped Lindsay Lohan's name during court. Why Kate felt the need to drop that name is beyond me, but probably wanted the judge to know she is important and stuff.

Yesterday, Michael Lohan made a deal where he gets a year probation and has to go to domestic violence classes. As part of his year probation he has to spend four months at a facility which sounds a lot like rehab. He will probably figure out a way to make money off it.

During the hearing, Michael was also ordered to stay away from Major who was celebrating her birthday yesterday and mentioned it out of the blue while saying Michael needed rehab and not jail and dropped Lindsay's name all in one sentence.

"I think he needs help because keeping him in jail would be hurting him more and it's my birthday today. A year ago, we were worried about Lindsay."
Judge Nazaretian replied: "I'm not sure who that is."

Love it! Kate Major also wanted the judge to make sure Lindsay and Lindsay's family don't contact her. Really? Like they call her or even know her number?

The judge was saving the best for last though.

Michael Lohan made a face when Kate was talking and the judge said, "It's not Disney World, so stop. How old are you? Don't act like a child."

Why can't this guy be Lindsay's judge.


  1. Kate Major is a fucking asshole. She got what she deserves. Who gets involved with Michael Lohan?

  2. A friend of mine went to school with her... apparently she's always been like this and no one was shocked when she first hooked up with Jon Gosselin.

  3. I guess Kate will spend her life being nothing more than narcissistic supply. Not really a career I would want.

  4. Oh my GOD, is that quote for real? Who gives a shit that it's her birthday? Florida can keep these two morons.

  5. haha, perfect response from the judge. "Don't act like a child." Indeed.

  6. Things like this make me happy.

  7. "It's my birthday today"?? Who fucking cares?

    Reminds me of this guy I used to work with that everyone hated. Everything was about him. One of his all-time biggest douche moves was when my boss and I were wishing a co-worker happy birthday and he butts in to say "Well my birthday was last week!" without even acknowledging the person whose birthday it actually was. What's WRONG with people?

  8. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Her comment reminds me of most of the mommy-jacking comments on STFU, Parents. Just random and full of WTF.

  9. ^ Totally, anita. I've been reading that site for a couple of years now and am so grateful. It has taught me what kind of mother/person I DON'T want to be.

  10. More judges should follow suit. No non-sense, straight to the point, and definitely no fame whores: justice must be swift, without cheesy commercials.

  11. If only the rest of us were so lucky as to not know who she is...
