Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Michelle Williams Wears Her Hair Short For Heath Ledger

Michelle Williams gave an interview to Elle this month and talks about her short hair. She says that the only people who like her hair short or gay men and her girlfriends. Even her own daughter wants her to grow it out long. But, Michelle says she will continue to keep it short because, "I cut it for the one straight man who has ever liked short hair and I wear it in memorial of somebody who really loved it." Well, it is a touching tribute. I wonder how much of it is 100% true. I mean they did split up well before his death right? There must have been a reason. She has also dated other guys since then and does she tell them her hair is short for her ex? I want to be touched and moved, but I also wonder at what point it is too much.


  1. I kind of wished she'd kept that private. She is in danger of becoming a professional widow type.

  2. It doesn't seem healthy to wear your hair one way in memorial. I don't think she is necessarily squeezing every ounce of publicity she can out of their relationship, but I think maybe she is just not in a real good place.

  3. Just because they split up doesn't mean they didn't love each other. He's the father of her child so obviously no matter what, he's going to be very special to her.

    I'm not sure a haircut is a great way to pay tribute to someone, but who cares - I love the short hair and wish I could pull it off myself.

    (That sounded weird, but you know what I mean *L*)

  4. I can't imagine she'll ever forget or stop loving Heath, particularly since their daughter together is the SPITTING IMAGE of him. I don't know. I think it's a sweet tribute, and I don't think it's unhealthy to always want to remember him in that way.

    It probably makes it easier to wear her hair short because it looks fantastic on her, though. She's like Halle or Charlize: some women should just never, ever have long hair.

  5. stop playing the Heath card Michelle. Your talent is enough to stand on your own.

  6. @Maja -- We posted at the same time and basically paraphrased each other. :-)

  7. I thought that the reason they broke up was his drug problem not because they didn't love each other.

  8. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I don't get the impression that she's a professional widow. But I do think she's not always in the best emotional place and that leads to an occasional dropping of her guard like this.

    FWIW, she looks great with short hair.

  9. I think she is very odd. I like her, but she's odd.

    I really miss Heath.

  10. @ Beko Neko - that's what I thought too.

    I would have a hard time recovering from that kind of loss - the father of your child that you split with because of a drug problem that you're hoping he will wake up and recover from dies of the drug problem. It would be haunting.

    Addiction is so sad.

  11. Maybe she just likes the convenience of short hair?

  12. From where I sit, I can understand her having a tough time with Heath's death. They may not have been married, but he was the father of her child and the closest thing she had to a husband thus far in her life. My grandmother still occasionally mourned her first husband's death, even though she had a great relationship with my grandfather. It's just what it is.

    As for the haircut? I doubt Heath liked it. After all, he was a straight man, and as straight men, we want our women to look womanly. Anything that takes away from that -- including short hair -- is a demerit. But Heath did love Michelle. And any man worth his salt will admit that he will overlook anything his significant other does -- even cutting her hair short -- because he loves her. That's what love makes us do.

  13. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I think it's her way of maintaining her tie to him in a physical way...she does it to honor him even though he is not here. She may eventually decide to be done with that ritual, but I think it will be on her own time.

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  15. @Sevenmack -- Good GRIEF. Not ALL straight men feel that way about short hair. When has Halle Berry ever NOT been a sex symbol? Newsflash: a female who possesses the proper equipment down below IS "womanly", even if she lacks long hair and consequently doesn't get you hard.

    It's like me implying that every straight woman wants some juiced-up musclehead. We're all attracted to different people with different traits for different reasons.

    /end feminist rant.

  16. @Ida Well said! I actually get checked out more with short hair...

  17. Well, Ida, I stand by my point and we'll have to agree to disagree. There are exceptions to the rule. Halle is an exception, but she is also in that category called DAMN FINE, a position that includes very few men and women in general; Halle could wear a potato sack and men would still chase her down. Same with a few other folks. The rest of us, including yours truly? Not so much.

    Speaking as a man who knows more than enough men to comment, men generally don't like short hair. There are exceptions, but the rule is the rule. We may have different tastes in people, but men are generally driven by looks first -- and hair is part of the looks.

    As for women: Women enjoy good looking men. But a man's confidence, humor, virility, ability to handle life, and hierarchical position is what will be more important because women have other considerations. A musclebound dude who can't fix a flat tire, for example, isn't attractive to most women.

  18. I also think she is odd and every time I see her I cringe at her hair. She also has a facial expression that screams "I'm a c**t!". Ugh.

  19. @Sevenmack -- I have long hair, but it's not to be more attractive to men. Trust me. It's because my hair is thick as hell and it's just easier when I can shove it into an updo of some sort. And short hair requires a ton of upkeep -- some of us just don't want to worry about getting a trim every five to six weeks.

    I think some women have gamine features that are showcased better with close-cropped 'dos. I just thought of three more women whom I, personally, find more attractive with short hair: Winona Ryder, Natalie Portman, and Sinead O'Connor.

    Okay, I will admit that the Sinead of today might be a lost cause by most standards, but the woman was gorgeous in her heyday.

    And I can fix my own damned flat tires, thankyouverymuch.

  20. so Sevenmack, you are essentially saying that all men are attracted to the same subset of women - and we (women and men) must all adhere to your view of what is attractive for our specific gender... get real!! I for one could care less about his "hierarchical position" (I make enough money so that I don't care about what he does), his virility (don't have kids, don't want kids)or whether he can change a tyre - I can do that myself thanks. I reserve the right to be as shallow as men in the looks department. What I find attractive is not attractive to my girlfriends. And if we all had to look the same to get a man, my 5'10 curvy, pale, blond hair, would not get a look in against my gorgeous 5'5 petite & athletic polynesian girlfriend... but luckily for both of us we have men attracted to each of us (and sometimes to both). Not everyone is like you and not everyone has the same preferences as you - and if you expect everyone to be the same, you are going to be sorely disappointed (and likely highly judgemental)

  21. At the risk of getting blasted myself, I don't think Sevenmack is too far off. My own fiance and most men I've ever asked have all said they don't really care for short hair on women...AS A GENERAL RULE. That doesn't mean there won't always be an exception (I mean, Halle Berry, SERIOUSLY), but I don't think it's way off to say that most men prefer women with hair longer than Michelle's.

    Regarding this story....I dunno. I gotta say this made me like her less. She's always been very private about her rel'ship with Heath, which I appreciated, but this comment seems to me to be...unnecessary. And honestly, I'm not sure I believe her.

  22. yeah i've got to defend sevenmack as well. I've had hair down to my ass as well as chin length hair. After 30+ years of dating, I feel safe to say that pretty much every single guy I have ever dated prefered long hair on women. It's not as those those men wouldn't date me if my hair was short but they had a preference for long hair. Just like I have a preference for 6 foot or taller guys. Doesn't mean I won't date anyone shorter, just means it's my preference.

  23. @ Sevenmack - your comments on this thread are seriously some of the strangest things I have ever read! *L* I WANT to argue with you but I don't even know what to say. You are just so deliciously neanderthal it makes my nipples throb!

  24. Well, I am with Ida and Jaded re: the comments by @Sevenmack. Here is my two cents worth. My husband prefers me with short hair. It suits my face better, it is also fine hair and hangs limply when long. Every time I feel like growing it I pull out old photos and ask my husband what he thinks and he says no, keep it short. I am perfectly capable of looking after myself. I have never gone for a man based on his earning capacity or hierarchical position, and just like Ida I too can fix flat tyres, and have done so. As for the virility issue, how gobsmacked you must be Sevenmack to know that my husband and I are still together even though he is infertile. If I were hung up on all the issues you have listed, I would have tossed my poor husband aside when he couldn't give me babies. Luckily for both of us I love his essence and we have grown closer for surviving the trauma of infertility. Also, I am fat - my husband is slim - not all men need to be with models, some men look at what is in the heart.

  25. Many men told me the same thing as Sevenmack, my husband among them. He said long, tousled, messy hair is much more sexy than a crop cut.

    I've worn my hair both ways. Now, my hair is just past my shoulders. *I* like it that way. My face is too full to pull off a short cut.

    I take my husband's opinion into account, but in the end, I'm the one who has to be happy with it!

  26. Sevenmack has got to be a troll, right?

    Michelle is a nasty bitch in real life. If she hates being famous so much, she needs to shut the fuck up.

  27. @Rocketqueen
    IA with you. My husband says the same thing about himself and men in general. All of my old boyfriends were like that too.
    I do think it's a "general" rule of thumb.

  28. Aw, I don't think Sevenmack is a troll. That Doug Kenney guy? Now, THAT is a troll.

    Of course Sevenmack is welcome to have his own aesthetic preferences -- as are you all, and your spouses, too. Personally, I also prefer to wear my own hair long. For one thing, my hair is wavy as hell and I'd look like a topiary if I cut mine short. I also like blond boys with tan skin and broad shoulders who look as if they excel at baling hay and milking cows. *shrugs* What can I say? But I don't think the guys I'm attracted to are "more manly" than, say, tech nerds, or guys with goatees, or excessively short dudes.

    At any rate, please read that last paragraph again in his first post. You *can't* tell me it isn't misogynistic.

    Again: just because a woman doesn't turn a guy on doesn't mean she isn't WOMANLY, and I really object to that insinuation. Guess what, penis-possessors? Some females are comfortable enough with their inherent femininity without needing YOU to validate it for them. *mwah*

    @Mooshki -- When did she say that? I can kind of see loving the act of, um, acting and loathing the fame that comes with it. Tons of actors seem as if they'd be shy and private in real life. Shit, at least she's not a Lohan.

  29. How is it that so many people here are unaware that what Sevenmack says isn't merely his own opinion but is scientific fact? How'd you get to adulthood without knowing that long hair signals to men that the woman is healthy and has been for several years (assuming it's shiny; if it's like straw, then it signals the opposite)? And why CAN'T you believe that men find pixie cuts and other short haircuts mannish on most women? Because a man once told you it looks cute on you? Christ; you *can* google, can't you? The world doesn't stop at the end of your nose, people. Anecdotal evidence shouldn't be enough to convince you that something is true or false. If you don't know something for certain, LOOK IT UP.

    Then come back and apologize to Sevenmack.

  30. I just asked my husband - he says it depends on the woman. Some suit shorter hair, some longer. I agree - in fashion, we can't always do what's popular, we have to go with what suits us best. That's why I will never own skinny jeans :)

  31. Oh, Binky.

    Bless your heart.

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  34. I've always considered her to be in the same category as Jennifer Anniston: only A list because of the man they were with.

  35. Sorry as a woman who lost her hair to chemo at 23 (and subsequently got it back) this conversation is actually somewhat distressing. I'm not saying that hair isn't important but is liking long hair a natural thing or a conditioned social construct (I tend to believe the latter). Regardless, she's probably sick of people asking her about her hair as if that has anything to do with anything. If she cut in memorial or in mourning, she's still beautiful (imho) and by focusing on a woman's hair-regardless of any of these rules-detracts from everything else having to do with said woman. And that's just ridiculous. And for the record-I damn well did pull of short hair just fine.

  36. I find this a little weird of her to admit with how private she was about Heath. But I have no doubts that she still loved him even though they split up.

    As for the long hair vs. short hair debate, it depends on the person & how the style fits their face! Not everyone can pull off a pixie cut and not all men can pull off long hair, either.

    Different strokes, yo!

    @Ida - I died laughing at this:
    "I'd look like a topiary if I cut mine short. I also like blond boys with tan skin and broad shoulders who look as if they excel at baling hay and milking cows." :)

  37. I really enjoyed ready this post- I will be brief because I tend to get into trouble when I spout my liberal feminism here but I will say that we must never forget that gender is a social construct- it's something WE DO, not who we are. It is NOT BIOLOGICAL! So for people to say that woman are 'naturally' attracted to bigger muscles or men who are good with changing a tire, carrying heavy things, etc. because this tells us he will somehow protect us and is strong- and for men to supposedly be more attracted to women who have long hair because this tells them she is more intrinsically feminine than a short haired woman-----THIS IS ALL FABRICATION. And by buying into these ideals we simply help to reinforce these gendered stereotypes and roles on a day to day basis. And that needs to stop, because we ostracize people who cannot or do not conform to these ideals.

    And I personally like Michelle's hair short- and Ida's right- my god was Sinead O'Conner GORGE when she was bald.
    But I too thought this statement read as false.

  38. Well, I certainly agree with Binky. Everyone knows that the articles on Google are peer-reviewed scientific documents. Kind of like Wikipedia.

    So, yeah, you should all apologize to Sevenmack, who has proof that men are only attracted to women with long hair. I wonder if it is the same for gay men?

  39. Oh, c'mon, Jasmine, you know you're just like me - sitting around waiting desperately for our caveman to come grab us by our long hair and drag us off to a wonderful life of breeding and cave sweeping.

  40. I love the commentary here - too much good stuff to even single out. I understand why humans still in their reproductive years are concerned with physical appearance for the reasons already stated. Our instinct is to create viable offspring. When you get my age and have already reproduced, you just don't give a f*ck.

    I have to say that some women pull off the short hair thing so well it makes me envious. There are also a lot of beautiful women with cropped hair or shaved heads - our loved ones and our coworkers who are recovering from cancer, and seeing them walk proudly around my office and knowing the hell they've gone through, and wondering if they'll see their kids grow up makes me want to just tune out anyone who belittles women because they don't measure up in the male mating ritual game.


    Fuck it, who needs men? Let's drag each others lustrous long flowing hair to the cave- and just think? With both of our tiny female hands doing the domestic work we're meant to do, why that cave while be sparking in no time!

  42. @Sue Ellen: If you don't know how to tell what is useful on the net and what's not, then ask for help. Or ask someone to do it for you, someone who knows what he's doing. I'm sure nearly anyone you ask will be happy to help. Try a librarian.

  43. I'm just sad to know that the straight guys I've met and talked to who have expressed a preference for short hair on women were all actually figments of my imagination. My 20s apparently were a lot less exciting than I thought they were.

  44. Thanks to you, Mrs Geek, the FDA has decided forthwith to stop doing drug trials! From here on out, anecdotal evidence will suffice to bring new drugs to market! Down with the scientific method! Up with "Well, my hairdresser says ..."! Yay!

  45. @BinkyM my hairdresser also loves short hair on women.

    Besides, what's all this bullshit about drug trials? We know all people are exactly the same, right? Sevenmack can therefore speak for all straight men.

    We'll only need to test one person per drug. Probably even cheaper than anecdotal evidence.

  46. "...long hair signals to men that the woman is healthy and has been for several years"

    Oh - you mean like how a short dress signals to men that the woman wants to be raped?

  47. Yes, Maja, you little genius; man evolved over millions of years to rape women in short skirts. There's clearly a genetic advantage in doing so. (smirk)

    I sure hope you have adult supervision over there.

  48. I didn't even realize I had started an entire debate. I don't know whether to be flattered or amazed.

    Ida: I'm hardly misogynistic. I grew up in a home full of women who could do it for themselves. My mother and I would join my grandfather to fix roofs on houses, so I know how tough women can be. What I am saying is that, whether it be by natural design, or evolution, or social construct, most men have a general preference for long-haired women. It's just what is is. There are exceptions to the rule, but it remains. And women want men who actually can handle business; that's part of reality as well.

    As for the last line in my first post: I was stating reality. When you love someone, you are willing to accommodate pretty much anything as long as it is not abusive. (For some folks, sadly, they are even willing to tolerate abuse.) I'm not a perfect man by any means, yet my wife loves me and accepts me for who I am; and the same for me when it comes to her. Anyone who reads misogyny into that statement has some other issues going on for which I am not equipped to discuss or diagnose.
