Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Nicolas Cage And Charlie Sheen Movie Filmed In Colombia?

Charlie Sheen is in Colombia this week scouting locations for a movie he wants to shoot. Oh, I am sure he is finding some time to hit some tasting bars too. Oh, not for alcohol, but for coke.

Charlie - Could I try the '85?
Waiter - Excellent choice Mr. Sheen. It was a fine year. The drug lords were very competitive that year so it was not cut much at all. It has earth notes, and you get just a hint of the flower in the after kick.
Charlie - Winning!

Apparently Charlie wants to make this movie with Nic Cage. Can you imagine Nicolas Cage and Charlie Sheen in Colombia for two months? One of them would not make it back home alive. Away from pretty much any paps and with cheap booze and drugs someone should hopefully film the downtime because it is going to be way better that they will be able to make in their condition.


  1. He said he was doing a remake of an amazing movie of the late 70s. Am very curious to see what that movie is. Don't think anyone would dare to remake Platoon, or Scarface?? Columbia would certainly be a great place for those remakes.

    That being said, Columbia is certainly paradise for those two. However, I doubt they know the severity of the situation over there right now. Drug and civil wars are still very much raging.

    Hope they know Cage is almost bankrupt and kidnapping him would not bring about a great price.

  2. Not a bad guess Nosey!

  3. That's an 80's movie. Did he say 70's specifically?

  4. So those two will play Ralph and Ira?

  5. RenoBlondee - yeah, read it yesterday, he said a remake of late 70s movie.

  6. Sam Peckinpah and another actor (James Caan?) thought of doing the exact same thing during the mid-70's, chumming it up with drug lords they hoped to have finance and act in their movie. They barely got out alive.

  7. Sounds like trouble. I can't imagine a night out with those two, let alone a two-month stint in Colombia, my god!

  8. I know it's the most overused word of the last decade, but this could turn into something EPIC!

  9. Charlie is too hard to look at these days. His looks certainly withered away in the last year. Hope there's no close-ups in that movie.

  10. Patty, seriously. I happened to stop on a channel and one of the first 2 1/2 episodes was on, probably the first, and the difference is shocking.

  11. Maja! That is exactly what he said: "it's going to be EPIC"!

  12. Hmm..2 pampered, aging Hollywood men on the downside slide in a country raging with problems..I see nothing good coming from this. Much hilarity may ensue with regards to their egos.

  13. Oh this will end well....

  14. What?!? No mention of the velvet suit?

  15. Velvet suit sans belt.

  16. @Rita--The Powers That Be in Hollywoodland DO want to remake Scarface. They think the Pacino version does not translate well to younger audiences. They are asshats!

  17. Are you effing kidding me? What would translate more to the younger generation? Zac Effron instead of Al?

    "Say Ello to my li'l friend"

    And he actually whips out a cutesy tiny pink pistol! AAAaargh, leave the classics alone.

  18. Oh they better not be remaking Peckinpah's "Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Garcia." I'll bet that's what it is though. Jerks.

    What's wrong with Charlie's face? He looks like Josh Brolin in Jonah Hex:

  19. They are remaking SCARFACE. Just look at Charlie there.

  20. They definitely should do a behind-the-scenes documentary while shooting. 'Hearts of Darkness' is as interesting as 'Apocalypse Now.'

  21. Who is backing this movie? Does Nic Cage have any money? Can Charlie stay sober longer than a day to film??

    I think a behind the scenes documentary of their Colombian escapades is the only winner here.

  22. My vote is for 'Apocalypse Now'. Nic Cage will do Marlon Brando's role.
