Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pamela Anderson Is The Virgin Mary

You know, whenever I was a kid and got read the story of how Jesus was born in a manger and about the Virgin Mary, I always imagined she looked like a washed up has been almost porn star like Pamela Anderson. It is uncanny that Russell Peters thinks the same way I do. Russell has cast Pamela as the Virgin Mary for his Christmas special on CTV in Canada and here in the States on Comedy Central. The rest of his guests seem perfectly normal and possibly Christmas related like Michael Buble.


  1. I think my Bible just exploded.

  2. Hahaha- I think this is awesome!

    If the rest of the story about how Jesus was born on Dec. 25th and all that jazz was fictitious than why not have the "Virgin Mary" be portrayed by friggin Pam Anderson?!

    Score one for the Pagans. At least they're getting some comedy out of having the winter solstice usurped by the religious sects. Booyah

  3. lol! Oh, give her a break, all of Canada's best and brightest stars are living in the U.S. now :) And to be fair, Russel Peters IS a comedian.

  4. @Jasmine, LOL!

    At least Joseph looks appropriately cast. Who knew there was hydrogen peroxide and breast implants in 3 A.D.? See, you learn something every day?

  5. awwww, come on. I like Pam.

  6. Well, Mary looks pretty used up for a 13 year old virgin...

  7. I love this. Pamela Anderson has done some questionable things in her life no doubt, but she always seems to have a sense of humor about it all.

  8. I heard on the Palm Springs' jazz radio station that she was hosting some Frank Sinatra birthday charity celebration.

    I thought that took the cake, but the Virgin Mary trumps Frank.

  9. Well, it IS being broadcast in the U.S. on Comedy Central, so maybe the casting is meant to be less than serious.

  10. I'm sure it's supposed to be some kind of ironic and funny...*L* I think it's awesome.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I guess he couldn't get the show insured if he hired Lindsey, so he had to go all '90's on us.

  13. @RocketQueen - I thought the exact same thing. As soon as I saw the name Russell Peters, I knew this was a joke/satire/farce.

  14. Well, it is an ironic Christmas special, right?
