Friday, November 04, 2011

Porky's Actor, Wyatt Knight Commits Suicide

Long before American Pie came to be, there were a series of movies which kind of morphed Animal House with Wonder Years. The movie was called Porky's and the sequels were brilliantly titled Porky's 2 and Porky's 3. You just do not see genius like that very often. The movies were basically a way to show breasts and were some of the first R rated movies which did really well at the box office. Kim Cattrall was in at least one and became famous for her very loud sex scenes. Very loud. Like the whole school could hear her loud. I don't think I have even seen these movies on cable in years. It is like they just do not exist anymore. Despite the fact they were supposed to be lighthearted, I found them to be much darker than an American Pie movie. They had more adult themes and subjects and were much more edgy than you would expect.

One of the stars of the trilogy was Wyatt Knight. His body was found last week in Maui and police suspect the actor committed suicide. He was 56.


  1. Very sad. His wife said he was dealing with cancer and that he planned his suicide to be rid of the pain associated with the treatments and picked Maui because he wanted to die somewhere beautiful.

  2. That is sad.
    I remember these movies on HBO in the 80's when I was little and sneaking watching them, feeling like I was soooo getting away with something naughty, lol.

  3. @ Princess - That is what I read as well. So young to already be gone. Cancer sucks.

  4. Very sad. I grew up with the Porky's movies and still watch them when I see them being shown on cable. In fact I watched one of them in the last month or so. They haven't disappeared Enty. You just have to really watch out for them.

  5. So sad. At least he's not in pain anymore and he was in control at the end.

    Porky's 2 and 3 are streaming on Netflix, but the original is only available on DVD.

  6. Also, I too remember trying to sneak watching these movies when I was a pre-teen. They were *so* naughty!

  7. I saw the original Porky's, don't remember 2 or 3.

  8. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Oh hell. He should have gone to Celebrity Rehab instead of suiciding himself.

  9. Ah...these movies were GOLD. Well, the first two, anyway.

    Buelah and Tommy in the shower. Classic.
