Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Radar Wins The Wussiest Assertion Of The Day Award

I hate headlines like the one Radar has up on their site today. It says that Britney Spears could be engaged by the end of the year. Great. I could be a lot of things by the end of the year. We all could. I can't imagine Radar's lawyers would get all uppity if the reporter said Britney will be engaged by the end of the year. It is still vague and who knows if you are right or wrong and who is going to sue over something ridiculous like this. Take a stand. Show some cojones. Make a statement. Who cares if you are wrong. If the world cared if you were wrong no one would buy OK! Magazine and no one would buy any magazine with a cover that says Jennifer Aniston is pregnant or married.

Britney can get engaged all she wants, but it would be up to her dad to decide whether to allow the marriage since he controls her right to marry.


  1. Stop wearing those fucking shorts Britney! You're going to be 30 years old in less than a month.


  2. When does Britney regain her right to run her own affairs? And does it really control whether or not she can marry?!

  3. I hope Brit is wearing "paper shoes" after just having a pedicure. That's the only excuse for white flip flops

  4. califblondy, Britney's excuse is she has NO TASTE.

    She has always been an awful dresser. She highlights her flaws, and looks a mess 95% of the time.

  5. @Seachica - I don't know I think recently (in the past year?) the conservatorship got renewed, don't know how often that has to happen.

  6. Doesn't she have enough yet? Why is she still working?? Doesn't she have kids she should be taking care of (OK, even I'm laughing at that!)? Seriously, she needs to sit down and give someone else a chance. I couldn't imagine anyone spending any money to see or hear her.

  7. I know it's ridiculous, but I love her so much. I just went to Vancouver to see her in July and it was so much fun! I felt like I was 13 again.
