Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Random Photos Part Three

The mystery hand has its best showing yet.
Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield pose with Dr. Jane Aronson who started the WWO.
Heidi Klum enjoying the sunshine.
GQ honors some people in its latest issue where Jimmy Fallon shows off his man crush for Justin Timberlake.
Jay-Z just looks cool.
Who knew Michael Fassbender could look so good. Guy must not eat.
Jon Hamm and Jimmy Kimmel hanging out at Mindy Kaling's book party.
Katie Couric about to give Larry King a hummer.
Yeah, even Kirsten Dunst is pretty sickened about it.


  1. Love that pic of Jimmy and Justin! Hilarious!

  2. I <3 Michael Fassbender!

  3. Kirsten D. is looking super great lately.

  4. John Hamm always looks so shit faced at events. Can't wait for Mad Men to come back!

  5. There's something about Fassbender that turns me off, not sure what it is. Chainsmoking grey face, maybe? Although it doesn't look as bad as usual in this picture.

  6. Michael Fassbender. YUM.

  7. Lindsey---I agree. Kiki has been looking fantastic.
    She spoke recently about her struggles with Clinical Depression. She admitted it contributed to her drinking problem (a few years back), and she said she's been working hard on those issues.
    I'm proud of her progress, and the fact she's not ashamed to talk about her difficulties.

  8. Fassbender looks HOTTTTTT.

  9. If Enty doesn't think the Fassbender always had this good a body, he obviously hasn't seen Fish Tank. Most glorious kitchen scene (and back dimples) ever.

  10. Brad's aging hipster look doesn't work for me.

  11. Heidi looks lovely.

    Love Jimmy and Justin.

    That is Jay-Z post nose job. Yeah, post nose job if you can believe it.

  12. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Forget Fish Tank, watch 300! Fassbender as Stelios was hot, hot, hot!! Of course, that whole movie was full of hotness. Sigh. Might be why I've watched it like 48 times.

  13. I highly recommend Mindy Kaling's book, which I finished today. Very quick read and quite funny. I would like to be BFF's with her.

  14. I wish aging Hollywood women would take a clue from women like Dr. Jane Aronson who looks FANTASTIC! Now ladies, that is how you age with grace. She looks like she's in excellent shape, beautiful tux-style suit, fun glasses...elegant and not trying to look like she's 20.

  15. Michael Fassbender is pure hottttnnneeeesssss in HEX on BBC. Ugh I wanted that man so bad when I saw him on that show. Oh yess! And 300 topped it off. Pure lava.

    Okay, I am done.
