Monday, November 28, 2011

Russia Thanks Prince William For Saving Two Of Their Sailors

Over the weekend, Prince William moved closer to sainthood as he helped rescue two Russian sailors from the Irish Sea after their ship sunk. Six other sailors from the ship died in the incident. This morning, Russia formally thanked Prince William for assisting in the rescue of two of their citizens. Yeah, yeah, William is perfect. I know he was part of the rescue, but how about some love for the other members of the crew? You think they might feel overshadowed or jealous? In Russia's letter to William they only mentioned him and no one else. I just feel bad for them. Maybe William will set them up on dates with Pippa or something.


  1. I'm stuck at the office, wish Prince Harry would come and save me on his hog!

  2. You know, I think that is the normal SOP in diplomacy. If he led the mission then the head of state need only acknowledge the leader and not the crew.

    I think it's cool that Prince Wm. is actually trying to be purposeful despite his lineage.

  3. The cold war is finished.... LOL

  4. I agree that it is probably a diplomacy/future head-of-state thing. If the team was thanked, it is not news, and it probably had to go through normal diplomacy/military channels.

  5. You know, even though it's the royal PR machine putting out there heroic feats that would've never garnered attention, I still like how the princes are of SERVICE.

    If 100% of the "stars", and political figures did 25% of what the princes are doing, they would definitely be leading by example and making sure that their "stardom" is used for goodness to some degree.

    Giving back to the people and being of service is the way to being thankful for everything you have in life:)

  6. Diana had some really good kids. I'm so glad they are good people - instead of like their father. I have a friend visiting who knows people who worked closely with the royals. I've been hearing stories for weeks now. These kids are saints in comparison - according to the tales.

  7. Well done, Ye Olde Prince of The Thinning Hair!!!!

  8. I like Wills. They both seem like nice people (in their worlds, of course), and it's not like it's his fault that Russia mentioned only him.

  9. Thank you Diana, the lessons stuck in their heads in the short time you had to influence them. Even if Harry is a "lot of fun" at times, both of them know that they are in very fortunate positions by luck of birth and they have no damn right to be arrogant about it. They could teach a few hundred people in the US that lesson.

  10. Golly, and it seems like only yesterday that Wills was flushing his shoes down the toilet.

    Indeed, they are really working, making a genuine effort.
