Friday, November 11, 2011

Sasha Grey Reads To Kids - Parents Complain

Last week, Sasha Grey was invited to an elementary school to read to children as part of the Read Across America program. Sasha had such a great time that she Tweeted about it and kids went home and told their parents about the celebrity they had read to them. Then some parent probably Googled Sasha Grey and discovered she used to be a porn star. Uh oh. Parents began raining phone calls down on the school and the next thing you know the principal of the school started lying and says celebrities come all the time to the school, but Sasha was never there. Hmm. She did Tweet about it and was very specific. Oh, and then of course there are the photos that TMZ just happened to find of the incident. I bet the principal is glad that today is a holiday so he does not have to answer any questions. What do you think? Should parents be upset that Sasha was reading to their kids?


  1. Well, on the bright side, at least she wasn't there for Career Day...

  2. Well, since Sasha quit doing porn a few years ago, and is considered a relatively mainstream actress, I have no problem with her reading to kids. I applaud her for doing it.

    I'm far more concerned that one-third of fourth-graders (including kids from affluent and impoverished households) are functionally illiterate than whether a former porn actress reads to them. That's 1.2 million fourth-graders or equivalent to the number of kids that drop out of school every year. If they are unable to read, they are almost guaranteed to drop out. That's a far bigger problem than Sasha Grey reading to them so they can improve their literacy.

    It's not as if she's showing them some Peter North flicks; she's reading from a book selected by the teachers that is age appropriate for them. Honestly, some of those parents are doing some of the same things she's done and in more-morally repugnant behaviors. So color me unconcerned about Sasha reading to the kiddies.

  3. She's READING to the children! Not making a film for the children!

  4. I don't have children but I do not see what the big deal is, it's not like she was reading to the kids while butt naked or filming a porn in front of them.

  5. agree with every one!

  6. Sevenmack, she didn't quit doing porn a few years ago. She is 21 and won 6 porn awards in 2010 (I checked, for science!).

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  9. Okay. I got it wrong. She announced her retirement from porn in April. But, again, what does that have to do with her helping kids become literate?

    I think we all need to keep our eyes on the big picture here.

  10. If Kim Kardashian (also a porn star from a few years ago) was there the parent's would be ecstatic and the school would get mad press. She would never take the time out of her sham marriage/divorce to do this. She attends the Nick kid's choice awards too.

    who cares, the kids don't know. I wouldn't care. i would just be stoked that the school had this program.

  11. was she reading them The Story of O?

  12. So when the kids ask their teacher or their moms "what has Sasha Grey been in?", how do you answer that? Um...Sally's Butt Hole isn't exactly cool to have to explain to kids.

    Sorry, I agree with the parents. I wouldn't want my kid asking questions about a porn star. There are plenty of other people who can read to them.

  13. Look, I was asked to read to kids in my past job and I went and I highly doubt that ANY of the kids knew who I was or remember me now except for those who liked (and remembered) what I read to them. So this doesn't bother me, as long as she was reading proper material to them.

    On the cool side, the first year I went to this school, I chose to read a chapter of "On the Banks of Plum Creek" to several classes, one of which was the school's "sweathogs." One kid who kept his head on the desk the whole time and who (I was told later) never spoke in class perked up at the end and said, "What book is that? I want to read the rest of it!" Several other kids said they wanted to, as well. One kid said, "Where did you get it?" I said I got it from their library. "OUR library?!?" they said, stunned. The next year, when I came back, the librarian said that thanks to me, there was a run on Laura Ingalls Wilder books after my visit! Yay, me!

  14. Presumably people object because of her sex background. Presumably that means the next step is virginity tests for teachers.

  15. SIGH.

    Another day, another overly dramatic obnoxious moral stance American parents make in an increasingly futile chance to block their precious offspring from getting any wind of sex or sexuality.

    Agreed with Sevenmack and most other bloggers on here- why SHOULDNT this woman be able to read to children and hopefully incite some excitment for reading?

    Should we ostracize the 'bad girls' from children? And what does this teach them in the long run about sex and the good girl/bad girl dichotomy?

    I think if someone wants to help children shit, let them do it. No, the kids aren't old enough to know perhaps about her previous porn career but so what? If we do ban people like her from helping kids, what's next?? Segregating all women who have sex outside of marriage from the youth population?!

    This is total bullshit.

    Oh, and btw- NOT teaching kids about sex or masturbation leds them to do it MORE, not less. We cannot have this dumb system that the parent's council people seem to want where nothing and no one is allowed to be remotely sexual. Guess what? CHILDREN start masturbating when they're 2,3,4,5 years old- it is US who teach them that it's wrong to do. I think children are much more organic and accepting of sexuality than we are comfortable with or give them credit for.

  16. Actually, Seachica, they can say "Entourage" and "Smashcut". You can also say she's a musician (which she is). Of course, as someone with a nine year old nephew and ten year old cousins, I guarantee you that the average kid isn't likely to ask at all.

    I'm not saying that she's the best role-model for kids. Actually, I'm not calling her a role model at all. It would be better if she hadn't done porn at all, she actually has some level of talent that would have allowed her to go to college and do something different. But she isn't hurting anyone and she's turned her back on porn. I'm all for redemption for the right reasons.

    I'm willing to bet that the parents who are screaming the loudest are also the ones exposing their kids to some really repugnant behaviors (and saying to themselves that "the kids won't notice" even when Johnny is up in front of them watching). And some of these parents would be perfectly happy with a Kardashian or Paris Hilton reading to their kids. Heck, some would be perfectly okay having Alec Baldwin reading to their kids. Each of these three folks have behaved atrociously in public and private; I'd sooner have Sasha in front of kids reading a book than any of those walking human garbage cans.

  17. LOL, I meant if someone wants to help children, than shit let them do it. That lack of comma made the whole sentence sound crazy ;P

  18. Ha haaaa! When I first read about this, I had a VERY visually explicit memory of some freaky porn I've seen her in!

  19. Aaaannnnd, every one of the parents had to (gasp!) *do it* somehow, some way, in order to bear a child. Sheesh.

    (Well, other than the adopters, and half of them are gay. Like, OMG! The humanity of it all!)

  20. I wouldn't care if she read to my kid. She's not a porn "actress" anymore, and she has done legitimate acting work since then. More power to her for volunteering her time for these kids. Good for her!

  21. And just how many complaining parents come in and read to the kids?

  22. Parents up in arms over a former adult film star graciously reading to children to encourage literacy.

    Students up in arms over a coach who knowingly ignored the molestation of young boys being fired after sweeping heinous crimes under the rug.

    What a strange, strange world we live in.

  23. Has anyone been here before? I was born and raised in LA. This is porn capital of the world, so it's really not shocking.

  24. Thank you, JoElla. It amazes me what people get upset about. Reading, the basis of success in life, for goodness sake don't let her help kids with that.

  25. And she is dressed appropriatly unlike so many stars, who attend Disneyland events or Kids Choice Awards

  26. Congrats Nunurbiz! That's the best story. Sadly why didn't the librarian suggest it to these kids is the big question but somehow or another you got them interested and that's just the best. I am still chuckling over M's response. Truly, that was a crack up.

  27. to block their precious offspring from getting any wind of sex or sexuality.

    I'm sorry, but pornography -at least not the kind of hardcore pornography people are used to nowadays - has nothing to do with sexuality. It's a mere parody of what actually happens between two people sexually.

    Apart from that, as long as that woman would not have physical contact with my child (who knows where that mouth/hand has been before) and would not show up in work gear I wouldn't mind her reading to the kids.

  28. She is dressed appropriately, engaging the children with what she is reading and is acting just like a Mom if you did not know better. Get over yourselves and find something else to worry about. She is not discussing Pornos! Can't anyone redeem themselves and make a change for the better? What did Jesus say about casting the first stone.....

  29. NaNaLaLa- you nailed it.

  30. Anonymous11:48 AM

    What's the fuss? It's not like Sasha is showing them one of her movies. She's dressed correctly and the kids are having a good time. I'd rather have Sasha reading to the children than some amateur porn stars whose names I will not mention.

  31. If she'd come to read to children dressed provocatively or read them something inappropriate, I'd be upset. However, that is clearly not the case. I wouldn't necessarily want her to babysit my kids, but I'm fine with her going to a classroom and reading to them. All any parent had to say if their kids asked about her movies (which I SERIOUSLY doubt that they would) is just say, she makes makes movies that grown-ups go to see, and leave it at that.

  32. I guess I should have said I wouldn't necessarily want her to babysit my kids, if I had kids, which I do not.

  33. If it was Traci Lord would their be an uproar also?

  34. I am torn about this on a personal level. She is not someone I want my (future) children to look up to. But the way the parents went about it (have you seen that press release?) is just horrible.

  35. The parents should put this into perspective...and yes if it was a Kardashian or a Hilton, and yes a Baldwin too. I bet the parents would be there that day.

    I love reading and have read to kids, it is the backbone of their education and any kind of reading or getting kids to read is okay in my book.

    Sadly, my sister would not let her kids read the Harry Potter series because her church (Harvest Christian Church) said that it was "devil inspiring". That series, in my opinion, got soooo many kids to read, and to brought on a whole new genre of series type books for kids. I love it!
    I still took my nephews to see the movies :)

  36. If you're a school principal and you think it's a good idea to have the winner of the 2010 adult film award for Best Anal to come and read to class, at least make the kids bring a signed note from their parents saying it's ok. The principal who flat-out lied when asked if Sasha was there should be fired.

  37. I have to agree with AngusParvo, although it's pretty obvious the principal had no clue who she was.

    I get what everyone is saying about redemption and she was only reading to them, but I think it showed a lack of good judgment on the school's part. (I bet a lot of dads, and some moms, were pissed they couldn't show up that day.)

  38. I have a 3rd grader and wouldn't care. Sounds like she is trying to change her line of work. Good for her.

  39. This reminds me of that scene in Gone With the Wind when Belle Watling meets Melanie Hamilton discretely to donate money to the war effort. Melanie's coachman grumbles about her taking money from "THAT kind of woman," but Belle points out that just because she runs a brothel doesn't mean she can't be patriotic; just because Sasha Grey has done porn doesn't mean she can't care about children and children's literacy. How many parents are coming in there to read to those kids, I wonder?

  40. My kids are in college. I would love to show up if Sasha Grey were reading to my kids. And they probably would love to show up, too.

  41. The parents hadn't seen this picture. Remember the last picture of a porn star you saw, and then say you'd want that person around your kids.

  42. Anonymous3:51 PM

    If someone has decorated their past with incidences that would preclude them from teaching or being a substitute teacher then they have no right to be in a classroom with kids. This bitch want's it both ways. I would sue the holy hell out of that school and fire the lying principal.

  43. Anonymous3:54 PM

    There is a huge difference between being sexually active and getting gang banged on film. What message does it send for a porn star to be in front of young girls? That it's ok to do porn? Give me a break. The only people this porn star should be reading to is other porn stars.

  44. Was she reading the X-rated pop up version of HOP ON POP???? NO?? Then I say who cares & do their parents come to story time and read IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE??

  45. I don't get the outrage of the parents. All she did was read to them. She wasn't trying to recruit them into porn. Good for her for doing something for her community and to help kids. They have no way of knowing she's a porn star (I hope)! Be outraged when grownups stay silent about child rape, but this is silly.

  46. What M said!

    She is fully clothed and appears not to be representing her past profession in any way to the children. Give me a BREAK.

    I'm the PTA prez at my kid's elementary school....the principal LYING, on the other hand, would become an issue.

  47. LMAO @ M!!! Well said!
    @nunaurbiz - Cool story!

    I can kind of see both sides...

    If it were personally and my kid, *I* wouldn't have complained, BUT I can definitely see why some parents might have an issue with it. I guess at least with 1st-3rd graders you don't have to worry too much about them googling her.

    The principal lying is not so good either.

  48. Jeezum fecking cheeto.

    What JoElla and Sevenmack said.

    People get their panties in a bunch over the most ridiculous things. She was READING not performing.

  49. I find the irony so heavy I can barely move. At least some of the parents protesting have contributed to the porn industry by buying movies, sex toys or visiting internet porn sites, possibly all of the above. If everyone had just accepted that she read to the children, then there would have been no outcry and the children WOULD NOT BE CURIOUS AS TO WHY THE NICE LADY SHOULDN'T HAVE READ TO THEM.
    There are not enough agnostics/atheists in the world to be supporting the porn industry, which means there are people who proclaim beliefs that vilify the pornography industry that also like to look at pornography.
    Having written all of that, I can understand parents not wishing to have someone with a porn background not read to their children. However, she has not, as far as I am aware, molested children, raped, murdered, stolen etc. Where do we draw the line? If you do speak out against her, and have contributed to the porn industry, how do you reconcile that?

  50. I don't see the problem with Sasha reading to the kids. She's doing a good deed by being proactive about childrens education- she isn't hosting an orgy in the classroom, for god's sake. Her past is the past and a person does not have to agree with it to respect her decisions- she's an adult and should not have to answer to anyone regarding the choices she makes so long as she is not harming anyone. I say good for her for taking an active role in promoting literacy among kids.

    The principal blatantly lying about her being there on the other hand is a problem.

  51. Anonymous9:35 PM

    If I bought a porno at one point in my life I STILL DON'T WANT SLEAZY PORN STARS READING TO MY KIDS. If she is so gung ho, why is she getting publicity for "reading to kids" ? She want's to do the right thing now? Well, too late to be in a class room honey. That is reserved for UPSTANDING PEOPLE. She should find some other way to contribute to society, and do it anonymously. The best good deeds are done when no one knows it was you who did it.

  52. Reserved for upstanding people. Heh.

    You crack me up.

  53. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Whoa. Get a grip, @sussique.

  54. I'd have no problem with her READING - the problem would be the aftermath, my kid coming home and asking me what a porn star was, because someone's parents would have told their child who Sasha was, and I'd have to discuss it with my young child. Those kids look like first graders or maybe even kindergartners. My son is eleven, and he just found out that people have sex for money (I had to define "prostitute" for him). Sex can be confusing to the little ones, especially when you have to explain prostitution and porn after you've told them it's something you do when you care about someone else an awful lot AND how children are made!

    As a parent who spent a lot of time in my son's classrooms, I know how hard (snicker) up the schools and teachers are for support. Spending even one hour a week helping out your child's teacher and the other students makes a big difference. It sends a message to the students, too, that their education isn't just about teachers and school staff - that parents (or actresses) who have time and opportunity can pitch in, too.

    The principal shouldn't have lied, though. Bad idea.

    Can't help but think about some of these kids, ten years later, watching a Sasha film and thinking about the fact that she read "One Fish Two Fish" to them when they were five. HA!

  55. I would have a problem with it. Her particular brand of porn was degrading, disgusting and demeaning to women.

  56. I'm pretty sure they didn't publicize her visit as "Story Time with a Porn Star." It's fine. It's just reading, for goodness sake.

    On the other hand, I would have a problem with Kim K reading to my children. Although it's not much of a worry, since I'm fairly sure none of the K Klan actually know how to read.
