Saturday, November 26, 2011

Selena Gomez Baby Drama

See how you can make a headline to make something look really juicy? Unfortunately this story is anything but juicy. Selena is going to finally have a sibling though. Selena announced that her mother is expecting a baby and it is not with Justin Bieber. Well, you never know. I mean if he could have sex with Mariah Yeater, he presumably would be willing to have sex with anyone. It turns out though Selena's step-father is the baby daddy. Selena's mom had Selena when she was 16 years old. Her mom is now 35 and her husband looks a bit younger.


  1. Wow, and Selena can support them all.

  2. HA! My youngest nephew told my sister and I that Selena Gomez was pregnant. I guess this is what he meant.

  3. Great! I'm as mature as Selena Gomez with her "gram/p." when my baby sister was pregnant I told people I was going to be an uncle or an aunt.

    Yeah, sure, I'm puerile, but I like to think it's in an Adam Sandler way, not a Selena Gomez, Barbie-doll way. (sigh)

    BTW, how does she figure?

  4. Ha! I thought that WAS Selena !

    How cute but she will be more like an auntie than a sister. My kids are ten years apart and still fight like cats and dogs though ( actually my cat and dog get along MUCH better ) so you never know
