Friday, November 04, 2011

This Could Have Been Bad

While Kate Gosselin waited inside her van, her kids made their way from the school bus to the van. One of the kids dropped some homework or something and went crawling underneath the van to get it. This could have been tragic and with eight kids, you would hope someone would say something and Kate would not just be in a rush and back up without checking to make sure she has everyone. The thing is, as the kids get older, there will probably be times where she is not picking up all 8 at once or if more kids get expelled or have other activities and then the next thing you know, something bad happens. Various safety boards and organizations are having a field day with Kate and telling her she should have been out of the van and supervising. I kind of agree. She probably was not out because she was not in full hair and makeup so did not want the shots to be sent out to the world. If she was outside though, then there would have been no room for error.


  1. I don't like Kate, but I'll give her a pass on this one. When I was that age and mom would get us from school she never got out of the car. We would open the door and get in. You can also see from the photos that the van doors are open in both these shots. I'm thinking one of the other 7 said, "Hey, Ma - so and so dropped his homework".

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. One of the kids is clearly talking to her, and no doubt telling her about the kid under the van. This is just fucking ridiculous.

  4. Who gets out of the car to pick up their kids. Not I, that's for sure. The van could have been turned off. And as nichole said, the doors were open. And I'm sure she knew how many she was getting from that stop. And who's not to say she wasn't screaming at him to not go under the van and he did it anyway. Wouldn't be the first time a kid did something against parental advice. As much as a I don't care for her, I'd have to give a pass here.

  5. I've done this and my kids have done this, lots of stuff ends up under the car. Not a big deal, imo. The kids are adorable, the parents not so much.

  6. The bigger question is...They are still getting papped???

  7. I don't like the woman but you can't deny she is spot on with what the kids are doing. I have no doubt she knew exactly where the child was. She gets a pass. Now, had it been Jon?????not so much.

  8. Good lord, why this story is getting attention is beyond me. The doors are all open, she's waiting for several more people, this wasn't even CLOSE to an incident.

  9. Can't stand Kate but she gets a pass from me on this one. And for that matter, if there was that much danger, why didn't the freakin' pap put his camera down and yell out to Kate? Or is taking a picture more important than saving a life?

  10. I hate this woman, but I bet she knew exactly where that child was. Enty needs to cool the seething hate on this one.

  11. I agree with Enty on this one. My son has been getting the message to never go under a vehicle since he was a toddler. When he went to kindergarten, he had a "bus class" and they taught the kids to NEVER go under the bus OR a car to retrieve papers, coats, etc. If there is a ball under the vehicle, the kids get a stick or a broom to get it, they never ever crawl under the car. I think this is all kinds of crazy wrong. I've seen parents forget to put the vehicle in park while they're picking kids up. Also, at our school more than half the parents get out of the vehicle when they pick up their kids (in the "drive thru" lane) -- usually those with younger kids. For me, it boils down to potential consequences of the action; this one could be tragic. What if her car was rear-ended by another one? I've seen that happen at school too. No way.

  12. Kate gets a pass on this. You can't have your eye on your kids (even if you just have one or two) every second. It doesn't look like from this picture that there was any danger of her suddenly driving away. Sometimes kids do potentially dangerous things that even the very best parents can't control.

  13. Meh, hate Kate but this is no biggy.

  14. My mom counseled a couple where the husband ran over their two year old while backing out of the driveway. This definitely could've ended badly. Accidents like this happen all the time.

  15. Shouldn't we be more concerned that a former editor of the show was arrested for child pornography? He had access to hundreds and hundreds of hours of uncensored footage of the kids. He was also an editor for other TLC shows with kids like the Duggars and Table for 12.

  16. @Paisley - Enty did a post about that story already.

    I LOATHE KATE but I don't think this is a big deal.

    What I do think is a big deal? I just read an article that said Kate wants to move to Hollywood and get her kids in the entertainment industry, so she can be a momager.

    I LOATHE this woman.

  17. @Lelaina Piece, I had hoped the child pornography arrest would have caused a huge media uprising that we'd still be talking about a week later. Instead, it generated barely any attention and everyone has sort of moved on to being disturbed that her kid crawled under the van.

    I still can't figure out why the media hasn't jumped on this story more.

  18. @Paisley - I agree. I just thought you meant EL had never covered it.
