Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Today's Blind Items

This actress is B list for now. When her crap show goes off the air on that almost network, then I fully expect to see her at a comfortable D. She is the star of the show. Well, at least has the most name recognition. Reason? Shrewd. So shrewd. Dated a B list gay movie actor when he was scorching hot and in a huge couple of movies so got in a lot of pap photos. Although they tried to have sex once or twice, it never really worked out, but what she did learn was how to tie him to the bed and beat him with a paddle. He loved it. Turns out, she loved doing it. Her new boyfriend? A C list actor, maybe B- if you are a fan. They had nothing in common and she was tired of him hitting on her. Then one day he started talking about what he liked in bed. Same thing as the other actor, but this time she does not have to beard.


  1. Totally Rachel Bilson.

  2. Someone on the WB, hmmmm?

  3. i thought of rachel bilson too, but she's still being seen out with hayden so who is the new C/maybe B- list boyfriend?

    she's only publicly dated adam brody and hayden and adam wouldn't fit for the first boyfriend that got her the pap shots. that totally fits hayden, but unless she's dating someone new and no one knows it, in which case it would be nearly impossible to guess, it may not be her.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Annalynn McCord dated Kellan Lutz. Wasn't there a BI about a gay twlight actor recently??

  6. AnnaLyne McCord (Was it Kellan Lutz who she bearded for?) Current boyfriend Dominic West-I think that's his name (from Prison Break).

  7. 90210
    AnaLyn Mccord
    Kellan Lutz
    Dominic Purcell

  8. love it. i don't watch these shows so i was unfamiliar with them. i'm in on this guess.

  9. I like the analyn guess, too

  10. is anyone else having problems posting comments?

    for the past few days most of my comments just disappear but then others stick.


  11. Speaking of the Gay Twilight BI, I thought it was Jackson Rathbone (Umm a red velvet suit? Hello!) but now that I read this post I think it's Kellan.

  12. AnnaLynne - Enty has used the same wording (i.e. star now, sort of, but going to talentless noboby when show ends) in prior blinds where she was the favourite guess.

  13. @TMNT we suspect Jackson is the gay actor that wants to come out of the closet. But his PR team won't let him.

  14. Definitely AnnaLynn. And Purcell is hotness.

  15. On the twilight topic, anyone see the article in Star magazine last week about the twilight actor who isn't allowed to come out? They cited it as from, when it was really a CDAN original blind. They quoted posters and everything. On one hand it kind of ticked me off that it wasn't credited correctly, but on the other hand was happy that Enty is still flying under the radar.

  16. @Timebob, yes several of my comments have disappeared but were not inflamatory to cause removal. Frustrating!

  17. I thought Kellan was one of the only ones in Twilight that is actually straight? That guess does make sense though w/ Annalynne and 90210 though.
    I thought her blind was the one where they brought in her sister.
    I don't know. LOL

  18. I like the Rachel Bilson guess for this one!

  19. Rachel Bilson, and ex-boyfriend Hayden Christensan. Don't know who her new guy is though.

    Can't be Analyn because she is not the star of 90210 she is part of a group of people. Bilson is the headliner for Hart of Dixie.

  20. Annalyn is the only person on 90210 whose name anyone knows. I'd say she's the star of that show. The rest of the clues fit, too.

  21. Dominic Purcell was so good looking what happened to him ?

  22. Can't be Bilson - she's back with Hayden for some ridiculous reason.

  23. I've had trouble posting, but I learned early on to always Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C my posts before I start the login. That way, when my comment doesn't take the first time, I paste it back in and try again and it works. Sort of stupid, but I don't complain for a free gossip site! :)

  24. Ted Casablanca has said Kallan Lutz isn't gay, and he thinks everyone is gay, so I don't think it's Kellan, I'm going to go with Rachel Bilson, we all know Chace Crawford has some *cough cough* vicey habits.

  25. Don't think it's Kellan, but he could be an equal opportunity sexual partner. A young woman I know hung out with him and he was "touchy". She never got the gay vibe at all, it was kind of the opposite.

  26. enty, i have to ask you something. as you hear the intimate details of celebrity lives, can you watch the people you hear about w/o it distracting you from the film/show, etc? and has it affected the way you look at people in general?

  27. I think the sentence "Well, at least [she] has the most name recognition" rules Bilson out, because she is definitely the star of her show. AnnaLynne makes much more sense with that phrasing.

  28. Is Annalynne really B list??

  29. Anyone guessed Leighton Meister? She was caught a few months ago for having done light BDSM movies in the beginning of her career, I think it was one of those droll footsie tickling movies, but no follow-up.

    The guy she was supposedly dating is that one she did a movie with and Gwyneth Paltrow, he was also in Tron Legacy... Sorry, forgot his name. They were seen together a few times on dates and being touchy after their son performances (movie promotion on some award show).

    Now for the new guy who has been bothering her on the set: wouldn't be funny if it were Chuck Bass? !! I know that boy is dirty!
