Monday, November 28, 2011

What Do You Think?

So, over the weekend I posted a link to a video of Miley Cyrus calling herself a stoner and bragging about how much pot she smokes. Now though her rep says Miley was just being sarcastic. This would of course force us to believe that Miley knows how to be sarcastic. “The cake was a joke and Miley was being sarcastic. It is being completely taken out of context.” Uh huh. Even Kelly Osbourne, the person who provided the cake jumped in to Miley's defense. “Let me make something very clear after Miley Cyrus’ salvia incident we started calling her bob miley as a JOKE!. The cake was also A JOKE! It makes me sick that Miley Cyrus’ so called ‘friends’ would sell her out and lead people 2 believe she is someone that she is not! U guys if Miley Cyrus is not recording/filming/touring she is works everyday how could she possible do all that if she was a stoner! #think,”

I'm not sure how recording a video is selling someone out. She said what she said. What do you think? Joke? I think she probably smokes pot. I doubt Salvia is the only thing she ever smoked out of a bong.


  1. I think someone making a video at your birthday party and selling it to TMZ or whatever is selling you out.

    What KO says makes sense sort of but it seems an odd thing to do.

  2. she's got that hippie vibe down so i 100% believe she smokes pot. but I also don't care. its pot.

    when she's a alcoholic tearing through the streets or showing up with a fergie-like meth face or lindsay's cracked out teeth then that's different.

    but i also don't think pot should be illegal. i think alcohol is worse and far more dangerous.

  3. True, your supposed "friend" selling a video from your bday party is absolutely taking advantage of you.

    But in regards to the pot smoking: so the fuck what! As long as you're not operating heavy machinery or going to work stoned, I'm all for it.

    I'm all for legalizing marijuana, to the same degree as legalizing alcohol: be safe, consume with moderation, and understand that you cannot operate or work under the influence.

  4. I didn't chime in yesterday just because I'm not of the "it's only pot" mentality and that seemed to be the way the discussion was headed. In addition, I've never been a smoker of pot or anything for that matter, but since you're asking, Enty:

    I highly doubt the Bob Marley cake was meant in sarcasm. I'm quite confident Miley Cyrus smokes pot like a bazillion other teens, 20-somethings, and people of various ages. Do I care? No, not at all. Do I think she's an idiot? Yes.

    People who brag about their levels of success, brilliance, beauty and alcohol/drug use annoy me. I felt this way even as a teenager. If she wants to be a pot user, which right now IS illegal, while being a Disney pop princess/role model, well she probably should shut her trap and pay attention to who her friends are.

  5. When I saw it I definitely thought it was a joke. No one is that clueless or blase about that shit with video cameras rolling and her parents there. I believe her.

    That doesn't mean i think she doesn't smoke pot. She probably does, which is fine by me.

  6. I was thinking how nice it was that she wasn't in the press everyday like she was a few years ago. How can we go back to that?

  7. When (if) she's 46 years old-- she's going to look back and be REALLY embarrassed. She's so NOT a spawn of Cheech & Chong. She's an aesthetically challenged Dork

  8. I think they should have let it go and most people would have forgotten about it. Kelly and the rep making statements seems like overkill. I'm guessing that something worse is going to be coming out about her soon and they are trying to prepare for it.

  9. I think it was a joke about last years birthday and the salvia too.
    She probably does smoke pot though.

  10. Does know one remember Britney's videos? She smokes pot and is way more successful than Miley could ever dream of being. That was at the height of her career too. Just saying, being successful because you have a bunch of people to take care of your responsibilities does not mean you don't smoke pot. Also, see Brad Pitt and every other successful celebrity who freely admits to smoking pot.

  11. I think she is the spawn of Cheech and Chong!

  12. I'm 46 and I don't look back in embarassment at my Cheech and Chong T-Shirt....but then again the teenage population of the planet wasn't looking to me to tell them how to live their lives, either. Sheesh.

  13. I say we just give the girl a pee test.

  14. Oh please, it was not a joke. Honestly, if someone is making you a Bob Marley cake, you probably ARE smoking too much pot. Whatever though, she's young and will hopefully grow out of it.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anyone who thinks Miley smoked salvia in her life is an idiot.

  17. Like I said earlier, it was a joke. It seems very clear to me and I actually am a major stoner. So you'd think I would assume she's lying, but I see the joke.

  18. wow, what a shocker. a celeb is smoking pot. holy shit, this is landmark. let's make a story out of it cause it is so fascinating. i think my life has just changed.

  19. I think they're joking. When I watched the video I got the impression they were teasing her. She probably does smoke, but she got such a hard time about the 'salvia' thing, if I were her friend, I'd tease her about it, too.

  20. I didn't get the "just kidding" vibe from Miley in the video.

    I did sense that she had no idea she was being filmed, so I suspect this "friend" probably did sell her out.

  21. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Kelly Osbourne will look for attention any way she can. All she's famous for now is talking about other celebrities. I love that she tweeted the words "U guys," who writes that? And I love the condescending hashtag finish. Thanks, Ashton.

  22. presidents have admitted to smoking pot. most teens smoke pot. kids with more money and less parental supervision likely experiment w/ drugs.

    i think it should be legal, and it all but is here in california. i have friends who's teens smoke it and one has a Rx for it. someone here yesterday said that wasn;t possible, but my friends kid has one, so.....its an anti anxiety thing for him. he was jumped and had the crap beat out of him, nearly died. actually was so freaked out for awhile that he had to have someoe w/ him at all times.

    anyway, let the girl have a doobie.

  23. @Susan - preach it sister

  24. I agree with @EmEyeKay.

  25. friend should not have done that but i wouldn't be surprised if she IS a pothead. why else woudl she say that? who "jokes" like that? why would they go to the extent to get a bob marley cake?! who gives a shit if she smokes pot!!!?
