Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Is Courtney Stodden Taking?

Although this video from VH-1 is just two minutes long, I feel like I am going to have a seizure everytime I watch it. Courtney Stodden does not stop shaking and twitching and moving the entire time. Is she like that all day or is this a nerve thing or a drug thing? No one can keep that up all day. Go ahead and watch it on mute if you want. I guarantee you that if you watch it with the sound on you will throw something at the screen. I can summarize it if you like. Courtney is a princess who wakes up at noon perfectly dressed and perfectly made up and spends the rest of the day throwing crap on the ground and having her husband/grandfather picking it all up for her.


  1. Always thought she was a Meth-head.

    I always try to remember that she's only 17, married a degenerate grandpa at 16, and was whored by her mother on "beauty" competitions by her mother since a very early age.
    Poor girl. I take pity.

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Oh good god.

  3. She's definitely drunk and on something.

    I kept expecting her to fall out of her chair.

  4. I watched with the sound off, she's incapable of holding still. It mostly looked like she was trying to keep her boobs in motion though.

    I don't know if it would be better or worse that she was drugged up to be married to that guy.

  5. High as a kite, that one.

  6. I saw the show (which I can't remember the name) where she comes out to prove her boobs are real. Even though they supposedly tested them and said they are real, their is no way those things are real. From the before to after pictures their is no way those things grew up to that size.

    She is a phoney and stupid and probably on drugs. I guess to being married to her Maid she has to be on drugs LOLOL.

  7. She probably is on something, but I also thought she was shaking it to look her idea of "sexy".
    "Makeup?" "DON!" "Hair?" "DON!"

  8. Adderall?

    Could someone please get her to take off that cleopatra arm band? it just screams stripper.

    I agree with Rita, she has been used and taken advantage of. Would anyone be surprised to find her Doug and her Dad are lovers and her mom is cool with that?

  9. I gotta disagree on this one. She just seems nervous-very. I just saw normal gesticulating and honestly I am very animated (hate say like that) when I talk. That being said, her laugh is annoying and her over sexualized manner is not normal. And why in the HELL did VH1 give in to her? How much money did they pay them to get her on TV. Reminds of Shawn Colvin line, "You reall get me, famous for nothing."

  10. I threw up in my mouth a little.

    I think of my own daughters and this just makes me sick. She looks awful, and I wouldn't trade my life for hers if you threw in a pony and a plastic rocket.

    Her mother is filthy scum to let this happen. That's my opinion.

  11. For some reason I can't watch this video....but I've seen her before and I truly believe she's on something.

  12. This chick CANNOT be 17. Or else she's been doing meth since she was 12 to speed up the age process.

  13. Took your advice and watched it with the sound off. Just pathetic. Although joymama bring up an idea that never occured to me - yuck. And yeah, definitely some sort of drug abuse here.

  14. She's soooo unattractive and cheap looking. She does not look like a 17 yr old at all. She's in shape and skinny, but when her stomach is showing, it looks like she has droopy or loose skin like an older person who works out and is fit, but has that old people loose skin that you can't get rid of.

  15. Sylvia, didn't the show say she didn't have implants, not that they were real? I'm 100% sure she has something going on in there. They aren't real.

  16. I watched without sound, and she is a mess. I think my migraine is now coming back. At least the facial expressions weren't as gross as they normally are. And while she may not have implants, those things are in no way real.

  17. I agree with her looking nervous & as if she is trying to keep her boobs in motion.

    And her boobs... her boobs are getting bigger!

    So sad. I wonder how different she'd be if her mom wasn't a fame-whore?

  18. I can't BELIEVE what I'm about to say...

    But in her defense, in regards of boobs, one of my friends is 5"10, super skinny, eats like a pig, wears bra size 34 EE. Yes, they're natural. She's in her 30s, so no, she's not getting fat anytime soon, but all goes into her breasts.

    We were kidding about the good ol' pencil test under your breast before getting your training bra. She said by the age of 11, she could hold a HAMMER under her own!

    Yeah, she jumped from nada to super hold'em tight tennis bras.

  19. Those could totally be her real breasts, I have a friend in almost the same boat, Rita. But there's no way this girl is 17. SHE IS NOT 17. I cannot accept it!

    I feel like Joey from Friends -- "IT'S NOT A CAT!"

  20. I watched with the porn on, sadly. Before I did think she was on drugs. Now, not so much. Lots of ahs, ummms, and - that's putting on the mask. Wild hand/arm movements. Glib, superficial. Talking at the interviewer, but lots of interviews are like that. Didn't someone before say histronic disorder? Maybe that's why her parents pushed her off on Percy?

    I wish I hadn't seen, or heard, this at all.

  21. Ok, here goes. She is a child, her brain isn't developed completely. At her age, teens typically 'try on' personalities. They use them as masks. I am going to try Goth, um nah, how about jock?

    She is trying on hot, stripper chick. I believe it's a mask, or an act.

    Watch it again, you can hear her reinforcing herself.

    This isn't her true self, so she's nervous and overgesticulates. The lizard mouth, same idea.

    So imo (yes, I have a degree), this is what I see.

  22. She looks 40 and she SOUNDS 40. Sad.

  23. y'know, I just realized somethin. Her name is Courtney Alexis Stodden Hutchinson, i.e. CASH. haaaha.

    If you think the sound on this vid is bad you should check out her 'music' videos on her website.

  24. I watched and listened. I thought that if the make-up was removed she would look her age. She sounds young. Hopefully this is a life experience that she can learn from, I don't see her staying married to him for a long time.

  25. I'm sorry, but she's as animated as Lindsay was on her last Ellen appearance. And we all know what Lindsay was on.

  26. Maroon5, Train? the hot NEW bands? WTH?!?!maybe 10 years ago! that statement alone dated her, BUSTED!

  27. @julicious...I know. That made me laugh the way my kids laugh at me for still listening to Duran Duran.

    Ain't no way she's 17. I live in Texas and she looks like every rode hard and put away wet middle aged lot lizard down at the truck stop.

  28. Methinks __-__=__ above had a Freudian slip:

    "I watched with the porn on, sadly."

    That was hilarious!

  29. Rose, I forgot about the implants. Thanks for reminding me about that.

  30. I watched with the sound off and just looked at how she was moving. I think it's an act. When she moves, she shakes her breasts side to side, like Marilyn Monroe did in "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend." I think she got the idea that if she shakes them, that will make her look more sexy.

  31. Ugh Video not allowed here!
    I really should be thankful I suppose!

  32. Tardive dyskinesia. I've said it before on other sites. She's probably on some meds...well, a lot of meds, but at least one that causes this. That's my guess and I'm sticking to it. You can look up symptoms on YouTube.

    And, I have to use gmail to post?! Dumb.

  33. I opted to NOT watch the video at all and just read the comments here. I'm certainly glad I made that choice lol

  34. To me she always seems to be imitating porn movies, trying to look like shes always in the middle of what the porns think an orgasm looks like.

  35. She looks like a kid sitting in front of her mirror practicing interviews for *one day* when she was famous.

    The constant movement, almost twitching, is disturbing, that is not natural.

  36. I feel stupider from watching this. Shes a 17 year old girl trying to be what she thinks sexy is. What is Doug getting out of this?

  37. Since the first time I heard/saw her speak, I thought she was a pill head. I think she's on Vicoden/Xanax. I've seen her in interviews barely able to hold her eyes open.

  38. Also, I think she was sexually abused as a child, and I think now she is a nympho. Every fiber of her being is spent being/making/acting/ sexual. It's like she can't turn it off, or do anything else. So.... Look for her in a future rehab reality show for "sex addiction" - probably after the divorce.

  39. I agree with Steph. I think it's an act. Rareavis -- I like your theory.

  40. She's 17. They tend to fidget.

  41. There have been so many pictures with the sharp line at the top of her breasts, I can't believe anyone still thinks her breasts might be real. And on the show, they said it seemed like she had implants, but then she talked them out of it, and they agreed they might be real - it was clearly just a pr stunt on both sides, and not a real test of whether they are fake. Show me an x-ray, and I'll believe it. But that will never happen, because they are fake, fake, fake.

  42. yep, I'm liking Rareavis' theory.

    so how many minutes of her 15 does she have left? I was hoping since we had a few days of nothing of her and her creeper that maybe a few gossip sites were wising up to feeding this BS machine

  43. NoOOooooo! I tried ,I can't watch her. She makes my skin crawl.

  44. It's like she learned everything about how to be a sexy adult from watching The Spice Channel.

  45. Poor little girl. Has anyone read her tweets? It just... I have no words

  46. I only lasted 15 seconds....that voice.

    Someone else said the way she acts reminded them of Anna Nicole Smith and that is what I think EVERYTIME I hear this girl talk. There is no way in hell she's not on SOMETHING.

    Let's hope these two hold off on procreating. Jeebus.

  47. Rareavis- LOVE your theory- are you a Goffman follower by any chance?

    And yes, I could definitely see this. Any social psychological theory on the production of self will tell you that when the image we are presenting is false and we are aware of this, and more, are attempting to heighten this assumption to the audience of who we want them to think we are, we have 'tells' that arise.

    One of the creepiest ones is when someone is lying they sort of smirk during or after the lie. It's often something they arent aware they're doing and its the real emotion of succeeding in the lie. If you watch this, she smirks and smiles the whole time in this sort of self satisfied manner. She quite honestly probably belives she is succesfully pulling the wool over everyone's eyes in terms of what she is trying to project herself as- and the sick thing is she's getting off on it. yuck

  48. I don't think she's on drugs, but I think she acts like you know like a high school kid y'all

    like OMG totally

  49. Me, I'm not sure I believe anyone has an "authentic" or real self, myself. But this girl is definitely fake in an unsettling and disturbing way. She is "beyond fake," and not in the good Courtney Love sense of "beyond fake." I like it when she gestures at herself and you realize she's pointing at her breasts. Makes me shudder every time I notice it.

  50. Some kids are idiots, and some adults are idiots.

    She's in that in-between stage is all.

    I also feel sorry for her pets, and for her future children.

  51. OMG Yes, it was a freudian slip! Too funny. I agree with Rareavis. I knew someone on here knew about that stuff. It just doesn't look like drugs any more, to me. I would not want to be here when she grows out of it and has to live with the thought that she was with Percy!

  52. So odd! I am absolutely convinced that she is far older than 17 and is faking that age claim.
