Saturday, November 12, 2011

Whitney Duncan Is Secretly Married

You know, when you appear on a national television show that is pretty popular, people are going to check up on you. Apparently Whitney Duncan has been checked up on and is not actually the single person she has claimed to be. She even won some Bachelorette Of The Year award. She is actually married and has been married for over a year so the fact that she got into a relationship with Keith Tollefson kind of brought some trouble to the marriage. Whitney is married to the lead singer for a band called KingBilly. Well, Whitney left for Survivor back in May and before she came back she called her husband and said she fell for another contestant. She then moved out of his house and has since been hanging out with Tollefson.


  1. So she's kind of the reverse Michaele Salahi?

  2. What the hell is a Bachelorette of the Year award?

    Reality TV + marriage usually doesn't end up well.

  3. isnt' this a reveal to a past blind item. A reality show contestant was flirting her way to the end but was secretly married.

  4. Wow, never expected that from her, I can only imagine what she did when she dated Christian Kane.

  5. Not surprising, and really no wonder she was so pissed that Keith was sent to Redemption Island.

  6. I don't know who this is, and If I wasn't completely bored, I wouldn't be reading posts that I don't get. And then commenting on them. There's nothing new at 7:26 on a Sunday morning!

  7. Well, he is very handsome...hard to resist that hunk of burning love.

  8. Hmm, I'm watching this so find this interesting. I never saw anything between them....way to miss this, Survivor editors :)
