Friday, November 04, 2011

Your Turn

So, this week, I watched Hot Tub Time Machine for about the 400th time. It just never gets old. One thing it made me think about though is if you could go back in time, would you want to date your old high school or college flame knowing what you know now? Are you happy with how your love life turned out now or would you go back and try and make it work with someone from the past?


  1. Yeah, as long as it wouldn't change the present. I'm pretty happy with my life. Although, there is someone I'd like to go back and date, that I didn't at the time, to see how that would be. Curious, but not willing to change how things turned out.

  2. I am very happy with my life now, but I might have to sex up a boy or two from the teen years.... : )

  3. I'm guessing this Hot Tub movie is *extremely* cheesy and goofy humor, since Enty's seen it 400 times and men usually like that kind of humor. I'll pass.

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I often wish I hadn't been such a good girl.

  5. I would go back and shank the Albanian asshole that broke my heart in college. Maybe even give him a Colombian necktie.

  6. As much as my heart had been broken I would still do it all again. They made me appreciate what I have now.

  7. I think I would be afraid to change anything if it meant that I would not be with my husband right now. I would definitely change a few things that happened the day of my wedding though, and one horrible decorating mistake that bothered me for almost a year after. I would also change some things that happened before my mother died in 2003. Other than that, no, I don't want to go back. It's done.

  8. That movie is so freakin' funny!

    I think I actually would change alot in my high school years actually, yes.

  9. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Oh,'s a fantastic movie! I've seen it at least 5 times. And I'm a girl/woman/of the female persuasion!

    And I wouldn't change who I dated in high school. Wouldn't change much of anything about my love life - there really wasn't much of one, but what I did have was fun. My marriage, on the other hand? Would change a LOT about my 20s. But only if it meant that I could still have my amazing son. =)

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I think I said that wrong...I wouldn't change much about my *high school* love life. Just what came after. Life is amazing now though! I guess my 40s are going to be my best decade yet. Here's hoping!

  11. That movie is funny. "What color is Michael Jackson?" "Black." "See, I told you!"


    Funny you should mention this, Enty, but this morning was having a conversation with friend about regrets with breakups and the big regret I have is with a college sweetheart. He wanted to get closer and I was bent on starting my career and not getting tied down. Long story short, he had a cancer and after we broke up, his best friend said he was feeling bad and wanted me to comfort him, but I was immature and saw it as another "tie" to bind me. Now, after having lost too many people to cancer, I would have been a LOT more compassionate. :-(

  12. Since I married my High School sweetheart, I would definitely go back and run from him now, even though we are still married. We were just too young and you change so much when you get older.

  13. well....i actually did that. (minus the time machine) after i left my husband my college bf sent me a message on facebook. since he lives on the east coast and i'm on the west coast, it seemed innocent enough. months went by and we exchanged emails, then we were chatting, then texting and phone calls. after nearly a year he came to visit and it was like we had never been apart. everything was amazing. for awhile. lets just say that imploded and was a big fat FAIL. we aren't even speaking now.
    if i could go back i'd skip him all together.

  14. I myself have seen that movie three times - loved it!

  15. Before I met my fabulous husband (married at 40 this year!), I ran into an old flame from 18 years prior, the one I always thought had 'gotten away'. He was so gentlemanly and super gorgeous and why didn't we stay together????

    Didn't take more than one date for me to remember why we broke up! lol Dumb as a stump, self absorbed and boring as hell. We tend to want to glorify the past, when really chances are you are better off - so live for the now, cherish what you have, and don't settle! I could have married him (would have totally been divorced), but I waited for the love of my life and we eventually found each other. The grass isn't always greener :)

  16. I don't believe in do overs and regrets are a waste of time. I've been pretty lucky.

  17. That movie has been sitting here waiting for me to watch it forever. Everyone tells me its hilarious, but I just can't believe them, will maybe try it this weekend.
    I couldn't be any happier with my husband (who I met the year I graduated high school). I would like to go back in time and change a few things I did, as a mother, that I would like to change just a little (nothing major we have 2 wonderful children) and I would make a stand with my in-laws right away so I wouldn't be sitting here 28 years later still trying for acceptance.

  18. That is a funny movie!

    I would you-know-what with the guy I was making out with in high school. I would definitely NOT go out with the teacher who was roomates with one of my high school teachers, if I could I would skip that whole experience.

    Love my life now though.

  19. Yeah, I can think of two - no three girls I would go back and date. one of them even expressed interest in me but I was too stupid to do anything about it.

  20. I just saw the Love of My Life from Highschool...and it's been a while since I've been in HS. I never actually dated him, but I was obsessed with him and we did end up going to the prom together, but my blonde bombshell cheerleader best friend, ended up stealing him away from me. I never got over him...never forgave her, because she knew I was madly in love with him and talked about him non-stop for 2 years straight. They didn't last (she admitted she never even liked him that much). I have always compared other guys to him and have always wondered what he was up to. I found out he got married a few years ago and balled my eyes out.

    Anyway, bumped into him in my home town a few months ago. He looks the same...and the same isn't as great as I thought it was when we were in HS. He also started hitting on me and told me he wanted to get together and take me to dinner that he was extremely attracted to me. He's still married and has 2 children. Needless to obsession is completely over. I rejected him and walked away in disgust.

    I guess it's a case of "careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

  21. I was friends in college with a guy who was really into me. I passed because he was from a very different culture and his foreignness blinded me to so many good things about him that I couldn't see myself romantically involved with him. (I'm not proud of this, just being honest). I saw him a few years ago at the funeral for the parent of a mutual friend and realized I had passed on such a great guy, fantastic sense of humor, kind, compassionate, intelligent, handsome, successful. He ultimately did marry and have children with someone from his own culture, and maybe that was inevitable, but I left that funeral with such a heavy heart.

  22. The only thing I would change is, I would have had way more sex in my 20's.

    Like, WAY more sex.

  23. If I could go back and somehow know what I know now, I would have found a way to meet my husband sooner. I love him so much and wish I could have known him even longer. I'd also find a way to bypass to gentlemen that broke my heart to the core.

    Ultimately, I'm with califblondy, regrets are a waste of time. You grow and learn. Try to live your life so you don't have regrets.

  24. It's been a very bad year for me and my husband and I'm still on the fence as to what is going to happen with our marriage. Today's answer would be that I would love to go back to high school and do a lot of things over - and I know if I did certain things over my life would be much different today. Ask me again tomorrow or next week and I might say no.

  25. i would try to meet my husband sooner but he's five years younger than me, i might have been in law court first!

    i wouldn't have gone out with the guy i went out with in my 20s. i would have gone out with the guys i didn't go out with in my 20s because i was fucked up over the first guy.

    but if it meant i wouldn't have met my husband at 36, i wouldn't change a damn thing.

  26. I would go back just to experience those euphoric moments when I was deeply, unreasonably in love. Other than that, it would have been a disaster in the long run, and I am married to a wonderful man who is the definition of Real Love. So, I go back for one night, then hop back to where I am right now.

  27. I wanted so badly to love Hot Tub, and I just didn't. There were definitely some funny parts, but overall it just fell flat for me, when it wasn't being stupidly offensive.

    I would definitely turn the clock back for the "one that got away." He emailed me and wanted to get together to give things another try, and I wasn't in a place where I wanted to risk any more heartache, and I said no. Now he's happily married, the bastard! ;) In retrospect, even if it hadn't turned out well, I wish I would've taken the chance.

  28. Would I mess with Vicki Cupper? Think not. LOL

    I would go back, smack my 16 year old self in the head, and tell me how friggin stupid I was, and to get a backbone, and that I was much more talented than I thought. (My high school friend is an artist in NYC who makes bank for her paintings.)

    Oh, and I would tell her about this hot guy names Mike Rowe. I like dirty boys.

  29. My college BF....hell no! Not that he'd want to get back with me, since he turned out to be gay. LOL That guy will not ever get forgiveness from me. He was too possessive, and I wasn't strong enough at the time to recognize it.

    My high school BF....will be forever the 'guy who got away'. Several years after we dated, he told me that he still loved me. I loved him, but wasn't ready to be serious, so I didn't say it back. Stupid, silly me - by the time I was ready for a serious relationship, he'd moved onto the woman who is now his wife.

    For the record, I have now found the most wonderful person in the world, and my life has turned out the way it was meant to be. So much of true love is about timing, and being on the same path in life.

  30. My husband was The Boy Next Door. He asked me out when we were 12 and I was too freaked and didn't even respond. After high school we didn't see each other for almost 30 years. 14 months ago I came back for a visit, planned to spend a day with him, a day turned into several days and 2 months later we married, just over one year ago.

    I'd go back in time and say "yes!" to his 12 year old invitation. We should've been together for our entire lives!

  31. OMG, don't get me started. I will admit it - I was an uppity one! I blew off just about every guy that came my way; then late in college I got fatalistic and went for this wimpy loser type - in a deceptively sweet, intelligent & handsome wrapper - during a time when my resistance was diminished (a lot of trauma in life at the time). We had a daughter together, I finally got it together to dump him and now I am too busy being a single working mom & social activist to worry about romance. There are several guys I wish I had appreciate better when I had the chance....but then again, I am happy, and still fairly confident I'll find the best one later on...

    Long way of saying, I suppose I wouldn't have changed anything, except maybe say a few key things at better moments. :)

  32. There was a guy I'd like to go back and date.

    If I had that machine; I'd really like to get my parents to better doctors so then they could meet my niece and nephew.

  33. Well, my high school love is dead, so I don't know how that could be altered. I'm finally with a great guy, so no I would not go back in time.

  34. I didn't date in HS, but for the chance to go back knowing what I know now?
    Oh hell yes.
    And the movie had its moments, but Enty... by no means is it "Rocky Horror Picture Show" calibre.
    Go cook some bacon.

  35. Oh for sure. I would have married my boyfriend I had when I was 18 instead of thinking the greass is always greener. I certainly wouldn't have married my husband, who turned out to be an abusive moron. I have since divorced him and am very happy now. My life would have been very different if i had have married my earlier boyfriend. It's the biggest regret I have.

  36. I married my best guy friend from high school. We never dated or anything back then. He moved to WA after HS (I'm in TX) and I didn't see him again until 15 years later. In that time, I'd lost my father, gotten married, gotten divorced, travelled a bit and become a different person. We just happened to run into one another when he was on travel nurse assignment here visiting family. After that, he never left. We got married in 2008 and are still disgustingly happy.

  37. Never saw HTTM, it looks stupid. After this, though, I may find a copy.

    There were two guys in high school that weren't in my circle that I would have liked to date, I always regretted that. I was too afraid to step outside the box (that damn peer pressure got me everytime!). I bet those two grew up to be actual humans. I've looked for them online but can't find them.

  38. I thought HTTM was ok. Definitely worth at least a watch.

    I would like to go back and change everything from 7th grade til college. I wouldn't want to be with any former flame but I would change A LOT of what happened. And make better grades.

    I wouldn't want to mess with anything now b/c my husband is pretty awesome. I hung a disco ball in our garage for Halloween but never got a chance to dance, so last night we drank beer, listened to old school rap & danced with our dogs. How many husbands would be that stupid? :)

  39. I would totally have done a better job of being in a healthy relationship with my BF from high school. Since I know I can't change anything and that all things have been designed for the purpose of putting me where I am now, it's a moot point, but I do wish I hadn't been so cavalier with the boy I loved in high school. He was a very good egg.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I had the same boyfriend on and off from the time I was 17-21. We broke up over and over because I didn't want to sleep with him. I needed the whole "love" thing, and I didn't feel that he felt that way. I found letters from him and have run into him over and over throughout the years and I guess I was wrong. We had some serious talks recently and he thought I had been cheating on him, and we both kind of pulled back in our relationship, never letting it really go anywhere. He certainly wasn't for me in the long run, but knowing now what I was too young to understand would have changed our relationship. I guess in the long run it is a good thing we puuled back. I met my husband while we were still going out and finally ended the relationship.

  42. I wouldn't go back and date anyone. In fact, knowing what I know now, I would never have spoken to my high school flame or my college flame.

  43. No, I'm good now. I'm with Maja though, way more sex in my 20's!
