Friday, November 25, 2011

Your Turn

Shopping on Black Friday or not?


  1. Not. What's with the crazy greed? Does anyone need all this stuff?

  2. I would do it if I had kids and it would REALLY make a big difference in whether they have a good christmas or not. and I mean little kids. not teenagers. the looks on their faces xmas morning would be worth it to me in the end.

  3. Are you f*ing crazy? After the cooking, cleaning, and genral bruhaha that went into yesterday, I slept until 1pm. Also, my son is young and doesn't give a 2sh*ts about the latest thing. My shopping has been done for a month and wrapping paper will be cheaper in 3 weeks. Check with me once he understands commercials.

  4. We don't have that in Canada however, I always look forward to hearing about the craziness. I mean, who doesn't like a good trampling over 50% off towels?

  5. Only from the comfort of my couch

  6. Only from online. I would never go out in that craziness.

  7. I can't stand to shop on normal days much less crazy ones.

  8. Absolutely not. I was out there last night for work -- I can't imagine wanting to be there to shop.

  9. I already commented on this on a different post. Gist of it: "no".

  10. Is that how you spell "gist"? *L*

  11. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Oh hell no.

  12. The older I get, the more I hate shopping. I've noticed that Canadian retailers are starting to have "Black Friday" sales to keep all our peeps from heading south, though.
    I have to admit, my boy and I are heading out Boxing day (our equivalent of Black Friday) to get a new laptop at FutureShop!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I am Occupying My Bedroom so that my absolutely no cash doesnt get mixed up with everyone elses's absolute lack of cash at our fine retail establishments.

  15. i don't handle emotional crowds well, like a phobia i think. freaks me out. big football games; no. concerts where they might rush the stage; no. black friday; no. even when i fly southwest, i literally break out in a sweat when i have to be in the b or c boarding group. not sure what ir is, but being in the middle of a group that is moving freaks me out.

  16. Worked! Sold Christmas trees etc to Black Friday shoppers at our farm!

  17. Heck no! I did the Black Friday thing about ten years ago, and afterwards I swore never again. I was in line at one store for about four hours to get whatever was the "must have" at the moment. I no longer have the energy or the patience to deal with all the psycho crowds.

  18. I don't do crowds well at all, so it's better for all involved if my cranky ass stays out of the fray.

    Besides, my dog has the runs thanks to my sister feeding her dogs chicken yesterday. They turned their noses up at it and my dog ate it all before I could stop her. I've been up since 6am taking her outside every hour. Poor doggie!

    I think if there is ever a food shortage the Black Friday shoppers will probably survive.

  19. Oh - I've done black Friday ONCE years ago. My friend wanted a dvd player and they were outrageously priced back then. Some electronics store had them for $30. I waited in line for 30 minutes and some nice man tired of waiting handed his dvd player to me. Wouldn't do it again, though.

  20. Hell no. And as I lay in bed this morning, reading my twitter feed & seeing pictures of my local merchants, the lines, crowds, etc. I knew I'd made the right decision.

  21. F*CK.

    Surviving mosh pits at NIN shows is one thing, but Black Friday is something else entirely--at least my fellow NIN fans will pick you up if you fall down and not let you get trampled...not to mention the risk of being shot/stabbed/tased/pepper-sprayed. (Did the bitch w/the pepper spray actually get her precious X-Box? Hope it's still worth it when the cops finally figure out who you are from the surveillance tapes...)

  22. Still moving crap.. so no. But.... Got my results back!! I'm cervical cancer free!! Yeah!!!

  23. Yay Wil!!! Much better post than any about black Friday!!

  24. Good for you, Wil. I'm happy for you.

    As for Black Friday, I worked. But I hate crowds so I wouldn't have gone anyway.

  25. Wil, CONGRATS!

    As for the Black Friday question. Hell no! I have to be at work before dawn.

  26. Great news, Wil.

    @RocketQueen - here in Toronto, for the last few years, we have Boxing Week, so there's no need to run out on Boxing Day.

    @Gladys - how did it go yesterday? Did any CDANers show up?

  27. Just had to come and say Congrats to Wil

  28. Hooray for the good news Wil.

    As for Black Friday, hell no. I was disgusted when it moved from 8 am to 6 am, then to 5 am and 4 am, but knowing that Kmart was open on Thanksgiving day, some Walmarts were open, Toysrus opened at 9 pm, Target and Kohl's at midnight just made me sick. All of these employees should have been home with their families.

    Wasn't there a survey or something a few years ago that half of Black Friday purchases are for the buyer and won't actually be Christmas gifts? Makes it even more of a joke. I'll go out the day after Christmas at 9 am, but I will never shop on Black Friday ever again.

  29. Congratulations Wil!

    As for Black Friday, no way. I found some deals online and avoided the craziness :)

  30. Glad to hear Wil! Great news.

    I did all of my shopping from my kitchen chair. Hurray for the internet.

  31. Shopping Finished everything. Now, I can concentrate on finals. :)

  32. @Wil - Yay! I'm so glad to hear that! :)

  33. Wait. I bought a new pair of glasses online, and the discount code was "doorcrasher". They were really hceap too! *L*

    And yay for Wil!!! That is awesome news!

  34. Yes! Have been doing it for 15 years. We have a group that gets together and we wear something crazy. This year-it was ugly holiday sweater. Who ever has the ugliest sweater gets free coffee and or lunch. Mine had crossing candy canes on the back, candy canes on the collar and red/white roping on the pockets. Alas, my friend with the creepy snowmen that lit up got it this year. We make it fun, no drama.

  35. That's super good news Wil. Great to hear.
