Friday, December 30, 2011

26 Year Old Navy Veteran Injects Heroin Into 14 Year Old Girl Who Dies

What 14 year old girl asks a 26 year old to inject her with heroin? I don't believe Sean Warner's story for a second. Let me explain. Sean is a 26 year old pervert who also happens to be a Navy veteran and lives in Anchorage Alaska. He had the hots for a 14 year old girl. Sean and two guy friends, who are also presumably perverts picked up 14 year old Jena Dolstad and took her back to their place. You know, because women their age knew they were a-holes and stayed away. Far away. According to the men, they were doing heroin and Jena really wanted to try something new but did not want to inject herself. So, he injected her. The two other men left the room and do not know what happened between Jena and Sean. The next morning they found her laying in her own vomit. Sean did not call 911 though because he did not want the police to find the drugs or probably what he did to the 14 year old girl. Instead he gave her a drug to counter the heroin but that caused her to have seizures. At that point he called 911. When they came, he said nothing about drugs to anyone which further hurt her chances of survival. He and his roommate then tried to throw everything away they could before police came back, which they did. In addition to all the heroin and minor charges, they also arrested the a-hole for stealing things from Costco before he picked up Jena.


  1. you know, she could have asked him.....however, HE should of known better. She was 14. He a man (ok, adult) who Must have known better.

    And as I said at the dailymail, reason #38976654 for adults NOT to be "hanging out" with kids!!!!! Nothing good ever comes of it. Nothing.

    p.s. there was a comment over there (@dailymail) who said that this pic was indeed on her facebook, but that this pic is not the child in question. I don't know if this is true, but worth looking into.

    REGARDLESS....may this Child RIP and may all of us parents remember, we only get this one chance, and they are so young for such a short time in comparison to the span of a lifetime, so let's give it our all, please. They have no one but us.

    thanks and have a blessed New Year!

  2. that photo does not look like a 14 year old, if a kid wants to pretend to be older maybe we need to be educating them on the consequences.

  3. Nothing like some victim blaming to end the year! This child may have made some, shocker!, childish decisions because, well, she was a child. However, there is absolutely no excuse or justification for that 26 year old predator's actions resulting in her losing her life, and that includes not giving him a pass even if she "pretend[ed] to be older." While it would be nice to dial back the pressure on girls to be sexualized earlier and earlier, it would probably be more appropriate to deal with asshole predator men who think that they are entitled to what they want from any woman they decide they want it from. This child died as a result of HIS actions, not hers, and blaming her for "pretend[ing] to look older" is sick and so lacking in empathy or reality to rise to the level of pathology.

  4. Agreed, Lokimonster. This is assualt and child rape. These 'adults' disgust me.

  5. There's a special place in hell reserved for people like him. I hope he rots in jail.

  6. This is a gross story. Very sad.

  7. Er, who blamed the victim? One person said that is believable that a 14 yo would ask to be injected but it's up to the adult to say no and another poster said that we as adults need to teach our kids about the consequences of "adult" behavior. No victim blaming in either of those statements. If you don't think parents should educate their children then that's your right but no need to smear another person's opinion and lie about what s/he said.

  8. Well, he'll spend a lot of years in jail, which he deserves.

    Rhetorical question: where were the parents?

  9. Umm, as the mother of a 14 year old girl the first thought that came to my mind was "where the HELL are her parents?". Didn't they wonder where she was all night? As far as the FB photos, I've warned both my kids about the consequences of posing and posting stupid pics (which they don't). Hell, I gave my daughter crap yesterday for responding to a guy who's asking about her hockey aspirations because I don't think a grown man should be talking to 14 year old girls on Facebook, even if he's known as a local scout/agent. Just my two cents....

  10. @Lynette: Totally agree. Any pervert can say he is a scout. This story is so disturbing. I will say regarding the question about where we're the parents, we actually don't know if they filed a missing person report or not do we?

  11. Looks like the pic is her on FB, such a horrible story. I hope he gets proper jail time.

  12. I hate these clevage pictures girls take which all it does is say hey look, my whole worth is my boobs. Women are so much more then their boobs.

    The problem with being 14 is you think your are immortal and can handle any situation. Even if her parents were around she might she thought she was mature enough to handle the situation she was in.

    So sad.

  13. Where are her parents?

  14. I'm probably going to get yelled at for this but here goes anyway. Yes, this poor girl was 14 and yes he sould have behaved like a responsible adult. Unfortunately we live in a world where people get exploited. And there is a culture, often celebrity-led, of people not taking personal responsibility for their actions. I'm in no way saying that this misfortunate girl deserved what happened to her but the single most important thing we have to teach our kids is that they have to be responsible for their own well-being because there are an awful lot of pitfalls out there. I would add that this POS deserves to rot in jail for what he did.

  15. @Mynerva: You'll get no yelling from me. This is an extremely tragic situation that should show everyone that they need to be extra vigilant in educating our kids on the dangers of their surroundings.

  16. She looks 14 to me. She just looks like she's tall. Not unusual for a teenage girl because they usually stop growing much younger than boys. This girl looks an awful lot like 1 of my daughter's best friends, who won't be 14 until June.

  17. How the hell did one young teenage girl agree to go into an apartment alone with THREE men she doesn't know!!!

    It sounds like I'm blaming the victim, but I'm truly wondering how that happened. Even as an adult, if say I met a guy and opted to follow him home, let me tell you, I will back track the hell out if he's not alone.

    That being said, isn't it time to shell out MUCH MORE SEVERE retribution to any adult having intercourse with a child younger than 17? If jail time was more vicious, and you had to serve REAL hard time, not stay in, work-out, watch your favorite show on a big-ass HDTV, wouldn't you think that people would start taking the law more seriously?

    Her poor parents must be freaking out. Too f-cking late to blame them now.

  18. @Rita...I couldn't agree more. In my community I've read in the paper of kids getting min man for a joint of marijuana (and thats 5 years often) while men who have raped infants get six months probation.

    None of this is news. It persists because thinking about what happens to a child when they are sexually abused is not something most want to. Toppled with, perversion runs across class lines, education lines, religions, races, even sex. Everyone is suspect in my bok until proven innocent when it comes to kids. And sadly today, that's the course you must take.

    Laws must change. But until we get some people in positions of power who can vocally admit what is wrong, we will never get anywhere.

    Again, everyone have a blessed New Year.

  19. When I was 14 I made a lot of mistakes. I only wanted to date older guys and behaved like a grown woman and I was very attractive for my age. Unfortunaley, I put my own safety in danger a few too many times. I knew deep down I could be in trouble but I still went for it. I can see myself doing stupid things like that .

  20. Yeah thanks for those coming to my defence earlier - I was in no way blaming the victim. As adults we are supposed to be protecting children, the elderly and animals - that's how I was raised and I see nothing wrong with that philosophy so call me old fashioned.

    Unfortunately we don't live in a society where we all protect the above mentioned, some of us do but then others will take advantage when given the opportunity. Protecting children means teaching them the consequences of dressing like Jodi Foster in Taxi. This isn't something new, this has been going on for years but lately society is less willing to bother to object about it unlike in the past. Adults are labelled as being too strict. We accept it when we know it is wrong. We know that any female that dresses in a provocative fashion will receive attention, so I don't believe a 14 year old should be dressing provocatively. That being said, perhaps her parents tried their best to object and she was hard headed and refused to tow the line. Who doesn't remember some girls in high school who arrived looking very conservative, ran into the washrooms to get all vamped up and then wash all the makeup off before returning home?
    Unfortunately we don't live in a society where women can wear what they want without consequences, baby we've come a long way but we've got miles to go yet.
