Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ben Breedlove Shares His Story

Ben Breedlove died at the age of 18 on Christmas night. Here is his story.


  1. I watched this and this one is the three hanky..Oh my...

  2. I saw this video earlier on Yahoo. The last few minutes are so sad.

  3. f-ck, can't handle the young dying.

  4. Now this is a story that'll make you cry. Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

  5. Aaaaand now i'm sobbing.

  6. i saw this posted yesterday and I couldn't watch it. Just the story alone was too upsetting to me.

    God bless him and rest his lovely soul.

  7. bawling my eyes out..have to pull myself together to walk dogs. I think this day is going to turn out a lot different than it started. Though I usually abhor the non-celebrity news on here, this was much needed.

  8. Now this is a sad story.

  9. I cried like a baby watching that. It seems like her made his peace and was ready to go, but his poor Mom. A parent is never ready for that.

  10. this kid grew up in my community, went to my hs. So sad.

  11. This gutted me yesterday. He has such a beautiful smile. My little guy has a serious heart condition and this hit close to home hard. I hope his parents have taken comfort in this video.

  12. What a beautiful person this young man is. You can just tell, and it's as if God was preparing him to go, bringing him to the point that he was no longer afraid of death, and didn't want to leave the light when his life was hanging in the balance. I'm sure he's in a much, much better place, but I'm still choking up.

  13. Oh wow. I have chills and a sense of wonder.

  14. What a beautiful young man. Inside and out.

  15. Wow...just wow.

    What an old soul this boy is.

  16. What a courageous and wonderful young man. Truly speechless but so very thankful that he was able to get his message out before he went to the white room forever. Rest in peace and keep on smiling :)

  17. What a beautiful & amazing young man. I loved how he had his dog next to him ... you can see his tail wagging in the frame from time to time.

  18. A college friend of mine died at 23 from the same sort of thing. He had been a superstar athlete his whole life and had just graduated suma cum laude from Stanford. He was playing intramural rugby as a grad student at CAL and dropped dead on the field. His heart condition had gone undetected his entire life. I think poor Ben had it worse; going through life knowing how sick he was. Death is always tragic, but so much worse when so young.

  19. As others have said, I'm glad that he was ready to go, and hope that that knowledge has been a help to his family.

  20. Dammit - those card videos with the kids make me cry like a baby. I'm imagining that this is very comforting to his loved ones. Though I'm atheist/agnostic, I believe in life after death. If he was proud of his life a few weeks before he passed, that is a beautiful thing.

    I didn't even notice the dog!

  21. Died on Christmas! :( So sad.

  22. ummm this is a little early to post these type off comments, but if he was alive he would've had to call me he was Too cute
