Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Benicio Del Toro Wants Too Much Money - Won't Be In Star Trek

Benicio Del Toro as Khan in a Star Trek film directed by JJ Abrams would have been gold. Apparently Benicio also thought so and asked for too much gold so now JJ Abrams has to find someone else to play the villain Khan in the new film. Oh, JJ says that Khan is not going to be the next villain, but JJ is lying to you and to everyone out there when he says that. Not lying in a bad way like when you lie to your parents about who took the car out in the middle of the night and wrecked it, but lying in a good way like telling your aunt that her fruit cake is delicious. Filming bis supposed to start in January so JJ better find someone quickly.


  1. Good. I don't want to have to look at his ugly mug then.

  2. That would have been awful casting. And does anyone really need khan again?

  3. He would have been AWESOME!

    I think I'm the only one who liked Wolfman. Saw it three times, only paid to see it once though.

  4. He'll be sorry..

  5. EmEyeKay - please, please, please tell me you are joking! I swear, it is literally the worst movie I have ever seen, all categories. I couldn't believe my eyes. After that disaster he should he PAYING people to be in movies

  6. I'm hoping the story will be the backstory to Khan that we never got to see. In the original movie, I think we hear about the bad blood, but never see what went down. Ooh I'm excited for the next movie!

  7. Am I the only person who really likes fruitcake?

    He pretty much is good in any role but wouldn't they need a younger guy to play Khan?

  8. This is the man who should be Khan. Talented and beautiful.

  9. I love me some Benicio. So much so that I named my chihuahua Benicio del Toro. That said, I haven't seen him in anything lately...sounds like maybe Wolfman isn't a good bet tho. ;-P

  10. Chandini - Mr Eyeliner from Lost!

    I think he would have been great as a villain. Maybe he's tired of playing them. Still, agreeing and then backing out over money does not give him a good name in Hollywood.

    I had no idea it was about Khan! I wish I could post that image of The Shat crying out KHAAAAAAN!

    Yes the only way this would work is if it was the prehistory, because Kahn as the villain is older, Pine is a young Kirk, and we've seen it, but the back story of the super human race would be excellent.

    Yeah I'm a serious Trekkie from the 60s!

  11. @msgirl

    I just laughed out loud because I watched Star Trek 2 & 3 over the weekend. And all I have been saying since then is KHAAAAAN!

  12. @Chandani that is a GREAT idea for Khan. LOVED him on Lost.

  13. Not a Trekkie and not one to dis anyone's choice to watch a movie and hey, directors are good at some things and not others right?
    But I just saw JJ Abrams Super 8 and it was the sloppiest stupiest film ever. Not sure I want to see another JJ production.

    On the other guy discussed he was great on Suddenly Susan. Very versatile actor.

  14. OMFG Nestor would make a fantab KHAAAAAN!!

    Great Lady J.. Now I am saying KHAAAAN!


  15. Maybe he has enough money. Maybe it's something like he would work for JJ but since JJ is so bad at what he does, Benicio would want big bucks.

  16. Mistake on Benicio's part. It's going to be a huge movie and unlike say, a Transformers sequel, it probably won't be complete crap.

    He's a well respected actor but Wolfman didn't do that great and a major role in a big popcorn flick wouldn't hurt.

  17. This Benicio dude, can anyone tell me why people like him? I've not seen him do much of squat lately and thats fine with me. He should hever even been considered for the part of Khan.

    Chandani, I like your choice!

  18. I hope JJ reads these comments because Chandani totally nailed it. Khan's origin story was in the original Star Trek TV series, he was part of a genetics program to create a race of supermen. Benicio is way too fugly to portray someone who is the product of superior genetics.

  19. Nestor Carbonell would be great as KHHAaaaaAAAAN!

    Boy, I hope the next movie is about Khan.

    Though the first reboot movie confused me, because I've always been a Spock girl, but I found Chris Pine just smokin' hot as Kirk. Now what??

  20. This would be great! But only if Khan has become some kind of deep space crackhead.

  21. YES!!! Nestor would be brilliant! but you can't call him Mr. Eyeliner - those lashes are 100% natural. Sigh... Has Ringer been canceled yet? He should be a free agent any day now...

  22. Sherry - TOTALLY agree about Super 8. That movie was terrible.

  23. Well maybe Benicio was umable to say, "Rich, Corinthian Leather."

    Good on BDT not being Khan. I would LOVE Nestor to be Khan. If not him maybe Oded Fehr.

  24. @ardleigh: HA!
    In the original, Ricardo Montalban's frosted hair/haircut and plunging neckline reminded me a little of Linda Evans in her Dynasty days...
