Wednesday, December 21, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This A list actor is married to a woman (not famous) that he has children with. This year, he found out she once had a child that she gave up for adoption before they had met. It was a secret that was eating at her for years. The actor privately researched the child’s whereabouts and donated an anonymous sum of money to the agency that dealt with the adoption, and set up a trust in the child’s name for college.


  1. A BuzzFoto Good Deed??? WTF. Well, it is so cold this morning, hell must be have frozen over!

  2. Matt Damon, she already has one child from another relationship...yikes is she a baby factory ?

  3. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Wow. I love this.

  4. there's a few that could fit this.... matt damon came to mind for me as well.

    also christian bale, denzel washington, robert dinero, tobey maguire. all pending the A list argument of course.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. First person that popped in my mind was Hugh Jackman as well.

  7. Whoever it is, how great. Matt or Hugh, the only reason I'm thinking Matt is because Hugh has adopted children which makes me wonder if he or his wife are infertile. Not that it matters except for this blind.

  8. What about Mark I'd love it to be her...

  9. Hugh's wife is older and that might have added to the problem....

  10. It's a great blind and should remain so. I would assume the child has been adopted by a loving family - unless the child is looking for his/her birth parents, the child doesn't need to be thrown into the spotlight. Hopefully this will remain a blind.

  11. Awww, I hope it's true!

  12. If this is true, once that kid is college-bound, it would be like a real-life Great Expectations. If you found that someone had anonymously set up a trust to pay for all of your college education, wouldn't you be a little curious?

  13. Whomever it is, what a good guy. God, I need a new boyfriend!

  14. I'm on the Hugh Jackman train.

  15. I think Hugh Jackman is out, simply because of the college fund, and just setting it up this year. I'm thinking this is someone younger.

  16. first thought---matt damon.

  17. I just don't think it's Denzel -- he doesn't seem the type; he strikes me as rather mean-spirited. Also he and his wife have been married for nearly 30 years, right? Wouldn't he have found this out long ago?

  18. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I don't think it's Hugh because the reason their children are adopted is because she suffered several traumatic miscarriages. I could see her having miscarriages if she'd aborted the previous child and something went wrong, but the mother of this child apparently successfully gave birth, and probably would be likely to do the same with subsequent pregnancies.

  19. I thought Mark Wahlberg.

  20. Yikes, I think that's a pretty huge secret to NOT tell your husband.

  21. No idea who this is but I like this guy a lot.

  22. Hugh Jackman's wife was famous in Australia before she met him, and they've been together for about 15 years. It's not him.

    Matt Damon

  23. whoever it is god bless them.

  24. As Beth said, the Australian readers are smacking their heads right now over you guys saying Deborra-Lee isn't famous.

  25. I was thinking maybe Jeff Bridges, but that kid would be out of college by now I think.

  26. Jackman and bless him for being awesome.

  27. I think this might be De Niro and Hightower

  28. I'm on the Pierce train.

  29. Matt Damon fits the bill.
    (1) How many A-list actors are married to non famous women?
    (2) BI says a college fund was established for the child, implying 18 or under, so born 1993 or later.
    (3) Luciana Damon has a daughter from a first marriage, Alexia, b. 1998 when she was 22. So there's just the right amount of time for her to have had a younger child, before she married, that would still fit the post-1993 requirement.
    (4) Luciana is from Argentina, which is fairly conservative and Catholic. Thus, more likely that she would have carried the baby to term but given him/her up for adoption if she found herself pregnant and unwed.

    In any case, good on whoever the actor is. It shows he cares about his wife and the half-sibling of his own kids.

