Wednesday, December 28, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

A “manly-man” actor who comes off as very macho both on film and off went on a hike with some friends last week in the LA mountains. Although he bragged to friends about his expertise in the wilderness, he had to be guided out by his wife as she gave him GPS instructions via cell phone. He was only a half-mile from his car.


  1. this blind befuddles me. anyone can get lost. I went hiking alone once in a small reserve that was near my house. I got lost and tried to find my way back, and ended up walking in circles and had kind of a creepy movie moment when I realized it. but, other hikers came along and I ended up getting out fine.

    actors act. actors brag. are we supposed to be shocked by this?

  2. A lot can happen in a half-mile. I'm sure that the friends razzed him a bit, but I don't see this as a big deal.

  3. I don't know if I would consider something a half mile from the car to be "wilderness".....

    Which actor went on that wilderness man reality show? Was that Matthew McConaughy? (no idea how to spell his name right now....) Is he too obvious?

  4. This is very funny, yes something that could happen to everyone, I hope macho man can laugh at himself.

  5. Ellen I think you are thinking of Jake Gyllenhaal.

  6. I thought men never asked for directions?

  7. i'll go with Tom Selleck he is a macho man on and off screen.

  8. @Timebob got it, there is NO ONE that fits more the "manly-man" than Tom Sellek. Not even Hugh Jackman... Well almost!

  9. Silvester Stallone. There is another story about him not finding some house of a producer who he called and the guy had to give him directions through the entire drive. He said Stallone was so stupid he couldn't grasp the most simple directions he gave him.

  10. @pr787 Stallone is dyslexic. So is Cher. That doesn't make them stupid.

  11. Arnold. Maria is waffling on the divorce.

  12. Stallone sounds about right. Especially if he is dyslexic. Surviving in the wilderness, finding food and shelter etc., is not the same as finding your way out of the wilderness.

  13. I think it can be fairly easy to become lost in the wilderness. A couple of years ago didn't 2 young guys get lost, they thought they were going to die and had a suicide pact. The one guy was killed, but the other was rescued and all that time they weren't that far from their truck.

  14. Being dyslexic doesn't mean he's not stupid either. Dislexia doesn't affect your speech, does it? And he talks like an absolute moron.

  15. @Basil - wuuuh?? One guy killed the other because of the suicide pact, then got saved?? When did that happen?

  16. As much as I hate to say this, Sly Stallone is pretty smart.
    Is manly man a play on Arnolds girly men?

  17. @Anotheramy - I remember that one, and it cracks me up! The only time Ahhnuld was funny (albeit a bit of a bully).

    Remember when he was on Leno, and he said about Bustamente (please imagine ahnuld's accent here):

    "you're a girly man. You're such a girly man with your girly love handles, that I'm about to pull them over your head and carry you around like a girly handbag!"

    Priceless. Did we ever live to regret his election!

  18. Ok, how can she give him gps instructions and he doesn't know where he is? Also, if he knew the coordinates, couldn't he use the gps on his phone? "I'm between a pine tree an a spruce. Where's the car?" I'm calling bullscheisse.

  19. first thought was arnold and maria. i read the bit about her reconsidering the disso too. my god, i hope that isn. can you isn't true. my god, can you imagine if she takes him back? would there be ANY limits on his behavior?

  20. Apparently, he was in the paper bag mountains.

  21. I have no guesses as this could be any man in America, celebrity or not.

    Remember that story about the family that got lost in a corn maize this fall? They were like 30 yards from their car. :-/
