Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Colin Farrell Spends Christmas With Sick Kids In Hospital

If I have time for the bad in gossip, I can certainly find time for the good. Yesterday I posted a photo of Bono busking on Dublin streets to earn money for charity and on Christmas, Colin Farrell spent a few hours of his Christmas in an unannounced visit to a Dublin hospital where he visited patients and dropped off hundreds of gifts to sick children. The guy gets a serious pass for awhile for doing this and doing it unannounced.


  1. Oh, I'm in love with him again. Herpes and all!

    How kind of him. I like how he's been of service in the past few years, which is part of his recovery. I love-love this new Colin Farrell.

    And not because of his obvious hotness in his homemade porno. HOT! The only celebrity to look this hot in full coitus. Take note Kardashians, take notes.

  2. Sounds like I should have planned my trip to Dublin at Christmas....

  3. sigh....I just love it when a bad boy shows heart.

  4. Mr. Farrell makes my stomach feel funny when I see him. I think he's a douche, right? Doesn't he do douche-y things? But oh how I like to look at him! And listen to him talk. And look at him.

    Did anyone see the Ben Affleck movie DareDevil? It was a horrible movie. I've watched it many times because I love it. Colin did an awesome, over-the-top job as a villain called Bullseye. They should have just made the move around him. He stands out so much, in a good way.

  5. that's a lovely gesture, so good for him. it's a nice to finally have a good impression (i hope it's not fleeting). he's been on my crap list ever since hearing all the stories years ago of how crappy he was to the baby momma of his special needs child...it had to have been a night mare for her since the sex tape scandal happened at the same time.

  6. @EmEyeKay - I completely agree! Oh how bad boy Colin played his role right How he was demanding with bland Electra, remember that super forced kiss that ended with a bloodied lip?

  7. That is wonderful of him. More people should take his lead.

  8. @Rita, yes! You are the ONLY PERSON I know who agrees with me on this. (Maybe we're the only ones who saw DareDevil?!)

  9. @EmEyeKay - that would certainly account for the poor box office $$$ It is both our dollars that account for that shitty movie!

  10. What a nice thing for him to do ... funny dont see any Kuntrashians doing anything like this ... oh thats right, they need a camera with them before they would do anything 'good'

  11. @Diane - you are forgetting how Kim and her mother went to visit Haiti.

    Oh right, sorry. They went for a fashion show and stayed at luxury hotels making luxury demands. Although they were invited by Maria Bello to help out, she has still yet to say anything in their defense, or about their contribution to the cause.

  12. I've never thought he was particularly good looking, but once when my parents were visiting NYC they stayed at the Mandarin Oriental at Columbus Circle. We were all having cocktails in the lobby and my sister and I went up to their room to use the bathroom. Colin got on the elevator with us. We both looked forward and didn't say a thing. The minute he got off we both yelled like hyenas. He was gorgeous in person. Like really hot.

    Anyway, go Colin. Good for you.

  13. Anonymous8:51 AM

    This was really great of him.

  14. @KLM - So jealous. Someone told me that he smells... manly, yet nice. Did you get a whiff? Am I sounding stalker-ish?

  15. I like the good gossip too!

    Yes Rita, you are sounding stalker-ish!

  16. He could have gone any day of the year. He's no innocent; he must have known there'd be folks with phone cameras and twitter accounts - he didn't need to generate publicity, he knew he'd get it.

    Doesn't he have two kids of his own and a family (sibs, etc.) that he could have saved Xmas Day for?

  17. I'm trying so hard to sit here at work and not cry my eyes out and now I am bawling. Thanks. What a good guy.

  18. Speaking of CF, I was getting physio a couple of years ago at a local facility.

    There I am being tortured on some machine and I glance up at their wall of photos of patients. And there's a photo of CF, endorsed to them!

    Turns out he injured not only his career filming Miami Vice. He goofed up some stunt and needed PT.

    The staff I asked all said he was incredibly nice, happy to pose for pix, etc., and they all seemed to like him.

    However - and this probably surprises nobody - he is incredibly profane. F this, F that, f-itty f f f. Wouldn't have bothered me a bit, but it bothered the staff who were tending to small kids.

    So I hope he managed to keep his effing mouth under effing control at the children's hospital on Xmas.

  19. This story just makes me love him even more. Something about him makes me melt.

  20. @Jamie - Love your story!

  21. That's because being in Dublin makes everyone a better person. :)

  22. I saw him getting an award for services to some charity that he works with (relating to his son's issues - forgot the name). He was super awesome and said many kind things about his son's mother.

  23. So sweet. I also give mad props to the nurses and doctors who take care of children in hospitals. That has to be such a tough job.

  24. He and Lenny Kravitz are my poster children for a term I like to use: Dirty Hot.

  25. I know a nurse who works at this hospital. Colin has visited the hospital numerous times and by all accounts is a pleasure to talk to. He's a good guy :)

  26. @CrazyCatLady - Love Dirty Hot!

  27. @Rita - No cursing in the elevator and I didn't really notice any particular scents, but then that could probably be attributed to my inability to breathe in his presence. Yum.

  28. It seems like getting clean has done wonders for him! It's really nice to see someone make it out of that celebrity addiction tornado and come out of it with a few scratches but otherwise unscathed. I know he could have done this any day of the year but the fact he did this on Xmas is most special to the kids I bet!

    And I just watched him in Fright Night a few weeks ago. Woo hoo!! He was awesome! Glad hes doing well for himself and for others

  29. @KLM - Thank you for feeding my addiction!

  30. He can smell, hold me, thrill, never let me go. Love him!
    He has always taken care of his two sons, even if he didn't marry the mothers, which I endorse. He's said it is the woman's choice to carry a child to term.
    He won the American Giving award this month, on TV. Paid for 100 families to come to the Angelman Foundation dinner, earlier this month. This is a usual Christmas visit. He brought over 100 presents.
    So many lies about him. I doubt he has herpes With so many partners, all those he's said goodbye to, and no one has gone to the paps? Even anonymously?
    He''s not perfect. He's better. He's beautifully flawed.

  31. ^My little-girl crush simply pales in comparison to your adoration:)

  32. Yes, a few of us are so jaded that we sometimes question as to whether an act of kindness like this is to generate publicity, but you know who doesn't care if a movie star is there for publicity? The children themselves. They just want to be remembered and considered and thought about. Sure, a lot of celebs do the publicity visits before Christmas - even weeks before. But Christmas day is a lonely day for a lot of these children. Most celebs are too busy flying off to St. Bart's, Mexico and Aspen to care enough to bother. Good for Colin for remembering them on the 25th.

  33. I have been hot for Colin for a looooong time. This just cements why he deserves it. Jason, well put about how children want to feel special on a day like that. I am sure quite a few of the mothers were happy he showed up too!

  34. He used to be a wild child, but he seems to have gotten his act together. I also thought he was super hot in Daredevil! And I guess I'm also one of a very few who liked the Miami Vice movie. Mostly because Gong Li is a goddess, though.

  35. Good for him. I now remember when I first saw him in "Minority Report". He stole that movie, and I was like, "Tom who?". There's nothing like seeing a man holding a baby. It melts my heart and makes me fall in love again.
