Friday, December 02, 2011

Elisabetta Canalis Shoves Mehcad Brooks - Tells Him To Leave

Apparently Mehcad Brooks must have recited one too many lines from E.R. because last night Mehcad and Elisabetta Canalis got into a huge fight in her apartment lobby. No fighting behind closed doors for these two. According to Radar, they did it all in plain view of everyone who watched them yell at each other and then watched Elisabetta shove Mehcad before running back up to her apartment getting all of his stuff and dumping it right there. She also said that she never wanted to see the a-hole again and that he should never contact her again. What is she doing here anyway? Didn't she have a job in Italy as a television host or newscaster or something before she hooked up with George? Does she think she is going to make it big here? I don't see it happening.


  1. She just discovered that he is batting for the other team.

    Wasn't there a blind about her being confronted by Mehcad's lover on the street not long ago?

    Word is, she is desperate for stardom in the US. That is why she hasn't disappeared like all of the Clooney's exes.

  2. Sounds like she's following the script for how to be famous for nothing. Create scandals. Public fights. Get a reality TV show. Whatever it takes to stay in the headlines. Maybe she will release a sex tape (I wish there were one with Clooney, but he's way to smart and classy for that).

  3. I was gonna say the same thing as Rita.

  4. She'll find someone new very quickly, is my guess. I thought her English was really weak? That would have been an interesting argument.

  5. I agree 100% with Seachica. I am sure the fight was staged. It has people talking about her now.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. She make a lot of money while she was with George, that's probably the thing she misses most about the relationship....

  8. I didn't even realize she was dating someone new.

    I don't see Elisabetta making it here in the states either. First off, she's not that pretty in comparison, 2nd that other chick that George was dating before also Elisabetta fell off the radar. George doesn't have the power to make his SO famous, even though they've done him a favor by bearding for him.

  9. Meh. His brother is hotter. He should be in LA instead of doing Esther's Follies in Austin.

  10. she's going to milk those 15 minutes...i only hope she lasers off that cheesy armband tattoo before the inevitable 'guest correspondent' gig on 'the insider'.

  11. Girl had an Eminem tattoo on her arm before covering it up. WHO tattoos a celebrity name on yourself?? Whyyy??

  12. Ooo, I didn't realize she lived in West Hollywood, I thought she lived in New York. She's gotta be the chick who discovered her bf is gay when her guy's guy confronted her in public. Blind item reveal!!!

  13. On Dancing With the Stars, she came across as VERY unlikable. Kinda brittle and bitchy.

  14. She needs to marry Kim Kardashian.

  15. ^^^HA HA HAAAAAAAA! YES!!!!

  16. Once a beard... always a beard? She comes off as a cold fish. Not surprised.

  17. LOVE HIM, btw!
    Couldn't stand her on DWTS.
    Seemed light as a feather, stiff as a bored (sic).

  18. I hope she isn't trying for an acting career - she was horrible on Leverage.
